Chapter 523 Condemnation Proceedings
- 523.001. Definitions.
- 523.010. Lands may be condemned, when--petition--parties--power of public utility to condemn certain lands, limitation.
- 523.020. Different owners may be joined in one petition.
- 523.030. Summons, when to issue, how served--publication.
- 523.039. Just compensation for condemned property, amount.
- 523.040. Appointment of commissioners--duties--notice of property viewing.
- 523.045. Interest on awards payable when--enforcement.
- 523.050. Commissioners' report--notice of filing--review.
- 523.053. Distribution of condemnation awards among defendants.
- 523.055. Possession of land delivered, when, notice--writ of possession, executed how.
- 523.060. Right of trial by jury in condemnation proceedings--jury responsibility in determining fair market value.
- 523.061. Determination of homestead taking and heritage value.
- 523.070. Costs, by whom paid.
- 523.080. Shall not enter or appropriate dwelling house.
- 523.090. Who may have damages ascertained--proceedings.
- 523.100. Appropriation of lands of corporations by other corporations.
- 523.200. Definitions.
- 523.205. Relocation assistance given, when--definitions--relocation plans--contents--residential payments--business payments--advance payments--waiver--notice--report--ineligibility for tax abatement,
- 523.210. Agencies authorized to establish rules and regulations.
- 523.215. Not to affect other condemnation compensation.
- 523.250. Notice of intended acquisition--mailing requirements.
- 523.253. Written offer, requirements--explanation of determination of property value.
- 523.256. Good faith negotiation required, findings, remedies.
- 523.259. Abandonment of condemnation, remedies--applicability.
- 523.261. Legislative determinations of areas to be condemned to be supported by substantial evidence, hearing, appeal.
- 523.262. Power of eminent domain limited, how--private entities to have power of eminent domain--notice.
- 523.265. Alternative locations for condemnation, procedure.
- 523.271. Exercise of eminent domain over private property for economic development purposes prohibited--definition.
- 523.274. Consideration of each parcel of property--time limit on commencement of eminent domain acquisitions.
- 523.277. Office of ombudsman for property rights.
- 523.282. Blanket easements void, when--definitions.
- 523.283. Easement or right-of-way by certain entities fixed by use--definition--commissioners appointed by court--attorneys' fees and costs for prevailing property owners.
- 523.286. Declaration of farmland as blighted prohibited--definition.