Chapter 557
- Sec. 31-12. Hours of labor of minor, elderly and handicapped persons in manufacturing or mechanical establishments.
- Sec. 31-13. Hours of labor of minors, elderly and handicapped persons in mercantile establishments.
- Sec. 31-13a. Employer to furnish record of hours worked, wages earned and deductions.
- Sec. 31-13b. Visible clock required as part of time card system.
- Sec. 31-14. Night work of minors regulated.
- Sec. 31-15. Penalty.
- Sec. 31-15a. Criminal penalty.
- Sec. 31-16. Night work in messenger service.
- Sec. 31-17. Hours of labor of minors and women in bowling alleys, shoe-shining establishments, billiard and pool rooms.
- Sec. 31-18. Hours of labor of minors, elderly and handicapped persons in certain other establishments.
- Secs. 31-19 and 31-20. Employment of women between one a.m. and six a.m. Hours of women entertainers.
- Sec. 31-21. Legal day's work.
- Sec. 31-22. Labor Commissioner's duties of enforcement and reports.
- Secs. 31-22a to 31-22l.
- Sec. 31-22m. (Formerly Sec. 31-51a). Apprenticeship. Definitions.
- Sec. 31-22n. (Formerly Sec. 31-51b). Apprenticeship council.
- Sec. 31-22o. (Formerly Sec. 31-51c). Powers and duties of council.
- Sec. 31-22p. (Formerly Sec. 31-51d). Labor Commissioner's powers and duties.
- Sec. 31-22q. (Formerly Sec. 31-51e). Program of apprentice training.
- Sec. 31-22r. Apprenticeship registration; apprentices, sponsors.
- Sec. 31-22s. Report re feasibility of on-line apprenticeship registration system.
- Sec. 31-22t. (Formerly Sec. 31-51j). Preclusion of apprentice training programs prohibited.
- Sec. 31-23. Employment of minors prohibited in certain occupations. Exceptions.
- Sec. 31-23a. Minors employed on or after October 1, 2007, deemed to have been lawfully employed.
- Sec. 31-24. Hazardous employment of children forbidden.
- Sec. 31-25. Operation of elevators by minors.
- Secs. 31-26 and 31-27. Employment of women before and after confinement. Seats to be provided for female employees.
- Sec. 31-28. Registration of manufacturing and mechanical establishments.
- Sec. 31-29. Manufacturing license for residential buildings.
- Sec. 31-30. Home workers.
- Sec. 31-31. Records of home workers and materials.
- Sec. 31-32. Penalty.
- Sec. 31-33. Regulation of industrial home work.
- Sec. 31-34. Stained glass windows.
- Sec. 31-35. Lighting and sanitary condition of factories and roundhouses.
- Sec. 31-36. Toilet room required in foundries. Penalty.
- Sec. 31-37. Toilet accommodations in manufacturing, mechanical and mercantile establishments and restaurants.
- Sec. 31-38. Toilet accommodations on tobacco plantations.
- Sec. 31-38a. Sanitary, lighting and heating facilities for railroad employees.
- Sec. 31-38b. Commissioner to enforce.
- Sec. 31-39. Employees in paper factory to be vaccinated.
- Sec. 31-39a. Operation of hydraulic loading and unloading equipment at resources recovery facilities.
- Sec. 31-40. Reporting serious accidents in establishments or work places under jurisdiction of Labor Commissioner.
- Sec. 31-40a. (Formerly Sec. 19-48). Reports of occupational diseases and investigations concerning them.
- Sec. 31-40b. Employers required to provide lung function tests to certain employees.
- Sec. 31-40c. Information and notice requirements for employers using or producing carcinogens.
- Sec. 31-40d. Complaints of violations. Inspections. Discrimination prohibited.
- Sec. 31-40e. Order to comply. Citation. Hearing. Appeal.
- Sec. 31-40f. Penalties. Duties of Labor Commissioner. Private right of action.
- Sec. 31-40g. Information requirements for employers using or producing substances hazardous to reproductive systems.
- Sec. 31-40h. Sterilization as condition of employment prohibited.
- Sec. 31-40i. Enforcement. Private right of action.
- Sec. 31-40j. Definitions.
- Sec. 31-40k. Employee's right to information concerning toxic substances. Employer's list.
- Sec. 31-40l. Information requirements for employer using or producing toxic substances.
- Sec. 31-40m. Information requirements of supplier of toxic substances. Labor Department assistance.
- Sec. 31-40n. Trade secret protections. Registration with Labor Commissioner.
- Sec. 31-40o. Discrimination prohibited. Waiver of rights void.
- Sec. 31-40p. Severability.
- Sec. 31-40q. Smoking in the workplace. Designation of smoking rooms.
- Sec. 31-40r. Regulations establishing guidelines for exemptions from nonsmoking area requirements.
- Sec. 31-40s. Smoking or use of tobacco products outside of the workplace.
- Sec. 31-40t. Employee's right to act in case of hazardous conditions. Complaints to and investigations by Labor Commissioner. Hearings. Regulations.
- Sec. 31-40u. Regulations establishing guidelines for use of video display terminals in state facilities.
- Sec. 31-40v. Establishment of safety and health committees by certain employers.
- Sec. 31-40w. Breastfeeding in the workplace.
- Sec. 31-41. Order to remove excessive dust.
- Sec. 31-42. Appliances for threading shuttles.
- Sec. 31-43. Public laundries; sanitation.
- Sec. 31-44. Penalty for violation of orders.
- Sec. 31-45. Emergency kits required in factories.
- Sec. 31-45a. Protection of feet.
- Secs. 31-46 and 31-46a. Safety regulations for workmen in building operations. Regulations for safe working conditions where no other provision; industrial safety committee.
- Sec. 31-47. Inspection of employee lodging houses.
- Sec. 31-48. Laborers not to be overcharged.
- Sec. 31-48a. Recruitment or referral of professional strikebreaker restricted.
- Sec. 31-48b. Use of electronic surveillance devices by employers limited. Prohibition on recording negotiations between employers and employees.
- Sec. 31-48c. Hiring of municipal police during labor dispute prohibited.
- Sec. 31-48d. Employers engaged in electronic monitoring required to give prior notice to employees. Exceptions. Civil penalty.
- Sec. 31-49. Care required of a master for his servant's safety.
- Sec. 31-50. Enforcement.
- Sec. 31-50a. Noncompete agreements: Security guards.
- Sec. 31-50b. Noncompete agreements: Broadcast employees.
- Sec. 31-51. Blacklisting.
- Secs. 31-51a to 31-51e.
- Sec. 31-51f. Participation in Manpower Development and Training Act.
- Sec. 31-51g. Use of polygraph prohibited. Penalty. Exceptions.
- Sec. 31-51h. Employer not to cancel insurance coverage or cease making contributions to welfare fund of employee eligible to receive or receiving workers' compensation or sick leave payments. Empl
- Sec. 31-51i. Employer inquiries about erased criminal record prohibited. Discrimination on the basis of erased criminal record or provisional pardon prohibited. Availability of information on employme
- Sec. 31-51j.
- Sec. 31-51k. Employment of alien not entitled to residence.
- Sec. 31-51l. Leave of absence for certain public and private employees elected to public office.
- Sec. 31-51m. Protection of employee who discloses employer's illegal activities or unethical practices. Civil action.
- Sec. 31-51n. Definitions.
- Sec. 31-51o. Continuation of group health insurance for employees affected by relocation or closing of covered establishment. Exceptions.
- Sec. 31-51p. Membership in health care center as part of health benefits plan.
- Sec. 31-51q. Liability of employer for discipline or discharge of employee on account of employee's exercise of certain constitutional rights.
- Sec. 31-51r. Execution of employment promissory note prohibited.
- Sec. 31-51s. Notice to retired employees of sale of employer's business and effect on retirement benefits.
- Sec. 31-51t. Drug testing: Definitions.
- Sec. 31-51u. Drug testing: Requirements.
- Sec. 31-51v. Drug testing: Prospective employees.
- Sec. 31-51w. Drug testing: Observation prohibited. Privacy of results.
- Sec. 31-51x. Drug testing: Reasonable suspicion required. Random tests.
- Sec. 31-51y. Drug testing: Medical screenings, regulation of employees and testing of gaming participants permitted.
- Sec. 31-51z. Drug testing: Enforcement. Damages.
- Sec. 31-51aa. Drug testing: Effect of collective bargaining agreement.
- Sec. 31-51bb. Right of employee to pursue cause of action.
- Secs. 31-51cc to 31-51gg. Family and medical leave: Definitions, length of leave, eligibility. Prohibition of discrimination. Regulations, report. Phase-in provisions. Report on establishment of state
- Sec. 31-51hh. Reimbursement by employee of any loss or shortage resulting from wrongdoing by a customer.
- Sec. 31-51ii. Meal periods. Exemptions. Regulations.
- Sec. 31-51jj. Notice to employees of incoming emergency telephone calls.
- Sec. 31-51kk. Family and medical leave: Definitions.
- Sec. 31-51ll. Family and medical leave: Length of leave; eligibility; intermittent or reduced leave schedules; substitution of accrued paid leave; notice to employer.
- Sec. 31-51mm. Family and medical leave: Certification.
- Sec. 31-51nn. Family and medical leave: Employment and benefits protection.
- Sec. 31-51oo. Family and medical leave: Confidentiality of medical records and documents.
- Sec. 31-51pp. Family and medical leave: Prohibited acts, complaints, rights and remedies.
- Sec. 31-51qq. Family and medical leave: Regulations, report.
- Sec. 31-51rr. Family and medical leave benefits for employees of political subdivisions.
- Secs. 31-51ss and 31-51tt.
- Sec. 31-51uu. Optional exclusion of employee health insurance premiums from gross income.
- Sec. 31-51vv. Employment of person coerced to engage in such employment prohibited.
- Sec. 31-51ww. Individual development account programs: Definitions.
- Sec. 31-51xx. Connecticut IDA Initiative established. Implementation.
- Sec. 31-51yy. Eligibility. Duties of community-based organizations and financial institutions.
- Sec. 31-51zz. Individual Development Account Reserve Fund: Funds deposited in.
- Sec. 31-51aaa. Individual Development Account Reserve Fund: Use and administration.
- Sec. 31-51bbb. Account funds excluded in determination of eligibility for or benefit level of certain programs.
- Sec. 31-51ccc. Program evaluation. Report.
- Sec. 31-51ddd. Regulations.
- Sec. 31-51eee. Receipt of funds authorized.
- Sec. 31-51fff. Restrictions on funding expenditures to apply.
- Sec. 31-52. Preference to state citizens in construction of public buildings. Enforcement of violations.
- Sec. 31-52a. Residents' preference in work on other public facilities.
- Sec. 31-52b. Exceptions.
- Sec. 31-53. Construction, alteration or repair of public works projects by state or political subdivision; wage rates; certified payroll. Penalties for violations.
- Sec. 31-53a. Distribution of accrued payments. Debarment list. Limitation on awarding contracts. Sworn affidavits required of subcontractors. Civil penalty. Right of action.
- Sec. 31-53b. Construction safety and health course. New miner training program. Proof of completion required for mechanics, laborers and workers on public works projects. Enforcement. Regulations. Exc
- Sec. 31-54. Rate of wages for work on state highways.
- Sec. 31-55. Posting of wage rates by contractors doing state work.
- Sec. 31-55a. Annual adjustments to wage rates by contractors doing state work.
- Sec. 31-56. Hours of labor on state bridges.
- Sec. 31-57. Hours of labor on construction, alteration or repair of public works project.
- Sec. 31-57a. Awarding of contracts to National Labor Relations Act violators prohibited.
- Sec. 31-57b. Awarding of contracts to occupational safety and health law violators prohibited.
- Sec. 31-57c. Disqualification of certain contractors from bidding on, applying for or participating in public works contracts with the state: Disqualification by Commissioner of Public Works; procedur
- Sec. 31-57d. Disqualification of certain contractors from bidding on, applying for or participating in public works contracts with the state: Disqualification by Commissioner of Transportation; proced
- Sec. 31-57e. Contracts between the state and federally recognized Indian tribes. Employment Rights Code; protection of persons employed by a tribe.
- Sec. 31-57f. Standard wage rate for certain service workers. Definitions. Standard rate required. Civil penalty. Complaints. Determination of standard rate by Labor Commissioner. Effect on employers b
- Sec. 31-57g. Employment protection for displaced service contract workers at Bradley International Airport. Definitions. Obligations of awarding authority and contractors upon termination of service c
- Sec. 31-57h. Joint enforcement commission on employee misclassification. Members. Duties. Report.
- Sec. 31-57i. Employee Misclassification Advisory Board. Members. Duties.