Chapter 395 - Education of Persons With Disabilities
- 395.001 - Definitions.
- 395.0065 - “Related services” defined.
- 395.0075 - “School district” defined.
- 395.008 - “Special education program” defined.
- 395.010 - Special education program and related services to be provided to person with disability.
- 395.020 - Eligibility for benefits.
- 395.030 - Application for benefits; action by board of trustees.
- 395.040 - Duties of Superintendent of Public Instruction upon receipt of application.
- 395.050 - Transportation of person with disability; State to pay for provision of special education program and related services.
- 395.060 - Money to carry out provisions of chapter.
- 395.070 - Interagency Panel: Responsibility; membership; duties.
- 395.080 - Priority of placement in homes or facilities located in this State.