Chapter 567 Prostitution
- 567.010. Chapter definitions.
- 567.020. Prostitution.
- 567.030. Patronizing prostitution--penalty.
- 567.040. Prostitution and patronizing prostitution--sex of parties no defense, when.
- 567.050. Promoting prostitution in the first degree.
- 567.060. Promoting prostitution in the second degree.
- 567.070. Promoting prostitution in the third degree.
- 567.080. Prostitution houses deemed public nuisances.
- 567.085. Promoting travel for prostitution--penalty.
- 567.087. Prohibitions on travel agencies or tour operators--rebuttable presumption, advertisements.
- 567.089. Offering travel for purpose of prostitution prohibited--penalties.
- 567.090. Preemption and standardization.
- 567.100. Responsibilities of prosecuting attorneys and attorney general.
- 567.110. Persistent prostitution offender--penalty.
- 567.120. HIV testing for persons arrested for a prostitution-related offense.