567.020. Prostitution.
567.020. 1. A person commits the crime of prostitution if the personperforms an act of prostitution.
2. Prostitution is a class B misdemeanor unless the person knew priorto performing the act of prostitution that he or she was infected with HIVin which case prostitution is a class B felony. The use of condoms is nota defense to this crime.
3. As used in this section, "HIV" means the human immunodeficiencyvirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
4. The judge may order a drug and alcohol abuse treatment program forany person found guilty of prostitution, either after trial or upon a pleaof guilty, before sentencing. For the class B misdemeanor offense, uponthe successful completion of such program by the defendant, the court mayat its discretion allow the defendant to withdraw the plea of guilty orreverse the verdict and enter a judgment of not guilty. For the class Bfelony offense, the court shall not allow the defendant to withdraw theplea of guilty or reverse the verdict and enter a judgment of not guilty.The judge, however, has discretion to take into consideration successfulcompletion of a drug or alcohol treatment program in determining thedefendant's sentence.
(L. 1977 S.B. 60, A.L. 1997 S.B. 347, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1756)