451-1994-II-3-115 - PART 115 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (324.11501...324.11550)
- Section 324.11501 - Meanings of words and phrases.
- Section 324.11502 - Definitions; A to C.
- Section 324.11503 - Definitions; D to W.
- Section 324.11504 - Definitions; H to T.
- Section 324.11505 - Definitions; R, S.
- Section 324.11506 - Definitions; S to Y.
- Section 324.11507 - Development of methods for disposal of solid waste; construction and administration of part; exemption of inert material from regulation.
- Section 324.11507a - Report on amount of solid waste received by landfill and amount of remaining disposal capacity.
- Section 324.11508 - Solid waste management program; certification.
- Section 324.11509 - Construction permit for establishment of disposal area; application; engineering plan; construction permit application fee for landfill; construction permit for solid waste transfe
- Section 324.11510 - Advisory analysis of proposed disposal area; duties of department upon receipt of construction permit application.
- Section 324.11511 - Construction permit; approval or denial of issuance; expiration; renewal; fee; additional information; conditions to issuance of construction permit for disposal area.
- Section 324.11511a - Repealed. 2004, Act 38, Eff. Jan. 1, 2006.
- Section 324.11511b - RDDP.
- Section 324.11512 - Disposal of solid waste at licensed disposal area; license required to conduct, manage, maintain, or operate disposal area; application; contents; fee; certification; resubmitting
- Section 324.11513 - Acceptance of solid waste or municipal solid waste incinerator ash for disposal; enforcement.
- Section 324.11514 - Promotion of recycling and reuse of materials; electronics recycling; materials prohibited from disposal in landfill; disposal of yard clippings; report.
- Section 324.11515 - Inspection of site; compliance; hydrogeologic monitoring program as condition to licensing landfill facility; determining course of action; revocation of license; issuance of timet
- Section 324.11516 - Final decision on license application; time; effect of failure to make final decision; expiration and renewal of operating license; fee; entry on private or public property; inspec
- Section 324.11517 - Plan for program reducing incineration of noncombustible materials and dangerous combustible materials and other hazardous by-products; approval or disapproval; considerations; mod
- Section 324.11518 - Sanitary landfill; instrument imposing restrictive covenant on land; filing; contents of covenant; authorization; special exemption; construction of part.
- Section 324.11519 - Specifying reasons for denial of construction permit or operating license; cease and desist order; grounds for order revoking, suspending, or restricting permit or license; contest
- Section 324.11520 - Disposition of fees; special fund; disposition of solid waste on private property.
- Section 324.11521 - Yard clippings; management; means; temporary accumulation; requirements; composting on farm; qualification as registered composting facility; site at which yard clippings are manag
- Section 324.11522 - Open burning of grass clippings or leaves.
- Section 324.11523 - Financial assurance; cash bond; payments; interest; reduction in bond; termination; noncompliance with closure and postclosure monitoring and maintenance requirements; expiration o
- Section 324.11523a - Operation of type II landfill.
- Section 324.11523b - Trust fund or escrow account.
- Section 324.11524 - Reduction or increase in financial assurance.
- Section 324.11525 - Perpetual care fund.
- Section 324.11525a - Owner or operator of landfill or municipal solid waste incinerator; surcharge; payment; deposit; “captive facility” defined.
- Section 324.11525b - Continuous financial assurance coverage required; request for termination of requirements.
- Section 324.11526 - Inspection of solid waste transporting unit; determination; administration; inspections.
- Section 324.11526a - Solid waste generated out of state; acceptance by owner or operator of landfill prohibited; exceptions; disposal capacity.
- Section 324.11526b - Compliance with MCL 324.11526b required; notice requirements; compilation of list; documentation.
- Section 324.11526c - Order restricting or prohibiting solid waste transportation or disposal in this state.
- Section 324.11526e - Disposal of municipal solid waste generated outside of United States; applicability of subsections (1) and (2).
- Section 324.11527 - Delivery of waste to licensed disposal area or solid waste transfer facility; vehicle or container; violation; penalty.
- Section 324.11527a - Website listing materials prohibited from disposal; notice to customers.
- Section 324.11528 - Solid waste transporting unit; watertight; construction, maintenance, and operation; violation; penalties; ordering unit out of service.
- Section 324.11529 - Exemptions.
- Section 324.11530 - Collection center for junk motor vehicles and farm implements; competitive bidding; bonds; “collect” defined.
- Section 324.11531 - Solid waste removal; frequency; disposal; ordinance.
- Section 324.11532 - Impact fees; agreement; collection, payment, and disposition; reduction; use of revenue; trust fund; board of trustees; membership and terms; expenditures from trust fund.
- Section 324.11533 - Initial solid waste management plan; contents; submission; review and update; amendment; scope of plan; minimum compliance; consultation with regional planning agency; filing, form
- Section 324.11534 - Planning committee; purpose; appointment, qualifications, and terms of members; approval of appointment; reappointment; vacancy; removal; chairperson; procedures.
- Section 324.11535 - County or regional solid waste management planning agency; duties.
- Section 324.11536 - Request by municipality to be included in plan of adjacent county; approval by resolution; appeal; final decision; formal action on plan; return of plan with statement of objection
- Section 324.11537 - Approval or disapproval of plan by department; time; minimum requirements; periodic review; revisions or corrections; withdrawal of approval; timetable or schedule for compliance.
- Section 324.11537a - Use of siting mechanisms to site capacity.
- Section 324.11538 - Rules for development, form, and submission of initial solid waste management plans; requirements; identification of specific sites; calculation of disposal need requirements; inte
- Section 324.11539 - Plan update; approval; conditions; rules.
- Section 324.11539a - Plan update; submission to legislature; standard format.
- Section 324.11540 - Rules; sanitary design and operational standards.
- Section 324.11541 - State solid waste management plan; contents; duties of department.
- Section 324.11542 - Municipal solid waste incinerator ash; disposal.
- Section 324.11543 - Municipal solid waste incinerator ash; transportation.
- Section 324.11544 - List of laboratories capable of performing test provided for in MCL 324.11542; compilation; publication; definitive testing; fraudulent or careless testing.
- Section 324.11545 - Incineration of used oil prohibited; “oil” defined.
- Section 324.11546 - Action for appropriate relief; penalties for violation or noncompliance; restoration; return; civil action.
- Section 324.11547 - Grant program; establishment; purpose; interlocal agreements; separate planning grant; appropriation; use of grant funds by department; rules; financial assistance to certified hea
- Section 324.11548 - Private sector; legislative intent; salvaging not prohibited.
- Section 324.11549 - Violation as misdemeanor; violation as felony; penalty; separate offenses.
- Section 324.11550 - Solid waste management fund; creation; deposit of money into fund; establishment of solid waste staff account and perpetual care account; expenditures; report.