- 44-901
- 44-902
- 44-903 to 44-906
- 44-907
- 44-908
- 44-909 to 44-911
- 44-912
- 44-913. Title and application of act.
- 44-914. Definitions.
- 44-915. Act inapplicable to certain boilers and pressure vessels.
- 44-916. Rules and regulations; inspections; certifications.
- 44-917. Conformity to law, variance; maximum allowable pressure; application of act to boilers and pressure vessels previously installed.
- 44-918. Chief inspector; qualifications, compensation; powers and duties.
- 44-919. Deputy inspectors; qualifications, compensation.
- 44-920. Insurance company inspectors; certificates of competency as special inspectors; employment status; inspections by, exempt from state fee.
- 44-921. Same; suspension, reinstatement, revocation of certificate.
- 44-922. Same; replacement of lost or destroyed certificate.
- 44-923. Inspections.
- 44-924. Same; report by inspector; inspection certificate period of validity; suspension.
- 44-925. Installation and operation violations; penalties.
- 44-926. Inspection and certificate fees; disposition.
- 44-927. Bond; chief inspector, deputy inspectors.
- 44-928. Hearing on actions of secretary or chief inspector; judicial review.
- 44-929. Exclusive jurisdiction of state over boiler safety.
- 44-930. Severability.