Chapter 34 - Rental Housing Conversion and Sale (Subchapter I to Subchapter V)
- Subchapter I - Findings; Purposes; Definitions (Section 42-3401.01 to Section 42-3401.04)
- Subchapter II - Conversion Procedures (Section 42-3402.01 to Section 42-3402.11)
- Subchapter III - Relocation Assistance (Section 42-3403.01 to Section 42-3403.09)
- Subchapter IV - Opportunity to Purchase (Section 42-3404.01 to Section 42-3404.13)
- Subchapter IV-A - District's Opportunity to Purchase (Section 42-3404.31 to Section 42-3404.37)
- Subchapter V - Implementation and Enforcement (Section 42-3405.01 to Section 42-3405.13)