People v. Soliday

Case Date: 05/09/2000
Court: 4th District Appellate
Docket No: 4-99-0808

People v. Soliday, No. 4-99-0808

4th District, 9 May 2000






Appeal from Circuit Court of Champaign County

No. 98CM481

Honorable Jeffrey B. Ford, Judge Presiding.

JUSTICE STEIGMANN delivered the opinion of the court:

In April 1998, the State charged defendant, Larry Soliday, with criminal damage to property (720 ILCS 5/21-1(1)(d) (West1998)). In June 1998, the trial court dismissed the State's charge. The State appeals, arguing that (1) dismissal was improperbecause the charge met the pleading requirements set forth in section 111-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963(Procedural Code) (725 ILCS 5/111-3 (West 1998)); and (2) the court violated standards of impartiality and the principle ofseparation of powers by assuming the role of prosecutor and voicing strong disapproval of the State's choice of charges. Wereverse and remand.


In April 1998, the State filed an information alleging that "defendant committed the offense of criminal damage to property--[a] [C]lass A misdemeanor, in that [he] knowingly injured a domestic animal of Champaign County Rottweiler Rescue[(RR)], namely: Tritan, without the consent of the [RR], the said damage not exceeding $300.00."

In June 1998, defendant filed a motion to dismiss, asserting that, as a matter of law, he could not be found guilty of criminaldamage to property because the dog was his property and not "the property of another" as required by section 21-1(1)(d) ofthe Criminal Code of 1961 (Criminal Code) (720 ILCS 5/21-1(1)(d) (West 1998)). Defendant attached to his motion a copyof a written agreement between himself and RR, which obligated him to satisfy various conditions related to Tritan's care.The agreement provided that his violation of some of the conditions would result in Tritan's return to RR.

Later in June 1998, the State filed a response to defendant's motion, alleging the following. In March 1998, defendant shotTritan multiple times with a handgun after he urinated and defecated in defendant's residence. Defendant misinformed RRthat Tritan had been hit and killed by a car, but later defendant admitted that he had shot Tritan. Defendant returned Tritan'sbody to RR wrapped in a bloody, debris-covered sheet. The State conceded that defendant had a possessory interest inTritan but maintained that RR retained a proprietary interest in the dog pursuant to its agreement with defendant. Accordingto the State, a charge of criminal damage to property may be sustained when the accused has an interest in property withanother and has defeated or impaired the other's interest.

At the June 1998 hearing on defendant's motion to dismiss, the State attempted to show that RR had an interest in Tritan.The trial court granted defendant's motion to dismiss. The court explained its ruling as follows.

"Let's start with the obvious. This is not a charge of cruel treatment to animals. I believe that the people who testified,[RR], are interested, as everyone should be, in animals not being treated cruelly. And if the defendant was chargedwith that, we wouldn't all be here. No person or owner may beat, cruelly treat, torture, starve, overwork or otherwiseabuse any animal. No owner may abandon any animal or become a public charge (unintelligible) suffer injury,hunger[,] or exposure. That would be appropriate to what we have here. The State's Attorney's [o]ffice sought not tocharge this [d]efendant with the obvious. They decided 'we're going to try a new legal theory and charge thisdefendant.' And that's what we have here. We don't have the defendant charged with, apparently, what the State issaying he did. We are here, apparently, because we want to get a higher penalty on this person, which means we don'tlike the law and the charge and the amount of penalty that you can have under the animal section.
*** [I]f this contract is ambiguous--and if this is a contract[,] it is very ambiguous--ah, then the State can't prove itbeyond a reasonable doubt. Contract interpretation is a matter of law. It's not a matter for jurors to determine at thispoint. ***
When you talk about possessory interest and the State has continued to argue that [RR] has a possessory interest inthis, it is not a possessory interest. *** They have attempted in this poorly worded document to retain some sort ofinterest. At best some sort of reverter interest. That's not a possessory interest. The plain language says 'that thisdefendant is the new owner.' The plain language says 'he is the adopter,' which means he's the owner. Not only is hethe owner, but he's the possessor of the dog. *** We are trying to take this vaguely worded agreement and say this isour dog, we have a current possessory interest in it, and therefore, Mr. Soliday cannot do anything we don't like. Andif we don't like what he does then we will charge criminal damage to property[.] *** [W]e are taking this well beyondwhat would appear the intent of the law is. We are trying to bootstrap this writing into some sort of possessoryinterest and it just doesn't appear that way."

The court then stated that it would not "formally" dismiss the case but would allow the State to file a motion forreconsideration, an appeal to the appellate court, or a different charge against defendant.

In July 1998, the State appealed the dismissal, and in June 1999, this court dismissed the appeal because the trial court'sorder did not have the substantive effect of dismissing the charge. People v. Soliday, No. 4-98-0551 (June 14, 1999)(unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23). In August 1999, the State moved for entry of a final appealable order,and in September 1999, the trial court dismissed the charge and discharged defendant from his recognizance bond. Thisappeal followed.

Although defendant did not file a brief with this court, the record is simple and the claimed errors are such that we candecide this appeal on the merits without the aid of an appellee brief. See First Capitol Mortgage Corp. v. TalandisConstruction Corp., 63 Ill. 2d 128, 133, 345 N.E.2d 493, 495 (1976).


The State first argues that dismissal of its charge was improper because (1) the information met the pleading requirementsset forth in section 111-3 of the Procedural Code (725 ILCS 5/111-3 (West 1998)), and (2) the trial court granteddefendant's motion to dismiss based on the court's assessment of the sufficiency of the State's evidence (and, in particular,how defendant's agreement with RR defeats the State's case) rather than on the sufficiency of the charge. We agree with theState's first argument.

Defendant sought, and was granted, dismissal of the State's charge based on evidence he presented that RR was not theowner of Tritan. Such evidence, if deemed credible by the trier of fact at trial, would defeat an element of the chargedoffense, namely, that the domestic animal injured be "of another" (720 ILCS 5/21-1(1)(d) (West 1998)).

Although defendant's motion to dismiss asserted, in part, that the allegations contained in the information the State filedagainst defendant "do not state an offense," the real gist of that motion was contained in its reference to RR and itsattachment of defendant's written agreement with RR. At the hearing on the motion, defendant never claimed that theinformation did not state an offense (which is understandable, given that the information tracked the statutory language andotherwise met all the requirements of section 111-3 of the Procedural Code), but instead argued that the information shouldbe dismissed because the defendant's agreement with RR showed that RR was not Tritan's owner.

Section 114-1(a) of the Procedural Code sets forth 11 separate grounds upon which a trial court may dismiss a charge. Thelegislature intended this section to constitute a comprehensive list of sufficient reasons for dismissing a charge, and thereasons vary from a defendant's not having been placed on trial in compliance with the speedy trial act (725 ILCS 5/103-5(West 1998)) to a defendant's having received immunity from prosecution for the offense charged (725 ILCS 5/114-1(a)(1),(a)(3) (West 1998)). Although a trial court possesses the inherent authority to dismiss a charge for reasons other than thoselisted in section 114-1(a), the supreme court has cautioned that a trial court's use of this extraordinary power "'be exercisedonly when failure to do so will effect a deprivation of due process or result in a miscarriage of justice.'" People v. Fassler,153 Ill. 2d 49, 58, 605 N.E.2d 576, 580 (1992), quoting People v. Sears, 49 Ill. 2d 14, 31, 273 N.E.2d 380, 389 (1971).

One of the grounds enumerated in section 114-1(a) of the Procedural Code upon which a trial court can dismiss a charge iswhen the charging instrument does not state an offense (725 ILCS 5/114-1(a)(8) (West 1998)). However, when addressing adefendant's motion to dismiss a charge under section 114-1(a)(8), a trial court is strictly limited to assessing the legalsufficiency of the indictment, information, or criminal complaint and may not evaluate the evidence the parties mightpresent at trial.

"The purpose of a motion to dismiss for failure to state an offense is to challenge the sufficiency of the allegations inthe complaint, not the sufficiency of the evidence. [Citation.] An appeal from such a ruling requires the reviewingcourt to determine whether the complaint complies with the statutory requirements that a charge be in writing, that itset forth the nature and elements of the offense, and that it allege the provision violated, the name of the accused, andthe date and county of commission." People v. Sheehan, 168 Ill. 2d 298, 303, 659 N.E.2d 1339, 1341 (1995).

These same criteria apply when a trial court determines whether a complaint should be dismissed under section 114-1(a)(8)of the Procedural Code. This is particularly true given that reviewing courts in this state will review dismissal of a charge denovo. People v. Smith, 259 Ill. App. 3d 492, 495, 631 N.E.2d 738, 740 (1994).

In Sheehan, the trial court dismissed a felony charge of driving under the influence (DUI) on the ground that the defendant'sprevious DUI charge, for which he had completed a term of supervision, could not serve as the necessary predicate for thestatutorily enhancing factor that would raise a misdemeanor DUI to a felony--namely, that a defendant must havecommitted at least two prior driving under the influence violations. Ill. Rev. Stat. 1991, ch. 95