Werst v. Three Fires Council of the Boy Scouts

Case Date: 03/01/2004
Court: 2nd District Appellate
Docket No: 2-02-1330 Rel

No. 2--02--1330





          Plaintiff-Appellant and Cross-Appellee,



          Defendants-Appellees and

(Cornerstone United Methodist Church and
Bruce Nelson, d/b/a B&G Train World,
Plaintiffs; Suzette Heinze, Lawrence
Harrington, David Clark, Daniel DeBruycker,
and John Kemper, Defendants).

Appeal from the Circuit Court of Kane

No. 98--CH--419

Patrick J. Dixon,
Judge, Presiding.

JUSTICE CALLUM delivered the opinion of the court:

Plaintiff, William Werst, sued defendants, Three Fires Council of the Boy Scouts of America(the Council) and the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), seeking, inter alia, a declaratory judgment (735ILCS 5/2--701 (West 2002)) that the revocation of Werst's BSA membership was inconsistent withthe organization's rules. In another count of Werst's 10-count amended complaint, Werst sought awrit of mandamus ordering defendants to reinstate his membership. Following a bench trial on thesetwo counts, the trial court ruled in favor of Werst on his declaratory judgment count and in favor ofthe Council and BSA on the mandamus count. The court denied Werst's posttrial motion seekingreinstatement of his BSA membership. Werst appeals the trial court's denial of the relief he soughtin his posttrial motion. The Council and BSA cross-appeal the court's order on the declaratoryjudgment count. We reverse and remand the cross-appeal, and we do not reach Werst's issue.


Werst, an insurance producer, became associated with scouting in 1954. He was a BoyScouts volunteer from 1979 through March 10, 1997, when his BSA membership was revoked. Werst served in various volunteer positions, including troop committee chairman, district chairman,district vice chairman, and Explorer Post adviser for Post 9911 (the Post). Werst testified that, priorto his membership revocation, he had never been disciplined by the Boy Scouts.

Werst was a founding member of the Post, which was chartered in February 1994. Itsfounding members included, among others, Harold Gregory Meyer. Initially, Werst served as Postadviser and Meyer served as an assistant adviser.

In 1994, Meyer, an attorney, was indicted for matters involving fraudulent financialtransactions. Werst found out about the indictment and scheduled a Post meeting to discuss Meyer. The Post committee voted to revoke Meyer's membership, but it permitted him to attend Postactivities with his son, who was a Post member. Werst testified that BSA rules, as set forth in theExplorer Post Handbook, state that parents are permitted to attend scouting activities with theirchildren.

Werst testified that, between 1995 and 1996, he had one discussion with LawrenceHarrington, Council vice-president, about Meyer's involvement with the scouts. According to Werst,Harrington was concerned that Meyer was participating in Post activities. Werst responded that hehad not received any orders from the Council addressing Meyer and told Harrington that Meyer wasno longer a member. Harrington informed Werst that Meyer had been convicted. Werst subsequentlydiscovered that Meyer had pleaded guilty to felony theft in January 1997.

In 1995 and 1996, the Post participated in model railroad shows at Harper College in Palatine. Meyer assisted the Post in setting up and tearing down its displays. Werst testified that Meyer alsomay have been present at a meeting at which youth members were present, but he was not workingwith the youth as leaders do. In February 1997, the Post sponsored Rail-O-Rama, a model railroadshow, at Spring Hill Mall. Meyer assisted members in setting up and breaking down their displays. Before the event, Meyers was featured in a published newspaper article about the show.

On March 11, 1997, Werst received a letter from Daniel DeBruycker, Council commissioner,notifying him that his BSA membership had been revoked. Werst testified that between January 1997and March 10, 1997, he was not advised of any charges pending against him that would result inrevocation of his scout membership. According to Werst, he had only one conversation withHarrington about Meyer's indictment before revocation of Werst's membership. Werst furthertestified that DeBruycker's letter did not state any facts upon which Werst's membership wasrevoked, nor did it refer to any rules he allegedly violated.

On March 13, 1997, Werst spoke with Harrington about the revocation. Harrington indicatedthat he would inquire about it, but thought that it was related to Meyer's conviction. About one weeklater, Werst again spoke to Harrington. Harrington stated that he had visited the Council office andfound out that Werst's membership had been revoked because Meyer had been attending Postactivities. Harrington informed Werst that, notwithstanding anything the Post committee haddecided, Meyer could not be involved in scouting. Werst testified that he never received in writingan explanation as to why his membership was revoked. He also testified that he elected to ignoreHarrington's instructions because, in the scouting organization, not all statements could be believed.

Werst appealed his revocation to the regional BSA office. In a letter dated June 24, 1997,John Kemper, assistant regional director of the central region of the BSA, notified Werst that theregional standards-of-leadership committee decided to uphold the Council's revocation of hismembership. Werst appealed to the national council, and, on May 21, 1998, that committee upheldthe Council's action.

John Jones, one of the founding members of the Post, testified that, during the Post meetingto discuss Meyer's status, Werst did not inform the committee of his conversation with Harrington.At the meeting, Jones did not know that Meyer's membership had been revoked or that Meyer hadbeen directed to sever all of his relations with the BSA. Jones further testified that, had he knownthat the Council office instructed Meyer not to participate in Post programs when youth memberswere present, he would have followed that instruction. According to Jones, during 1995 and 1996,Meyer attended between four to six Post meetings when youth members were present. Since the Postmeeting to discuss Meyer, the committee had not received any information in writing from theCouncil addressing Meyer's participation in scouting.

Harrington testified for defendants as follows. Harrington, a retired railroader who has beeninvolved in scouting since 1961, is a member of the executive board of the Council and serves onseveral committees. In 1995 and 1996, he was Council vice-president and, in 1997, served as amember of the Council's standards-of-membership committee. Harrington was a member of thecommittee that revoked Meyer's membership.

At a 1995 model railroad event at Harper College, Harrington saw Meyer assisting with thesetup of the Post's modular railroad units. Harrington told Werst that Meyer could not participatewhen youth were present. Harrington testified that Werst did not respond. At the 1996 HarperCollege event, Harrington again observed Meyer setting up a Post display and told Werst that Meyershould not be present when youth members are present. On another occasion at Werst's office,Harrington observed Meyer working on a railroad layout when youth members were present. Harrington mentioned to Werst that Meyer was present. Harrington did not say more, he explained,because Werst knew Harrington's position. Werst did not respond. At the Rail-O-Rama event inFebruary 1997, Harrington observed Meyer working at the modular units and talking to the scouts. He also observed Meyer standing at a podium fielding questions from the public.

Harrington testified that he never ordered Werst to bar Meyer from attending scout functionsbecause he did not have authority to do so. He stated that the BSA expects its adult leaders toexercise good judgment and that Werst did not exercise good judgment in permitting Meyer toparticipate in Post activities. However, Harrington could not identify any BSA rule that Werstviolated.

DeBruycker was Council commissioner in 1997 and a member of the standards-of-membership committee. He testified that the committee held two meetings to discuss Werst'smembership, one in late 1996 and one in early 1997. Present at the meetings were Jim Burner,Harrington, Dennis Cook, and DeBruycker. The committee decided to revoke Werst's membershipand sent a letter, signed by DeBruycker, to Werst informing him of its action and setting forth hisappeal rights. According to DeBruycker, Werst exercised poor judgment in permitting Meyer toparticipate in Post activities.

Cook, scout executive of the Council, is responsible for the daily operations of the Council,a position he held in 1996 and 1997. Cook testified that, in 1997, Harrington informed him that, onseveral occasions, he had advised Werst that Meyer was not to take part in Post programs. Followingthe Rail-O-Rama event, Cook convened a meeting of the standards-of-membership committee. Thecommittee considered as evidence the newspaper article featuring Meyer and memos from Harringtonand other scout employees. The committee members decided to revoke Werst's membership. Theletter sent to Werst informing him of the committee's decision did not state the reason for therevocation. Cook testified that scout procedures do not require an explanation. He further explainedthat the committee contemplated other remedies, including increased supervision, additional training,probation, and temporary suspension. Furthermore, the committee discussed Werst's membershipwith several individuals at the BSA national office. To maintain Werst's privacy, Post youth memberswere not interviewed when the committee reviewed his membership.

Between March and June 1997, Cook wrote seven letters about Werst to the BSA's centralregion standards-of-membership committee. In a letter dated March 20, 1997, Cook wrote thatWerst had permitted Meyer to participate in scouting activities in defiance of BSA policies andstandards. He also stated that Werst and Meyer "have been involved in efforts to disrupt district andcouncil programs for over three years after the district chairman dismissed them for their lack ofcooperation." Cook explained that Werst was concerned only "with his own agenda" and did notrepresent the image of a positive role model. Cook further suggested that it was "very important that[Werst's] suspension not be overturned" and, if it was reversed, then Werst "will see that action asa validation of his attacks and will renew his destructive efforts."

In letters addressed to Kemper, dated April 29, and June 5, 1997, Cook wrote that Werst'srevocation was not an attempt to remove a "disgruntled volunteer" but rather to remove one who,after over two years of repeated warnings, intentionally disregarded BSA policy. Nevertheless, Cookexplained that Werst had disrupted the scouting community over the past three years by runningseparate roundtables and district committee meetings, and submitting his own slate of officers at threedistrict annual meetings. In other letters, Cook wrote that Werst continued to disrupt scout meetings,even after his membership revocation, and continued to involve Meyer, but through the presence ofMeyer's son at scout meetings.

Cook forwarded to the national office a memo dated March 21, 1997, that was written bySuzette Heinze, Council field director in 1997. Heinze described Werst as a "disgruntled volunteerwho had his own agenda and reasons for continuing as a volunteer" in scouting. The bulk of thememo related various disruptive activities engaged in by Werst, including recruiting unqualifiedvolunteers, attacking the Council, and heading a campaign to present alternate slates of officers.

In a letter dated April 3, 1997, that Cook sent to Kemper at the central region, David Clark,a district chairman in 1992 and 1993, explained how he first became aware of disciplinary issues withWerst in 1992 and 1993, when Werst was a disruptive influence at district committee meetings. Clarkfurther explained that Werst and Meyer held "secret" district committee meetings in 1994 and headedan effort to offer alternate slates of officers during district campaigns. Clark summarized that he feltthat Werst "violated the spirit of scouting and has worked against the normal processes of thevoluntary adult leadership."

The BSA's "Procedures for Maintaining Standards of Membership" manual (the Manual)states that it derives its authority from the organization's bylaws, which provide that "[n]o person shallbe approved as a leader unless, in the judgment of the Corporation, that person possesses the moral,educational, and emotional qualities deemed necessary for leadership and satisfies such otherleadership qualifications as it may from time to time require." The Manual outlines, among otherthings, the procedures to be followed upon receiving an allegation of misconduct that does notinvolve child abuse. They include: confidentially gathering available information; visiting theindividual who made the allegations; and examining allegations that appear to have substance.

The Manual further outlines two levels of review of a council's revocation decision, first atthe regional level and next at the national level. The Manual outlines the regional review process asfollows: the applicant must request review and submit his or her version of the facts. The reviewcommittee must determine whether the file submitted is sufficient to substantiate revocation ofmembership and whether it is complete. The review committee is not required to, but may, hold ahearing and interview the applicant. The committee must apply the standard quoted above from thebylaws.

On May 31, 2002, the trial court entered judgment in favor of Werst and ordered that Werstbe granted a new hearing on his membership before a newly constituted committee. It found that therevocation was done in a manner that was grossly unfair and unjust because Werst did not violate anywritten BSA standard, order, or directive. Further, the court found that the committee did not actin accordance with its own procedures because it did not verify the accusations and assumptions thatformed the basis of the charges against Werst. Accordingly, the court found that Werst's fundamentalright to a fair hearing was violated. It pointed out that the committee consisted of one member--Harrington--who was Werst's primary accuser. Additionally, the court found that the review andappeal process was compromised by Cook when he communicated extraneous information andpredicted dire consequences if the review committees overturned the revocation. Finally, the courtfound that key employees had an animus that suggested collusion. As to the mandamus count, thecourt found in favor of defendants and dismissed the count. On September 10, 2002, the trial courtfound that there was no just reason to delay enforcement or appeal of its May 31, 2002, order. 155Ill. 2d R. 304(a).

Werst subsequently filed a posttrial motion seeking reconsideration and/or clarification of thetrial court's May 31, 2002, order. He requested, inter alia, that the court make an explicit finding thathis membership was in good standing, arguing that this was implicit in the court's finding that heviolated no scouting standard. The trial court denied Werst's motion. Werst appeals the denial ofhis posttrial motion, and the Council and BSA cross-appeal the court's judgment in Werst's favor onthe declaratory judgment count.


The grant or denial of declaratory relief is discretionary and will not be overturned on appealabsent an abuse of discretion. State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. v. Leverton, 314 Ill. App. 3d 1080,1083 (2000). An "abuse of discretion" is clearly against logic. The question is not whether this courtagrees with the trial court, but whether the trial court acted arbitrarily, without employingconscientious judgment, or whether, in view of all the circumstances, the court exceeded the boundsof reason and ignored recognized principles of law so that substantial prejudice resulted. BodineElectric of Champaign v. City of Champaign, 305 Ill. App. 3d 431, 435 (1999).


A. BSA's and the Council's Cross-Appeal

Preliminarily, BSA and the Council assert that declaratory relief was improperly granted inthis case because the alleged actions justifying such relief related to past conduct, and Werst offeredno evidence suggesting any controversy of sufficient immediacy to justify a declaratory judgment. We disagree.

The purpose of the declaratory judgment statute is to permit the court to address acontroversy one step sooner than normal, after a dispute has arisen, but before steps are taken thatwould give rise to a claim for damages or other relief. Bank of Chicago-Garfield Ridge v. ParkNational Bank, 237 Ill. App. 3d 1085, 1096 (1992). The declaratory judgment procedure allowsparties to a dispute to learn the consequences of their actions before acting. Eyman v. McDonoughDistrict Hospital, 245 Ill. App. 3d 394, 396 (1993). However, a declaration of nonliability for pastconduct is not a function of the declaratory judgment statute. Howlett v. Scott, 69 Ill. 2d 135, 143(1977).

Although not addressing the appropriateness of declaratory relief, such relief has been grantedwhere an association disciplined one of its members. See Kendler v. Rutledge, 78 Ill. App. 3d 312,319 (1979) (real estate broker's declaratory judgment action challenging board of realtors' impositionof sanctions; court remanded with directions to grant member a new hearing in conformity withboard's bylaws). We disagree with BSA's and the Council's characterization of the controversy. Atissue here is not merely the BSA's 1997 revocation decision, but Werst's membership status andrights. We conclude that Werst essentially asserts an ongoing controversy. Accordingly, declaratoryrelief is an appropriate remedy.

Turning to the merits of their cross-appeal, BSA and the Council argue that the trial courterred in finding that Werst was entitled to a new hearing on the revocation of his membership. Theycontend that they followed their rules and procedures and that they accorded Werst his fundamentalright to a fair hearing.

The trial court first found that BSA and the Council did not follow their own rules in revokingWerst's membership when the committee that revoked his membership did not first verify theaccusations asserted against Werst. Second, the court concluded that BSA and the Council did notaccord Werst his fundamental right to a fair hearing. Third, the court found that there was a showingthat key scout employees and agents had an animus that suggested collusion. We review in turn thecourt's findings.1. Scout Rules

BSA and the Council first argue that the evidence did not support the court's finding that theydid not comply with their rules and procedures. They maintain that the rule the court specificallymentioned in its order does not apply to Werst and is not mandatory.

"In churches, lodges, labor unions, and other like voluntary associations, each person onbecoming a member, either by express stipulation or by implication, agrees to abide by all rules andregulations adopted by the organization. [Citation.] Courts will not interfere to control theenforcement of by-laws of such associations, but they will be left free to enforce their own rules andregulations by such means and with such penalties as they may see proper to adopt for theirgovernment." Engel v. Walsh, 258 Ill. 98, 103 (1913). Generally, the scope of judicial inquiry isconfined to the question of whether the association's action was in compliance with its own rules. Finn v. Beverly Country Club, 289 Ill. App. 3d 565, 568 (1997); Lee v. Snyder, 285 Ill. App. 3d 555,559 (1996).

Relying on the Manual, the court found that BSA and the Council did not complete a checkon any information concerning Werst's membership "before making any commitments." It furtherfound that the committee that revoked Werst's membership did not verify the assumptions andaccusations that formed the basis of the charges against Werst.

Upon review of the Manual, we agree with BSA and the Council that the rule does not applyto Werst. The rule, in a section entitled "Ineligible Volunteer File" and in a subsection entitled"Check Concerns with Director of Registration Service, BSA," states:

"An individual may approach a council in order to register with the BSA, and somethingunusual may arouse concern. Further checking should be done. The Scout executive shouldwrite or phone directly to the director of Registration Service to ask for a check oninformation that might be on file concerning the individual. Such a check should becompleted before making any commitments that could prove to be embarrassing later. A callto a former council may also prove helpful."

The foregoing provision clearly applies to individuals who are first applying for BSA membership orwho are former members seeking to reapply. As Werst was a member when the standards-of-membership committee considered his membership status, the provision does not apply to Werst. Accordingly, the trial court's reliance on this provision constituted an abuse of its discretion.

The trial court did not specify any other BSA rules that were violated. Werst argues that BSAand the Council did not conduct a proper investigation because no scout employee spoke to himabout the review of his membership status. This is not the case, as Werst himself testified that he hadmultiple conversations with Harrington about Meyer's participation in Post activities. Werstacknowledged that Harrington was his superior in the scout hierarchy and admitted that he did nottake Harrington's advice. Werst's contention that he had no opportunity to be heard is further beliedby the BSA appeals process. BSA procedures provide that the review process is initiated only upona written request from the applicant and must include the applicant's version of the facts. Werstwrote to Kemper at the regional office, offering his viewpoint on the controversy. Thus, he had anopportunity to be heard.

Werst also argues that the regional review process was improperly executed because therewas no memorandum of findings produced by the regional review committee. He maintains that BSArules require such written findings. We disagree.

The relevant procedure states:

"10. The review committee should meet (a telephone conference call is acceptable)and formulate its questions before the hearing. During the hearing, a member of the reviewcommittee must take notes. At the conclusion of the hearing, the review committee shouldconfer, review the notes taken, and reach a majority vote. One member of the committeeshould then draft a memorandum setting forth the finding of fact and the determination of thereview committee." (Emphasis added.)

A later procedure instructs, in relevant part:

"12. The memorandum setting forth the findings of the regional review committee,after being reviewed by the Registration Service at the national office, should be sent to theapplicant with a cover letter from the regional director." (Emphasis added.)

As is clear from the emphasized terms, the drafting of a memorandum of the reviewcommittee's findings of fact is not mandatory but precatory. See Culbert v. Young, 834 F.2d 624,628 (7th Cir. 1987) (word "should" is permissive rather than mandatory). Indeed, the manual's useof mandatory terms, as evidenced by the provision relating to notetaking, further supports theconclusion that the use of the word "should" is intended to be merely precatory.

2. Bias

Next, BSA and the Council argue that, per BSA rules, Werst did not have a fundamental rightto a hearing prior to the revocation of his membership. We do not directly address their argumentbecause we conclude that the trial court erred as a matter of law in assuming that judicial interventioninto the disciplinary proceedings of a social organization was permitted upon a finding only of bias.

Voluntary associations have great discretion when conducting their internal affairs, especiallywhen their conduct relates to the interpretation and enforcement of their rules and regulations. Finn,289 Ill. App. 3d at 568; Lee, 285 Ill. App. 3d at 558. "On the rare occasions when our supremecourt has relaxed the rule of nonintrusion in the affairs of voluntary associations absent mistake,fraud, collusion, or arbitrariness, the court has found a substantial property, contract, or othereconomic right that implicates due process." Lee, 285 Ill. App. 3d at 559; see also Van Daele v.Vinci, 51 Ill. 2d 389, 394 (1972); Finn, 289 Ill. App. 3d at 568.

Because the BSA is a social organization, Werst's scout membership did not constitute aneconomic, contract, or property interest. See Lee, 285 Ill. App. 3d at 559 (no substantial property,contract, or other economic right that implicated due process found in examining a player's right toplay hockey in an amateur league of voluntary participants; right examined in light of whether leaguefollowed its rules and regulations and whether there was mistake, fraud, collusion, or arbitrariness);cf. Van Daele, 51 Ill. 2d at 395 ("We agree 'that a private organization, particularly if tinged withpublic stature or purpose, may not expel or discipline a member adversely affecting substantialproperty, contract or other economic rights, except as a result of fair proceedings which may beprovided in organization by-laws, carried forward in an atmosphere of good faith and fair play.' (McCune v. Wilson (Fla. 1970), 237 So.2d 169, 173.) The rationale for this position as enunciatedin McCune results from the character of the organization, i.e. its assumption of a purpose whichexceeds merely that of a social organization and its endeavor to benefit from various State andFederal laws").

Here, the trial court found that Werst was not granted a fair hearing due to the potential biasby certain scout leaders and certain committee members who considered his membership status. Specifically, the court found that Harrington, whom it termed Werst's "primary accuser," was on thecommittee that decided to revoke Werst's membership. Next, it found that Cook compromised thereview process by communicating extraneous information to the review committees and predicteddire consequences if the committees overturned the revocation decision. We conclude that, withoutmore, such as a finding of fraud or collusion, a finding of mere bias in the proceedings of a socialorganization is not sufficient to invoke an exception to the rule against judicial interference. See VanDaele, 51 Ill. 2d at 395. Accordingly, we conclude that the court erred as a matter of law andtherefore abused its discretion in considering Werst's claim in terms of whether the review processwas tinged with bias.

3. Collusion

Finally, the trial court found that certain key employees' animus toward Werst suggestedcollusion. Such a finding, if warranted, would permit judicial intervention into the association'sdisciplinary affairs. See, e.g., Lee, 285 Ill. App. 3d at 559. However, we conclude that the trial courtabused its discretion in granting declaratory relief based upon its finding of collusion because therewas no evidence presented upon which the court could reasonably make such a finding.

Collusion is defined as "[a]n agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person ofhis rights by the forms of law, or to obtain an object forbidden by law." Black's Law Dictionary 264(6th ed. 1990). There was no evidence that any individuals agreed to defraud Werst of hismembership. The letters Cook wrote and/or forwarded to the regional and national reviewcommittees, although arguably exhibiting evidence of some bias against Werst, are not sufficient toindicate that Cook and any other scout employee colluded to defraud Werst of his scout membership. Indeed, the evidence shows that, despite warnings from a superior in the scout hierarchy not to doso, Werst permitted an expelled member to participate in scout activities.

Werst maintains that certain scout employees colluded to revoke his membership withoutgiving him warning or an opportunity to defend himself. However, his argument focuses onprocedural issues and does not touch upon any conduct that can be characterized as fraudulent ordeceitful. Nevertheless, he is not correct because he did have the opportunity, as we discussed above,to present his version of the facts to the regional review committee. Furthermore, he acknowledgedthat he did not heed warnings by a scout superior--Harrington--to stop permitting an expelledmember to participate in scout activities.

In summary, we conclude that the trial court abused its discretion when it found in favor ofWerst on his declaratory judgment count.

B. Werst's Appeal

In his appeal, Werst argues that the trial court erred in refusing to grant him the additionalrelief he requested in his posttrial motion. He asserts that, when the court ordered a new hearing onthe issue of revocation of his membership, it implicitly found that he was still a scout member. Hereasons that a declaration that he remained a member was necessary and proper for the court to makea complete determination of the issues before it.

Given our disposition of the cross-appeal, we need not address whether the trial court shouldhave declared that Werst remained a scout member. Werst's argument is moot.


For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the circuit court of Kane County is reversed, andthe cause is remanded.

Reversed and remanded.