Section 42-3405.09 - Judicial review

Judicial review

(a) After the issuance of a final decision and order pursuant to this chapter, and within 15 days after the Mayor has notified the parties of the final decision and order, any party to such proceeding may seek judicial review of such decision and order by filing a petition for review in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

(b) Proceedings for judicial review of Mayoral actions shall be subject to and be in accordance with § 2-510.


(Sept. 10, 1980, D.C. Law 3-86, § 509, 27 DCR 2975; Aug. 1, 1981, D.C. Law 4-27, § 2(i), 28 DCR 2824.)


Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 45-1659.
Legislative History of Laws
For legislative history of D.C. Law 3-86, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 42-3401.01.
For legislative history of D.C. Law 4-27, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 42-3402.03.

Current through September 13, 2012