443.355. Continuance of sale by trustee without readvertisement, manner--restrictions.
Continuance of sale by trustee without readvertisement,manner--restrictions.
443.355. 1. A trustee exercising a power of sale grantedin any security instrument may, in his discretion, continue thesale without readvertisement or mailing additional notice byannouncing or causing to be announced on the day and at the timeand place of sale the fact of such continuance. The announcementshall contain the date, time and place to which the sale iscontinued. No party shall have a cause of action for damagesagainst a trustee for continuing or refusing to continue a saleas provided in this section.
2. Only one continuance shall be made under the authoritygranted by this section, which continuance shall be for a periodof not to exceed seven days. The provisions of this sectionshall not prevent the holder of a security instrument and theowner of the land encumbered thereby from agreeing to more thanone continuance or to continuances for more than one week.Nothing in this section shall prevent a trustee from abandoning asale before its completion and commencing new sale proceedingsafter compliance with sections 443.310, 443.320 and 443.325.
(L. 1993 H.B. 105 & 480)