523.274. Consideration of each parcel of property--time limit on commencement of eminent domain acquisitions.

Consideration of each parcel of property--time limit on commencementof eminent domain acquisitions.

523.274. 1. Where eminent domain authority is based upon adetermination that a defined area is blighted, the condemning authorityshall individually consider each parcel of property in the defined areawith regard to whether the property meets the relevant statutory definitionof blight. If the condemning authority finds a preponderance of thedefined redevelopment area is blighted, it may proceed with condemnation ofany parcels in such area.

2. No action to acquire property by eminent domain within aredevelopment area shall be commenced later than five years from the dateof the legislative determination, by ordinance, or otherwise, that theproperty is blighted, substandard, contains unsanitary conditions, or iseligible for classification within a conservation area as defined insection 99.805, RSMo. However, such determination may be renewed forsuccessive five-year periods by the legislative body.

(L. 2006 H.B. 1944)