166D.9 QUARANTINED HERDS. 1. Swine which are part of a quarantined herd shall only be moved by restricted movement in accordance with section 166D.10A. 2. A herd shall be released from quarantine when no animal, including livestock, on the premises shows clinical symptoms of pseudorabies. In addition one of the following must occur: a. The swine have been removed from the premises, and the premises have been cleaned and disinfected under supervision of the department or the inspection service. The disinfectant shall be approved by the department or inspection service. The premises must have been maintained free of swine for thirty days. However, the epidemiologist for good cause may determine that premises shall be maintained free of swine for a period greater or less than thirty days. b. Swine reacting positively to a test have been removed from the premises. Remaining swine, except suckling pigs, must be tested and react negatively to the test thirty days or more after removal of the herd's swine reacting positively to the test. c. The swine reacting positively to a test have been removed from the premises. At least thirty days after removal of the positive swine, breeding swine remaining plus a random sample equaling twenty-eight of grower-finishing swine more than two months of age must react negatively to the test. While the state is in stage III or IV of the national pseudorabies program pursuant to federal regulations, the grower-finisher swine must react negatively to a test at least thirty days after reacting negatively to the last test. 3. a. While the state is classified in stage I, II, or III of the national pseudorabies program pursuant to federal regulations, the following requirements must be satisfied: (1) All swine present on the date the quarantine was imposed have been removed. (2) There must have been no clinical signs of pseudorabies in the herd for at least six months. (3) The epidemiologist must either conduct two successive statistical samplings at least ninety days apart, or conduct statistical samplings according to rules adopted by the department which are consistent with the national pseudorabies eradication program, which reveal no infection within the new breeding swine. (4) The epidemiologist must either conduct two successive statistical samplings ninety days apart, or conduct statistical samplings according to rules adopted by the department which are consistent with the national pseudorabies eradication program, which reveal no infection in the herd's progeny at least four months of age. b. A herd removed from quarantine under this subsection shall be tested by statistical sampling one year later, unless an epidemiologist determines that the herd must be tested earlier.Section History: Recent Form
89 Acts, ch 280, §9; 90 Acts, ch 1168, § 29; 97 Acts, ch 183, § 8, 13; 98 Acts, ch 1056, §7; 2000 Acts, ch 1110, §12--14, 25; 2009 Acts, ch 41, §263 Referred to in § 166D.2, 166D.8