166B.2  GENERAL AUTHORITY.
         The department may destroy or require the destruction of any swine
      which the state veterinarian knows to be, or suspects is, affected
      with or exposed to hog cholera, whenever the department finds such
      destruction to be necessary to prevent or reduce the danger of the
      spread of hog cholera.  Disposal of condemned swine shall be under
      the supervision of a regulatory employee.  Salvage of apparently
      healthy marketable swine is permissible as a minimum provision and
      may be discontinued in favor of total herd disposition with
      indemnification as necessary and without such salvage in any case or
      at any time when it is determined by the department and the United
      States department of agriculture that the procedure would constitute
      an undue threat to the eradication program.  Before being condemned
      and ordered to be destroyed, a positive diagnosis of hog cholera
      affecting the herd must be confirmed by a state or federal laboratory
      or personnel approved by the department and the United States
      department of agriculture.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 166B.2]