The Agency, Inc. v. Grove

Case Date: 11/16/2005
Court: 2nd District Appellate
Docket No: 2-05-0806 Rel

No. 2--05--0806




THE AGENCY, INC., d/b/a The Agency





Appeal from the Circuit Court
of McHenry County.

No. 05--CH--289

Michael T. Caldwell,
Judge, Presiding.

PRESIDING JUSTICE O'MALLEY delivered the opinion of the court:

Plaintiff, The Agency, Inc., filed a complaint against Janet Grove, its former employee, andAccurate AJM, Inc., her current employer, alleging violations of the Illinois Trade Secrets Act (TradeSecrets Act) (765 ILCS 1065/1 et seq. (West 2002)) and of a "Covenant Not to Compete" (Covenant)that Grove signed while employed with plaintiff. Plaintiff alleged that Grove appropriatedconfidential information while in plaintiff's employ. Plaintiff sought preliminary and permanentinjunctions to enforce a confidentiality provision in the Covenant. Plaintiff also sought injunctiverelief to enforce the Covenant's provision prohibiting Grove from competing with plaintiff within35 miles of its offices for 14 months after the termination of her employment. Finally, plaintiffsought compensatory damages. The trial court determined that the Covenant was unenforceable anddenied the request for preliminary injunctive relief. Plaintiff appeals, asking us to reverse the trialcourt and enter preliminary injunctions enforcing the noncompetition and confidentiality provisionsof the Covenant. We find the issue of the enforceability of the 14-month prohibition moot andreverse the judgment of the trial court on the confidentiality provision.

We first explain our finding of mootness. Grove's employment with plaintiff began on June20, 2000. The Covenant she signed provided in relevant part:

"1. I acknowledge that [plaintiff] has developed certain business informationand methods of operation including but not limited to client lists, client's temporaryand permanent employment needs, client's hiring qualifications and otherpreferences, fees charged to clients for services, business methods utilized in theacquisition and servicing of clients, business methods utilized in developing andmaintaining sources and supply of skilled and unskilled labor, costs and markups,and other information legally described as 'trade secrets.'

2. I acknowledge that I will have access to [plaintiff's] records that include theforegoing business information as well as develop additional such information as partof my job duties. I understand that [plaintiff] has developed the foregoing businessinformation and methods at its expense and utilizes the information to maintain acompetitive position within the industry, and said information has also beendetermined to be 'trade secrets.'

3. I acknowledge and understand that the foregoing 'trade secrets' andmethods are treated by [plaintiff] as confidential and must be protected fromdisclosure so as to not damage [plaintiff's] competitive position in the industry.

4. I, therefore, agree that I will not, at any time, either while employed by[plaintiff] or afterwards, make any independent use of or disclose to any person, firmor corporation any 'trade secret' or methods described above developed by [plaintiff].

5. I agree that if my employment with [plaintiff] is terminated for whateverreason I will not, for a period of fourteen (14) months following the termination ofemployment, directly or indirectly, work for or engage in any business competitivewith [plaintiff], within a thirty-five (35) mile radius of any office of [plaintiff]. I alsoagree that for a period of fourteen (14) months following the termination ofemployment, I will not call on or solicit any of the clients of [plaintiff] to whom Ihave rendered services, had contact with, or knowledge of by any reason of myemployment with [plaintiff]."

Grove's final day of employment with plaintiff was August 13, 2004. Ten months later, on June 14,2005, plaintiff filed its complaint. A hearing on plaintiff's petition for injunctions began on June 23and concluded on June 29. The trial court issued its ruling on August 3, and plaintiff filed its noticeof appeal on August 16. Briefing was completed on September 26. The 14-month prohibitionexpired on October 13. (Notably, 10 months alone elapsed between Grove's final day of employmentand the initiation of the lawsuit.) Thus, the issue of the enforceability of that provision is moot. SeeLa Salle National Bank, N.A. v. City of Lake Forest, 297 Ill. App. 3d 36, 43 (1998) ("An issue ismoot when its resolution could not have any practical effect on the existing controversy").

What remains is the issue of whether Grove should be preliminarily enjoined from disclosingor using information that plaintiff claims is confidential. The hearing disclosed the followingevidence relative to this issue. Plaintiff is in the business of placing temporary workers in variousbusinesses and has branches in McHenry, West Dundee, Hampshire, and Rochelle. Plaintiff earnsits profit by markup, which is the difference between the rates it charges a client for a worker andthe rate it pays the worker. Plaintiff employs sales representatives to generate new clients. Groveserved as a sales representative in plaintiff's McHenry office. Upon leaving plaintiff's employ, Grovetold plaintiff that she was "retiring" from sales and wanted to spend time with her husband. Instead,Grove began working for Accurate, a competitor of plaintiff's in the temporary staffing business. In her testimony at the hearing, Grove testified that her remark about retiring was just a joke.

Yvonne Graff, plaintiff's operations manager, testified that plaintiff maintains a computernetwork that is accessible only by password. Plaintiff limits Internet and e-mail availability tobranch managers in order to limit the potential for disclosure of confidential information containedon the network. Graff explained that one of the programs on the network is the "Task Generator,"which Graff explained contains profiles of plaintiff's clients. Graff testified that sales representativesare able to view the client profiles in the Task Generator but are unable to generate printouts, thisprivilege being reserved to branch managers. Graff testified that the profiles in the Task Generatorinclude a vast array of information on each of plaintiff's clients such as the client's business cycles(which affect its need for temporary workers), contract expiration dates, the client's creditinformation, the client's personnel preferences, worker placement history, the markups used for theclient and the explanations therefor (e.g., intensity of work, risk involved), and the client's contactpersons along with their particular likes, dislikes, and even idiosyncracies. Plaintiff introduced intoevidence a printout of a section of the Task Generator containing profiles of seven different clients. Each profile opens with a general description of the client followed by dated entries updating theprofile. The following two profiles (redacted by the parties in the trial court for confidentiality) arerepresentative of the seven:

"[1] Customer Profile [ ]

Primarily seasonal temporary outdoor general labor but good employees will be treated as

Try-Hire. Temps must have good English language skills--NO TRANSLATORS!

[ ] is the parks and facilities manager--most of our job orders will come from him.

[ ] is down to business, no messing around, wants employees that are ON TIME ALL THETIME! Hates tardiness and 'slackers.'

[ ] is the township supervisor--will handle any admin/office positions.

[ ] loves to talk about the charitable [ ] programs--Be careful, she'll hit you up for adonation almost every time you go to see her.

[ ] loves getting gifts! Keeps several pictures of her kids and family on her desk so be sureto comment on them when you visit her.

[ ] likes regular phone calls. Be sure to use his cell phone during his business hours as he'sonly in the shop very early and very late in the day.

8/19/03 9:54 [ ] REFERRED US TO THE [ ]



Customer Profile [ ]

[ ] asked to call on this company. [ ] said she used to do [ ] nails.

Seasonal temporary ONLY. No English language skills req.

They make really cool soup mixes.

They buy foil stickers from [ ] (another one of our clients and where [ ] used to work.

[ ] talked with [ ] they used to laugh and giggle on the phone all the time--[ ] sat next to[ ]) Be sure and comment on how nice their packaging is and on the fancy foil stickers.

Marketing campaign '01; we bought cases of their soup mixes to use in marketing campaignthis year--It was a great way to strengthen our relationship with this client!

Extremely casual environment, best not to over dress if you're going for a visit.

ALWAYS bring treats of some sort when you visit (not soup).

9/14/00 12:09 sent two girls over this morning. Haven't heard from [ ] but no news is goodnews. jlg

3/20/01 09:30 spoke with [ ] and she will pay her bill asap and she indicated that they wouldneed people in July. jlg

8/18/03 09:36 had lunch with [ ] on Friday and she says they just got a huge account [ ]. They will be leasing new space for just their [ ]. She said we could probably help them withstaffing this new facility. Plus their business is picking up and they will be calling us soonfor assemblers. jlg."

Graff testified that plaintiff maintains the confidentiality of the client profiles because they"help us to generate relationships, maintain relationships, build relationships with clients andprospects." Graff noted that the client profiles "could easily be very valuable to another business." Graff acknowledged that contact information such as the name of a company's personnel manager"sometimes" could be acquired by a simple phone call, but personal information about thatindividual or others in the company could not. Graff further acknowledged that plaintiff sends outproposals on prospective jobs containing such information as the type of position to be filled and therate of pay, and although these proposals are termed "confidential," the client does not sign anyconfidentiality agreement. Graff testified that 80% of plaintiff's clients have been with plaintiff morethan five years and, of these, at least seven have been with plaintiff more than 15 years.

Graff also testified that knowing a client's business cycles allows plaintiff to predict whenthe client will need employees.

Peter Gault, plaintiff's hiring and training director, testified that, in addition to the TaskGenerator, plaintiff maintains hard copies of client files that contain information similar to what theTask Generator contains. Gault testified that the files are kept in a file cabinet in Gault's office. Although the cabinet is unlocked during the day, it may not be accessed without Gault's permission. Gault further testified that most of the information in the Task Generator's client profiles could notbe learned from publicly available business directories.

Gault explained that plaintiff endeavors to gain personal knowledge about clients in orderto establish lasting relationships. Gault noted that plaintiff records information about "anything withregard to the environment of the company. Anything with regard to personal preferences, personalinformation about a client, likes, what they might have on their desk that you might talk about." Forinstance, plaintiff has recorded the fact that one of its client's contact people enjoys chocolate-covered strawberries. Gault testified that plaintiff gives gifts to the contact people. Gault stressedthat "little things like that *** help you really understand the needs and wants of a client."

Gault testified in detail about the process of obtaining business from a prospective client. Gault explained that the goal of a sales representative is to "make contact with the key contact onthe third or fourth visit." Gault explained that the preliminary visits are "designed *** so that thegate keepers, as they were, receptionists, secretaries are very comfortable seeing you come in timeafter time. And also, you know, look forward to having you come in if you're bringing treats, items." The success of these visits is no guarantee of business, Gault stressed, and often earns the salesrepresentative only an appointment with a contact person. At that appointment, Gault explained, thesales representative would try to "understand what kind of business they have; understand what typeof employees they use, and when they use them, how they use them." Gault explained that theprocess of getting an appointment alone takes at least a month. Graff testified that it takes between6 and 24 months to obtain a prospective client's business, the average being about 8 months.

Peggy Thodos, plaintiff's president, explained that plaintiff is unique among temporarystaffing agencies in its efforts to build relationships with clients and know them personally. Thodostestified that plaintiff organizes social gatherings and parties for its current clients as well forprospective clients. Thodos related an occasion where she and other employees cooked hamburgersfor all three shifts of a client's workforce at 150 employees per shift. Thodos testified that, the closerthe relationship plaintiff has to its client's key contact people, the easier it is to work with that clientand the greater the chance that the client will strongly recommend plaintiff to a prospective client. Thodos explained that plaintiff's philosophy is "to have our clients do our marketing for us." Thodostestified: "We can sell ourselves until we are blue in the face, but our current clients that love andadore us can certainly be a much stronger referral to those perspective [sic] clients."

Thodos testified that business directories contain only company addresses, phone numbers,numbers of employees, and top personnel. Thodos emphasized that this information alone is notsufficient for a staffing agency to acquire or maintain business.

Grove and Robert Migliore, president of Accurate, disagreed with plaintiff's witnesses aboutwhat was required to obtain information like that contained in plaintiff's client profiles. Theyacknowledged that business directories do not contain such information but claimed that it could beobtained after one appointment with a client or even after one phone call. Migliore also testified thata temporary staffing agency can learn a significant amount of information about a prospective clientfrom temporary workers who had previously worked for that client. Migliore acknowledged thatknowing the business cycles of a prospective client would put a staffing agency at an advantage inprocuring the client's business.

Plaintiff introduced into evidence a document called a "Client Catalog List" (Client List). The Client List was produced by Grove during discovery. The Client List contains brief profiles on17 of plaintiff's clients. The Client List contains much of the same information as the TaskGenerator printout. Grove testified that she created the Client List in 2003 at Peter Gault's directive. (Gault denied this.) Grove testified that Gault told her to record "any thoughts that [she] might haveon clients, pertinent information that they needed to know about." Grove testified that she preparedthe Client List largely from memories of her interaction with plaintiff's clients. She admitted thatthe information she recorded in the Client List is precisely the type that plaintiff required its salesrepresentatives to include in the client profiles of the Task Generator. She further admitted that the information in the Task Generator is "confidential" information. Grove testified that, withoutplaintiff's knowledge, she retained the Client List after leaving plaintiff's employ and still possessesa copy. Grove admitted that she has solicited business from companies that were clients of plaintiff'swhile Grove was employed there. Grove denied, however, that she shared any of the informationon the Client List with anyone at Accurate. Asked if she told anyone at Accurate "the particularrequirements" of the businesses that were plaintiff's clients when she was employed with plaintiff,she testified that she did not share such information about any particular client of plaintiff's untilafter that client became an "established client" of Accurate.

The trial court declined to hold that the client profiles in plaintiff's Task Generator wereprotectable confidential information. The court reasoned:

"The identity of the employers needing temporary help is not a trade secret and is readilyavailable. Although [plaintiff] downplays the importance of the Manufacturer's Guide as aresource to identify potential clients, the fact that such a resource exists indicates that anyonewith the time and willingness to do so could contact any or all of the manufacturers inMcHenry County and solicit their business."

A party seeking a preliminary injunction must show that: (1) the party has a clear right orinterest needing protection; (2) the party has no adequate remedy at law; (3) irreparable harm willresult if the preliminary injunction is not issued; and (4) there is a reasonable likelihood of successon the merits. Hanchett Paper Co. v. Melchiorre, 341 Ill. App. 3d 345, 351 (2003). The party needestablish only a prima facie case that there is a fair question as to the existence of the right claimedand the need for protection. Buzz Barton & Associates, Inc. v. Giannone, 108 Ill. 2d 373, 382(1985). The trial court's disposition of a petition for a preliminary injunction will not be disturbedabsent an abuse of discretion. Hanchett Paper Co., 341 Ill. App. 3d at 351.

The propriety of injunctive relief based on a covenant not to compete depends on theenforceability of that covenant. Hanchett Paper Co., 351 Ill. App. 3d at 351. Covenants not tocompete are a restraint on trade and, as such, are strictly construed by courts to ensure that theirintended effect is not to prevent competition per se. Hanchett Paper Co., 341 Ill. App. 3d at 351. Courts will not enforce a covenant not to complete unless the terms of the agreement are reasonableand necessary to protect an employer's legitimate business interests. Hanchett Paper Co., 341 Ill.App. 3d at 351. A legitimate business interest exists where: (1) because of the nature of the business,the customers' relationships with the employer are near-permanent and the employee would not havehad contact with the customers absent the employee's employment; or (2) the employee gainedconfidential information through his employment that he attempted to use for his own benefit. Appelbaum v. Appelbaum, 355 Ill. App. 3d 926, 934 (2005). These questions necessarily involvematters of fact. A.J. Dralle, Inc. v. Air Technologies, Inc., 255 Ill. App. 3d 982, 991 (1994).

There is some mystery surrounding the standard of review that the courts of this state applyto a determination of the enforceability of a restrictive covenant. Appellate court cases addressingsuch covenants often say their enforceability is a question of law that depends on the particular factsof each case. See, e.g., L S B Z, Inc. v. Brokis, 237 Ill. App. 3d 415, 425 (1992); Arpac Corp. v.Murray, 226 Ill. App. 3d 65, 75 (1992); The Instrumentalist Co. v. Band, Inc., 134 Ill. App. 3d 884,894-95 (1985); MBL (USA) Corp. v. Diekman, 112 Ill. App. 3d 229, 237 (1983). These cases arepeculiarly silent as to how these issues of law and fact are to be reviewed. Our research disclosesonly one case that actually states a standard of review. In Hamer Holding Group, Inc. v. Elmore, 244Ill. App. 3d 1069, 1080 (1993), the First District Appellate Court declares: "Since the reasonablenessof the restraint is a question of law, we review the trial court's determination de novo." Here arisesthe difficulty. If, as the above authorities hold, a trial court's determination of enforceability entailsthe resolution of disputed factual matters as well as legal issues, then de novo review cannot be theonly standard applied. "In Illinois, a judge's or jury's findings of fact in a civil case are generallyaccorded manifest-weight review," but "[a] judge's rulings of law in a civil or criminal case arereviewed under the nondeferential de novo standard." Franz v. Calaco Development Corp., 352 Ill.App. 3d 1129, 1139 (2004). In our assessment, the enforceability of a restrictive covenant is bestviewed as presenting separate questions of law and fact, in the same way as a ruling on a motion tosuppress is currently viewed in Illinois. A ruling on a motion to suppress is reviewed as follows:

"First, we uphold the trial court's findings of historical fact unless such findings are againstthe manifest weight of the evidence. [Citation.] The trial court is in a superior position todetermine and weigh the credibility of the witnesses, observe the witnesses' demeanor, andresolve conflicts in their testimony. [Citation.] However, this court remains free toundertake its own assessment of the facts in relation to the issues presented and may drawits own conclusions when deciding what relief should be granted. [Citation.] Accordingly,we review de novo the ultimate question of whether the evidence should be suppressed. [Citation.]" People v. Conner, 358 Ill. App. 3d 945, 948-49 (2005).

Where there are no disputed facts, the review is entirely de novo. People v. Miles, 343 Ill. App. 3d1026, 1030 (2003). Courts in other jurisdictions have taken this two-tiered approach to restrictivecovenants. See, e.g., Turner v. Caplan, 268 Va. 122, 125, 596 S.E.2d 525, 527 (Va. 2004); MutualService Casualty Insurance Co. v. Brass, 242 Wis. 2d 733, 737, 625 N.W.2d 648, 651 (Wis. App.2001). We hold that, where the existence of a legitimate business interest turns on an issue ofdisputed fact, such issue is reviewed under the manifest-weight standard, but the question of whethera covenant is enforceable under the facts is a legal question subject to de novo review. Of course,where the issue on review is whether a preliminary injunction should issue to enforce a restrictivecovenant whose validity is in question, the reviewing court may find itself applying three differentstandards. The manifest-weight and de novo standards will apply to the question of enforceability,and whether a covenant is enforceable or not will become a factor in the ultimate analysis of whethera preliminary injunction should issue, such analysis being reviewable for abuse of discretion.

Plaintiff's first argument on appeal is that the trial court committed reversible error byresolving the ultimate merits of the issue of enforceability. "The purpose of a preliminary injunctionis not to determine controverted rights or to decide controverted facts of the merits of the case." Schweickart v. Powers, 245 Ill. App. 3d 281, 290 (1993). The trial court, in its written order denyingthe petition for a preliminary injunction, framed the issue as "whether the non-competition agreementsigned by Grove at the time of her hire is enforceable," and ultimately determined that the covenant"is not enforceable." Plaintiff points to the decisive and unqualified tone of the language. Nonetheless, we cannot conclude that the trial court actually reached the ultimate merits of thedispute, for the court set the matter for further proceedings. In any event, we reverse the trial courtfor other reasons explained below and need not resolve this issue.

We agree with plaintiff that the trial court erred on the issue of whether plaintiff showed areasonable likelihood of proving the confidential nature of the client information retained by Groveafter she left plaintiff's employ. "[W]hile an employee, at the termination of his employment, cantake with him general skills and knowledge acquired during the course of his employment, he maynot take confidential particularized information disclosed to him during the time the employer-employee relationship existed which are unknown to others in the industry and which give theemployer advantage over his competitors." Burt Dickens & Co. v. Bodi, 144 Ill. App. 3d 875, 879(1986). "Customer information cannot be protected if it is generally available to employees, knownby persons in the trade, or easily found in telephone directories and industry directories." Appelbaum, 355 Ill. App. 3d at 934.

The trial court's reasoning was based on an erroneous understanding of the evidence. Thetrial court was exclusively concerned with the mere identities of the clients, noting that thisinformation was accessible through business directories. The client profiles, however, contained notonly client identities but client business cycles, expiration dates, and personnel preferences--information that indisputably is not available in directories. As the evidence showed, business cyclesdetermine staffing needs, and knowledge of a prospective client's business cycles will aid a staffingagency in serving that client's needs. There is a similar value to staffing agencies in knowing thepersonnel preferences of plaintiff's clients, worker placement history, and expiration dates ofcontracts between plaintiff and its clients. In Burt Dickens, cited by plaintiff, the court held thatknowledge of the expiration dates of plaintiff's insurance contracts would be valuable forcompetitors, for it would enable them to contact plaintiff's clients when their contracts were up forrenewal. The expiration dates, the court held, were confidential because they generally wereunknown to others in the industry and could provide competitors an advantage. Burt Dickens, 144Ill. App. 3d at 881-82. We must say the same of the contract expiration dates, business cycles,worker placement history, and personnel preferences compiled by plaintiff in this case.

Our conclusion is further supported by Tower Oil & Technology Co. v. Buckley, 99 Ill. App.3d 637 (1981). There, the court held that the defendant, a salesman for an industrial lubricantcompany, acquired confidential information through meetings with his fellow salesmen in whichthey "exchanged ideas concerning the servicing of their customers" and "discussed new products andthe proper application thereof." Tower Oil, 99 Ill. App. 3d at 643. The court explained that "[p]riorknowledge of the needs of a prospect, the type of products which would satisfy these needs, and theproper application of these products would certainly assist a salesman in persuading the prospect tochange its supplier." Tower Oil, 99 Ill. App. 3d at 643-44. Similarly, the client information thatGrove acquired would be a substantial asset in an attempt to deprive plaintiff of staffingopportunities. Also, the knowledge of plaintiff's markups and the reasons therefor would be of equalvalue to a competitor. See Lyle R. Jager Agency, Inc. v. Steward, 253 Ill. App. 3d 631, 640 (1993)(worksheets for determining insurance premiums were confidential because they would give acompetitor the " 'inside scoop' as to what a customer's current insurance rate is and how it wascalculated").

Significant also is the data about the personal characteristics of the contact people. Plaintiff'switnesses repeatedly emphasized that plaintiff retained this information to fulfill its overarching aimof establishing personal relationships with its clients. The witnesses explained that the personalrelationship with the client fortifies the business relationship and leads to a commendatory referral. Gault testified that the "little things," such as gifts and parties, increase goodwill. Thodos testifiedthat plaintiff is unique in its efforts to introduce a personal element into the business relationship. This claim was uncontested; Migliore, who operates one of plaintiff's competitors, gave no indicationthat his firm takes a like approach. This personal information, we conclude, provides a competitiveadvantage to plaintiff and therefore is confidential. See Donald McElroy, Inc. v. Delaney, 72 Ill.App. 3d 285, 291 (1979) ("In a highly competitive business, personal customer contact and theinsider knowledge of the customer's requirements are important to the continued success of thebusiness"). In McElroy, the plaintiff was in the business of extracting silver from photographicmaterials. The defendant, the plaintiff's former purchasing manager, not only had access to"information about [the plaintiff's] equipment, recovery capabilities, yield figures, biddingprocedures and suppliers' requirements," but had "established customer contacts through closepersonal involvement with [the defendant's] suppliers." McElroy, 72 Ill. App. 3d at 293. The courtheld that "[i]n combination, this insider information could potentially give defendant[] an unfairadvantage in bidding against [plaintiff] for photographic waste material." McElroy, 72 Ill. App. 3dat 293. Here, too, the information in the client profiles could give defendents an unfair competitiveadvantage in placing workers with plaintiff's clients.

Defendants claim that plaintiff's client information was readily available and thus notconfidential. They point to Grove's and Migliore's testimony that the information in the clientprofiles was obtainable from temporary workers who had worked for the clients as well as from theclients themselves, through phone calls or appointments. Defendants also note that plaintiff keptclient information in file cabinets that were unlocked during the day and did not require its clientsto agree to keep information in client proposals confidential. Plaintiff's witnesses, we note,strenuously disputed Grove's and Migliore's claims. Gault, for one, testified that plaintiff's salesrepresentatives might try for weeks before obtaining a first appointment.

Arguments similar to defendants' were rejected in Lyle R. Jager, 253 Ill. App. 3d 631, citedby plaintiff. In that case, the defendant argued that the information he took from the plaintiff,consisting of customer files that included client contact information as well as explanations for howthe plaintiff determined insurance premiums, "was not confidential because the information ***could be obtained from the customers themselves, and *** the names and telephone numbers couldbe memorized." Lyle R. Jager, 253 Ill. App. 3d at 640. The defendant also noted that theinformation was kept in unlocked file cabinets and thus was accessible to anyone in the plaintiff'soffice. The court nonetheless found the information confidential, stressing that "when individualpieces of information are compiled and organized at a single location as in this case, it is much morevaluable and useful than each piece of information individually." Lyle R. Jager, 253 Ill. App. 3d at640. The court further noted that "[i]nformation in such a compiled form is not easily obtained oraccessible to the public, and information such as the worksheets on which the client's premium ratesare calculated [is] not available to the clients." Lyle R. Jager, 253 Ill. App. 3d at 640. The court alsoobserved that it would be impractical to expect a business to work with locked file cabinets. LyleR. Jager, 253 Ill. App. 3d at 640.

This reasoning applies here as well. Plaintiff has taken measures to guard its clientinformation from the public eye. Plaintiff has made the computerized client profiles accessible bypassword known only by employees and has given branch managers alone the ability to makeprintouts of the client files. Plaintiff has also limited Internet and e-mail availability to branchmanagers in order to reduce the likelihood of electronic distribution of the client information. Plaintiff keeps physical files containing client information in a file cabinet in Gault's office, andalthough the cabinet is unlocked, Gault's permission is required to access it, in contrast to the freeaccess permitted in Lyle R. Jager. But whatever the ease with which the public may acquire theinformation in plaintiff's client profiles through simple contact with plaintiff, the workers it hasplaced, or its clients, the preeminent advantage of the profiles, like that of the customer files in LyleR. Jager, is that they gather the information in one place. Presumably, this is the advantage Grovesought for herself by retaining the Client List after she left plaintiff's employ.

For the foregoing reasons, we reject as erroneous the trial court's factual finding that theinformation in plaintiff's client profiles and in the Client List that Grove possesses is not confidentialinformation. This erroneous finding was the basis for the court's (prematurely definitive) legalconclusion that the Covenant is not enforceable. Although the trial court did not expressly say so,it necessarily must have found that plaintiff did not show a reasonable likelihood of succeeding onthe merits. We hold that plaintiff indeed has shown such a likelihood based on the apparentenforceability of the Covenant's confidentiality provision. We remand this case to the trial court forit to reconsider the appropriateness of a preliminary injunction in light of our holding. We recognizethat the evidence is unclear whether Grove has shared any information from the client profiles or theClient List with anyone at Accurate, a consideration that pertains to the urgency of plaintiff's pleafor an injunction. On remand the trial court will have to consider such factors in its analysis. Ourholding today is limited to the enforceability of the confidentiality provisions of the Covenant.

Finally, we note that the trial court did not appear to address plaintiff's claims under the TradeSecrets Act. We direct the trial court to consider on remand whether a preliminary injunction shouldissue under the Trade Secrets Act.

For the reasons stated above, the judgment of the circuit court of McHenry County is reversedand the cause is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Reversed and remanded.

GROMETER and BYRNE, JJ., concur.