Section 324.11535 - County or regional solid waste management planning agency; duties.
Act 451 of 1994
324.11535 County or regional solid waste management planning agency; duties.
Sec. 11535.
A county or regional solid waste management planning agency preparing a solid waste management plan shall do all of the following:
(a) Solicit the advice of and consult periodically during the preparation of the plan with the municipalities, appropriate organizations, and the private sector in the county under section 11538(1) and solicit the advice of and consult with the appropriate county or regional solid waste management planning agency and adjacent counties and municipalities in adjacent counties which may be significantly affected by the solid waste management plan for a county.
(b) If a planning committee has been appointed under section 11534, prepare the plan with the advice, consultation, and assistance of the planning committee.
(c) Notify by letter the chief elected official of each municipality within the county and any other person within the county so requesting, not less than 10 days before each public meeting of the planning agency designated by the county, if that planning agency plans to discuss the county plan. The letter shall indicate as precisely as possible the subject matter being discussed.
(d) Submit for review a copy of the proposed county or regional solid waste management plan to the department, to each municipality within the affected county, and to adjacent counties and municipalities that may be affected by the plan or that have requested the opportunity to review the plan. The county plan shall be submitted for review to the designated regional solid waste management planning agency for that county. Reviewing agencies shall be allowed an opportunity of not less than 3 months to review and comment on the plan before adoption of the plan by the county or a designated regional solid waste management planning agency. The comments of a reviewing agency shall be submitted with the plan to the county board of commissioners or to the regional solid waste management planning agency.
(e) Publish a notice, at the time the plan is submitted for review under subdivision (d), of the availability of the plan for inspection or copying, at cost, by an interested person.
(f) Conduct a public hearing on the proposed county solid waste management plan before formal adoption. A notice shall be published not less than 30 days before a hearing in a newspaper having a major circulation within the county. The notice shall indicate a location where copies of the plan are available for public inspection and shall indicate the time and place of the public hearing.
History: 1994, Act 451, Eff. Mar. 30, 1995
Popular Name: Act 451
Popular Name: NREPA
Popular Name: Solid Waste Act