379.114. Reasons for cancellation.
Reasons for cancellation.
379.114. 1. Except as provided in sections 379.110 to379.120, no insurer shall exercise its right to cancel a policyexcept for the following reasons:
(1) Nonpayment of premium; or
(2) The driver's license of the named insured has been undersuspension or revocation at any time during the policy period.Provided, however, in the event more than one person is named asinsured and only one of the persons named has his driver'slicense suspended or revoked then such policy may not becanceled, but the insurer may issue an exclusion providing, byname, that coverage will not be provided under the terms of thepolicy while such person is operating the insured vehicle duringany period of suspension or revocation.
2. Renewal of a policy shall not constitute a waiver orestoppel with respect to grounds for cancellation which existedbefore the effective date of such renewal and which were unknownto the insurer at the time of such renewal.
3. No insurer shall cancel or refuse to write or refuse torenew a policy of automobile insurance on any person with atleast two years' driving experience solely because of the age,residence, race, sex, color, creed, national origin, ancestry orlawful occupation, including the military service, of anyone whois or seeks to become insured or solely because another insurerhas refused to write a policy, or has canceled or has refused torenew an existing policy in which that person was the namedinsured, nor shall any insurance company or its agent orrepresentative require any applicant, policyholder or operator todivulge in a written application or otherwise whether any insurerhas canceled or refused to renew or issue to the applicant,policyholder or operator a policy of automobile insurance;provided, however, nothing herein contained shall be construed soas to require any insurer which under its plan of operationinsures a particular class of persons or customarily operates ina specific geographical territory to insure any person outside ofthe class or operate outside the geographical territory.
(L. 1973 H.B. 354 § 3, A.L. 1974 S.B. 572)(1977) This section does not prohibit a cancellation whose effective date would occur more than sixty-one days past the issuance of the policy so long as the cancellation was initiated during the initial sixty-day period. Hudson v. State Security Insurance Co. (A.), 555 S.W.2d 859.