Chapter 5 - Chancery Courts.
- 9-5-1 - Chancellors; election, holding of court terms, terms of office, and residency.
- 9-5-3 - Chancery court districts; terms of court; determination of appropriate number of chancellorships for each district.
- 9-5-5 - First district; composition.
- 9-5-7 - First district; number of chancellors.
- 9-5-9 - Second district; composition.
- 9-5-11 - Third district; composition.
- 9-5-13 - Third district; number of chancellors; number and election of chancellors of subdistricts.
- 9-5-15 - Fourth district; composition.
- 9-5-17 - Fifth district; composition.
- 9-5-19 - Fifth district; number and election of chancellors; divisions of court.
- 9-5-21 - Sixth district; composition.
- 9-5-22 - Sixth district; number of chancellors.
- 9-5-23 - Seventh district; composition.
- 9-5-25 - Seventh district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-27 - Eighth district; composition.
- 9-5-29 - Eighth district; number and election of chancellors; divisions of court.
- 9-5-31 - Ninth district; composition.
- 9-5-33 - Ninth district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-35 - Tenth district; composition.
- 9-5-36 - Tenth district; number and election of chancellors; residence.
- 9-5-37 - Eleventh district; composition.
- 9-5-38 - Eleventh district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-39 - Twelfth district; composition.
- 9-5-40 - Twelfth district; number of chancellors.
- 9-5-41 - Thirteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-43 - Fourteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-45 - Fourteenth district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-47 - Fifteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-49 - Sixteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-50 - Sixteenth district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-51 - Seventeenth district; composition; division; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-53 - Eighteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-54 - Eighteenth district; number of chancellors.
- 9-5-55 - Nineteenth district; composition.
- 9-5-57 - Twentieth district; composition.
- 9-5-58 - Twentieth district; number and election of chancellors.
- 9-5-81 - Jurisdiction of the chancery court, in general.
- 9-5-83 - Court may determine all matters in estates administered.
- 9-5-85 - Court may summon all persons and punish for contempt.
- 9-5-87 - Power to punish for violation of injunction.
- 9-5-89 - Guardian ad litem; appointment and compensation; effect of failure to appoint.
- 9-5-91 - Repealed.
- 9-5-93 - Trial of causes in vacation; power to enter decree prior to adjournment of next succeeding term.
- 9-5-95 - Court or chancellor may extend time in vacation.
- 9-5-97 - Additional powers of chancellor in vacation.
- 9-5-99 - and 9-5-101. Repealed.
- 9-5-103 - Bonds of receivers, assignees, executors may be reduced or cancelled, if excessive or for sufficient cause.
- 9-5-105 - Expense of chancellor in hearing vacation matter paid equally by parties.
- 9-5-131 - Bond of clerk.
- 9-5-132 - Training and continuing education course requirements for chancery clerks; filing of certificate of compliance; penalty for failure to file; courses; expenses; continuing education credit fo
- 9-5-133 - How clerk of chancery court may appoint deputies.
- 9-5-135 - Clerk to attend court and keep minutes.
- 9-5-137 - Other duties of the clerk.
- 9-5-139 - Chancery clerk's office at Biloxi.
- 9-5-141 - Acts clerk may perform at any time.
- 9-5-143 - Repealed.
- 9-5-145 - How proceedings before clerk to be conducted.
- 9-5-147 - All acts of clerk subject to approval or disapproval.
- 9-5-149 - Repealed.
- 9-5-151 - How minutes of proceedings before clerk preserved and approved.
- 9-5-153 - How approval of clerk's minutes and orders shown.
- 9-5-155 - Bonds examined by chancellor.
- 9-5-157 - Register of sureties on bonds to be kept.
- 9-5-159 - Abstract of certain decrees furnished circuit clerk.
- 9-5-161 - Clerk to make final record of causes.
- 9-5-163 - Custodian of certain records and papers.
- 9-5-165 - Removal and return of court files and documents in clerk's office.
- 9-5-167 - Newspaper subscribed for and preserved.
- 9-5-169 - All records and papers subject to inspection.
- 9-5-171 - Destruction of records.
- 9-5-173 - Register of claims against estates.
- 9-5-201 - Dockets to be kept; general docket, and other entries therein.
- 9-5-203 - Matters testamentary, etc., to be docketed.
- 9-5-205 - Issue docket.
- 9-5-207 - through 9-5-211. Repealed.
- 9-5-213 - Motion docket and entries.
- 9-5-215 - Loose leaf docket.
- 9-5-217 - Execution docket and entries therein.
- 9-5-241 - through 9-5-253. Repealed.
- 9-5-255 - Family masters; appointment, qualifications, powers, and duties.