People v. DePaolo

Case Date: 11/17/2000
Court: 2nd District Appellate
Docket No: 2-99-0387 Rel

17 November 2000

No. 2--99--0387









Appeal from the Circuit Court
of Du Page County.

No. 98--CF--1311

Michael J. Burke,
Judge, Presiding.

JUSTICE COLWELL delivered the opinion of the court:

Following a jury trial, defendant, James V. DePaolo, was found guilty of felony retail theft (720 ILCS 5/16A-3(a),16A-10(3) (West 1998)). Defendant appeals and contends that his conviction must be reversed (1) because the evidencewas not sufficient to show that he completed the offense of retail theft and he therefore was guilty, at most, of attemptedretail theft; (2) because the trial court erred in admitting evidence regarding the value of the allegedly stolen merchandise;and (3) because the trial court failed to properly admonish him of his right to tender a jury instruction on a lesser includedoffense. We affirm.

At trial, the State called Claude Achkar as a witness. Achkar testified that on July 8, 1998, he was the store manager at aHome Depot store in Downers Grove, Illinois. Achkar described the store as a retail store for home improvement. Achkartestified that, as the store manager, he was familiar with the prices of the items that were for sale in the store. Achkar wasalso familiar with the layout of the store, which included an open-air "outside garden" area that is normally enclosed by aroof and a high fence. During the summer months, the outside garden area of the store is expanded to accommodate theincreased volume of seasonal products on sale there. The expanded area is not enclosed by the roof or the high fence. Instead, the expanded area is enclosed by a temporary wall constructed of products such as bags of topsoil on pallets. Thetemporary wall is about six or seven feet high. The expanded area that is enclosed by the temporary wall is approximately10 feet by 50 feet.

On the morning of July 8, 1998, Achkar was on duty at the Home Depot store. Achkar was walking down an aisle in thestore when he noticed a person whom he identified in court as defendant. Defendant was putting a trimmer into a shoppingcart. The cart already contained two boxed ceiling fans. Achkar said "hello" to defendant, but defendant did not respondand did not make any eye contact with Achkar. Achkar noticed that defendant was "a little nervous."

Achkar observed defendant push the cart down the aisle toward the outside garden area, which is in the back end of thestore. Achkar followed defendant as he entered the outside garden area and the expanded area enclosed by the temporarywall. Achkar then went outside the temporary wall and stood about 6 to 10 feet off to defendant's side. Achkar was able toobserve defendant through a lowered section of the temporary wall. Defendant did not notice Achkar. Achkar testified:

"[J]ust as I was standing there, I saw Mr. DePaolo take the trimmer on top of the cart, throw it over the [temporary wall],the stacked product, and land it right in front of me -- about six feet away from me, and took the other product, which wastwo fans, one after another, and tosses them right over."

Achkar further testified that he immediately jumped over the lowered section of the temporary wall and approacheddefendant while defendant was still in the outside garden area of the store. Achkar told defendant what he had observed. Defendant at first "denied the whole thing." After Achkar identified himself to defendant, defendant's demeanor changedfrom defensive to "cordial." Achkar then walked with defendant to Achkar's office.

Achkar further testified that after defendant entered Achkar's office defendant made statements to the effect that he had aseven-year-old daughter he was trying to take care of; that he was willing to pay for the items in question; that he had heardHome Depot was an easy target; and that, if Achkar let him go, defendant would help Achkar catch others who werestealing from Home Depot.

Achkar further testified that he made calls to assistants and directed them to retrieve the items that defendant had thrownover the temporary wall. The assistants went and looked for the items but found only an empty trimmer box. They did notfind any trace of the fans. Achkar himself later went and looked for the items but could not find them.

At trial, the State presented exhibits that Achkar identified as ceiling fans that were identical to the two fans he sawdefendant throw over the wall. Achkar testified that the price of the ceiling fans was $99 each. The State also presented atrimmer box that Achkar identified as the actual box that defendant threw over the wall. Achkar testified that when he sawdefendant throw the box over the wall the box contained a Ryobi trimmer priced at $99.

On cross-examination, Achkar testified that there is no cash register in the outside garden area of the Home Depot store. Achkar also testified that the area outside the temporary wall into which the defendant threw the items consisted of a grassyarea and a driveway used by drivers making deliveries to Home Depot.

Mike Earl testified that on July 8, 1998, he was an associate manager at the Home Depot store in Downers Grove. At about10:30 a.m., Earl was paged by Achkar and instructed to immediately come to Achkar's office. When Earl arrived atAchkar's office, Achkar was there with defendant. Earl's testimony corroborated Achkar's testimony regarding thestatements that defendant made while defendant was in Achkar's office. Earl also testified that during a brief period whenAchkar left the office, defendant offered to give Earl $1,000 if Earl would let defendant go.

Russell Piszczek, a Downers Grove police officer, testified that he was called to the Home Depot store at about 10:30 a.m.on July 8, 1998. When Piszczek arrived at the store, he was met by the store manager, who escorted him to an office. Aperson whom Piszczek identified in court as defendant was in the office. Piszczek advised defendant that he had beenaccused of retail theft. Defendant denied any knowledge of a theft. Piszczek arrested defendant and took him to the policestation for booking.

Piszczek further testified that during the booking process defendant stated, "I will be honest, I did it." Piszczek alsotestified that defendant then stated that he had heard that Home Depot was an easy target "because the outside garden areawasn't fenced"; that he thought the items that he took were worth over $300 each; and that he needed money to pay someworkers to finish a job. An inventory done during the booking process revealed that defendant did not have any money onhim when he was booked.

Defendant testified that he was at the Home Depot store in Downers Grove on the morning of July 8, 1998; that he wasthere with his mother to buy plants; that he was in the garden center of the store but had no merchandise with him; that thestore manager approached him in the garden center; and that he was then detained in the store manager's office. Defendantdenied that while he was in the Home Depot store he ever had a shopping cart in his possession, ever picked up a boxedceiling fan, or ever picked up a trimmer. Defendant's testimony regarding the events that transpired while he was detainedin the office contradicted the testimony of Achkar and Earl regarding the statements that defendant allegedly made while hewas in the office. For example, with respect to Earl's testimony that defendant offered to pay for the items, defendanttestified that Earl suggested to him that he pay for the items. Defendant also testified that he refused to pay for the itemsbecause he did not take anything.

In rebuttal, the State presented evidence showing that defendant had three prior felony convictions. The trial courtinstructed the jury that it could consider the evidence of defendant's prior convictions only as it affected defendant'sbelievability as a witness.

The jury found defendant guilty of retail theft of merchandise with a retail value in excess of $150, a felony. The trial courtentered judgment on the verdict. The trial court later denied defendant's oral motion for a new trial. Following a hearing,the trial court sentenced defendant to five years' incarceration and entered an unsatisfied judgment against defendant in theamount of $198. Defendant's timely notice of appeal followed.

On appeal, defendant first contends that his conviction must be reversed because the evidence was insufficient to supporthis conviction of felony retail theft. Defendant argues that the evidence supported no more than the offense of attemptedretail theft, a misdemeanor.

When the sufficiency of the evidence in a criminal trial is challenged on appeal, the relevant question is whether, afterviewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essentialelements of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. People v. Collins, 106 Ill. 2d 237, 261 (1985). Because it is not areviewing court's function to retry a defendant, this standard of review is one of great deference to the trier of fact. Peoplev. Smith, 177 Ill. 2d 53, 73 (1997). It is the responsibility of the trier of fact to resolve conflicts in the testimony, weigh theevidence, and draw reasonable inferences regarding basic and ultimate facts. People v. Howery, 178 Ill. 2d 1, 38 (1997). Acriminal conviction will not be set aside on the ground of insufficient evidence unless the evidence is so improbable orunsatisfactory that there remains a reasonable doubt of the defendant's guilt. People v. Taylor, 186 Ill. 2d 439, 445 (1999).

Here, defendant contends that the evidence was sufficient, at most, to convict him of an attempted retail theft, but was notsufficient to convict him of a completed retail theft. In support of this position, defendant cites the case of People v. Steele,156 Ill. App. 3d 508 (1987). Defendant posits that Steele stands for the proposition that a retail theft is not completed untila defendant passes the last known pay station in a store while in possession of merchandise that he intends to steal. Defendant argues that applying the Steele principle to this case shows that he did not complete the retail theft that he wascharged with committing because the evidence showed that he never passed the last pay station in the Home Depot store;that he merely threw the items over the temporary wall; that the items landed on Home Depot property; and that he "couldhave retrieved the items and returned them to the store shelves, but he was not given that opportunity because he wasapprehended immediately." In defendant's view, it was therefore error to convict him of retail theft rather than themisdemeanor offense of attempted retail theft.

Section 16A--3 of the Criminal Code of 1961 defines the offense of retail theft and provides, in relevant part:

"A person commits the offense of retail theft when he or she knowingly:

(a) Takes possession of, carries away, transfers or causes to be carried away or transferred, any merchandise displayed,held, stored or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment with the intention of retaining such merchandise or withthe intention of depriving the merchant permanently of the possession, use or benefit of such merchandise without payingthe full retail value of such merchandise[.]" 720 ILCS 5/16A--3(a) (West 1998).

In order to convict defendant of retail theft, the State was required to prove the following elements: (1) that defendantknowingly took possession of, carried away, or transferred, or caused to be carried away or transferred merchandise; (2)that the merchandise was displayed, held, stored, or offered for sale in a retail mercantile establishment; and (3) thatdefendant intended to retain the merchandise, or intended to permanently deprive the merchant of the possession, use, orbenefit of the merchandise, without paying the full retail value of the merchandise. See People v. Rucker, 294 Ill. App. 3d218, 226 (1998).

Based on our review of the record, we conclude that the State presented sufficient evidence from which a rational jurycould have found defendant guilty of a completed retail theft beyond a reasonable doubt. Achkar observed defendant wheelmerchandise in a shopping cart to the garden area of the store. Once there, defendant threw the merchandise, a trimmer andtwo ceiling fans, over the temporary wall in the garden area of the store. For purposes of retail theft, the elements of theoffense, including the element of intent to retain permanent unauthorized control of merchandise, can be inferred fromcircumstantial evidence. Rucker, 294 Ill. App. 3d at 226. In this case, the jury could reasonably infer that by throwing themerchandise over the temporary wall defendant had carried away or transferred merchandise. There is no real question thatthe merchandise was offered for sale in the Home Depot store, a retail mercantile establishment. The jury also could haveinferred that by throwing the merchandise over the wall defendant intended to permanently deprive Home Depot of thepossession, use, or benefit of the merchandise without paying for it.

Defendant's reliance on Steele is misplaced. In Steele, this court determined that a retail theft could be deemed completedwhen a defendant moved merchandise beyond the last known payment station without paying for it. However, nothing inSteele indicated that moving merchandise beyond the last known payment station was the only means of establishing thatthe offense of retail theft had been completed. Here, defendant has not offered a reasonable explanation as to why he threwthe merchandise over the wall if it was not to permanently deprive Home Depot of the possession, use, or benefit of themerchandise. Therefore the jury could infer defendant's criminal intent. See Steele, 156 Ill. App. 3d at 512 (jury properlyweighed defendant's lack of explanation against him).

For these reasons, defendant's contention that the State failed to present sufficient evidence to convict him of retail theftbeyond a reasonable doubt fails. Accordingly, defendant is not entitled to reversal of his conviction on that ground.

Defendant next contends that his conviction of retail theft must be reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor because theState failed to prove the element of the offense that is necessary for a felony conviction, i.e., that the merchandise inquestion had a value in excess of $150. Defendant acknowledges that Achkar testified that the three items of merchandisein question in this case each had a retail value of $99. It is therefore readily apparent that, if Achkar's testimony regardingthe value of the items was properly before the jury and was not contradicted, the testimony would be sufficient to show thatthe value of the items exceeded $150. However, defendant asserts that the trial court erred in allowing the jury to considerAchkar's testimony regarding the value of the items because there was an insufficient foundation for the testimony. Thus,defendant's contention is essentially a challenge to the admissibility of the evidence.

Evidentiary rulings are within the sound discretion of the trial court and will not be reversed absent an abuse of discretion. People v. Reid, 179 Ill. 2d 297, 313 (1997). In the context of an evidentiary ruling, an abuse of discretion occurs if theruling is arbitrary or unreasonable or if no reasonable person would take the view adopted by the court. People v. Illgen,145 Ill. 2d 353, 364 (1991).

When the State charges a defendant with retail theft of property that has a value in excess of $150, value is an element ofthe offense that must be resolved by the trier of fact as either exceeding or not exceeding $150. 720 ILCS 5/16A-10(3)(West 1998). In the absence of contrary evidence, testimony as to the value of property alleged to be stolen is proper proofof value. People v. Newton, 117 Ill. App. 2d 232, 235 (1969).

Defendant cites People v. Mikolajewski, 272 Ill. App. 3d 311 (1995), in support of his argument regarding the value of themerchandise. In Mikolajewski, the defendant was convicted of felony retail theft. The offense was deemed a felony basedsolely on the testimony of a store security officer that she had seen price tags attached to the merchandise in question andthat the price tags reflected a total retail price for the merchandise of $419.96. The State did not produce the price tags attrial. Mikolajewski, 272 Ill. App. 3d at 313-14. The appellate court reversed the defendant's conviction after concludingthat the security officer's testimony regarding value was inadmissible hearsay. The court noted that the security officer "hadno real knowledge of how or why the price tags were placed on the packages." Mikolajewski, 272 Ill. App. 3d at 318.

In this case, unlike in Mikolajewski, the testimony regarding the retail value of the stolen merchandise was provided by awitness who had knowledge of the prices of the merchandise. Achkar testified that, as the store manager, he was familiarwith the prices of the items in the Home Depot store. Questions regarding the knowledge of a witness in valuing propertygo toward the weight of the evidence, not its competency. People v. Foster, 199 Ill. App. 3d 372, 392 (1990). Thetestimony of a store manager as to the value of items stolen from his store has been held to be sufficient proof of the stolenitems. People v. Connell, 91 Ill. App. 3d 326, 335 (1980). Defendant did not object at trial to Achkar's testimonyregarding value. Defendant had an opportunity to cross-examine Achkar and could have contested Achkar's knowledgeregarding value at that time. Defendant did not do that.

Based on this record, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion when it admitted Achkar's testimonyregarding the value of the items that were allegedly stolen. Accordingly, defendant is not entitled to a reversal of hisconviction on the ground that it was error to admit the testimony.

Defendant next contends that he is entitled to the reversal of his conviction because the trial court failed to fully admonishhim of his right to tender a jury instruction on a lesser-included offense. At trial, during the instructions conference, thetrial court broached the topic of a lesser-included-offense instruction by addressing defendant as follows:

"Mr.DePaolo, your attorney has not submitted any lesser[-]include[d][-]offense instructions, and I do not make thiscomment based upon my thoughts one way or another, whether one is appropriate or not, because I haven't ruled on that,but this is one point some recent case law indicates that the defendant himself or herself should have input into whether ornot lesser[-]included[-]offense instructions are tendered to the jury.

Have you talked about this issue with your attorney?"

Defendant's attorney responded that he and defendant had not discussed the issue. The trial court then recessed theproceedings so defendant could discuss the issue with his attorney. Following the recess, defendant's attorney advised thecourt that he had discussed the issue of lesser-included-offense instructions with defendant and that defendant was notoffering any lesser-included-offense instructions. In response to the trial court's inquiry, defendant's attorney also advisedthe court that the decision not to submit any lesser-included-offense instructions was based upon the attorney's theory of thecase and his review of the evidence with defendant. The trial court then asked defendant whether his attorney's statementwas correct and whether this was also his decision. To both questions, defendant replied, "Yes, it is."

On appeal, defendant asserts that the trial court should have more thoroughly admonished him regarding lesser-included-offense instructions because the questions of a possible attempted retail theft and the value of the stolen merchandise wereat issue. Defendant maintains that the decision to tender a lesser-included-offense instruction is analogous to the decisionas to what plea to enter. Defendant implies that the admonishments regarding lesser-included-offense instructions shouldtherefore be similar to the admonishments regarding pleas.

Defendant raises the legal issue of what admonishments, if any, a trial court is required to give a defendant regarding lesser-included-offense instructions. Because there is no factual dispute regarding the admonishments that were given todefendant, our standard of review is de novo. See People v. Smith, 191 Ill. 2d 408, 411 (2000).

The State initially responds that defendant has waived this issue by failing to raise it either during the trial or in his posttrialmotion. It is well settled that a defendant waives an allegation of error unless he both objects at trial and raises the issue ina posttrial motion. See People v. Kliner, 185 Ill. 2d 81, 161 (1998). However, a reviewing court may consider an issue thatwould otherwise be considered waived when the evidence is closely balanced or the error affects a substantial right. 134Ill. 2d R. 615(a); People v. Towns, 174 Ill. 2d 453, 464 (1996). A defendant's right to tender a lesser-included-offenseinstruction affects a substantial right. See People v. Brocksmith, 162 Ill. 2d 224, 228-29 (1994). We will therefore reviewthe issue.

The sole authority that defendant cites in support of his position is Brocksmith. In that case, our supreme court held thatthe ultimate decision of whether to tender a lesser-included-offense instruction, because it was analogous to the decision ofwhat plea to enter, belonged exclusively to the defendant and not to his attorney. Brocksmith, 162 Ill. 2d at 229. However,the question of what admonitions, if any, a defendant should be given regarding lesser-included-offense instructions wasnot at issue in Brocksmith. Thus, defendant's reliance on Brocksmith as authority regarding such admonitions ismisplaced.

Our research has revealed the case of People v. Castillo, 298 Ill. App. 3d 839 (1998), where the appellate court directlyaddressed the question of whether a court was required to admonish a defendant with respect to his decision regarding thetendering of lesser-included-offense instructions. The Castillo court noted the principle stated in People v. Smith, 176 Ill.2d 217 (1997), that courts are not required to admonish a defendant with respect to all the decisions that a defendant has aright to make at trial. The Castillo court then determined that the Smith principle and its supporting rationale applied to adefendant's decision regarding whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions. The Castillo court stated:

"[T]he circuit court is not required to advise a defendant of the right to make that decision, to inquire whether the defendantknowingly and intelligently waived that decision, or to set of record the defendant's decision on the matter." Castillo, 298Ill. App. 3d at 846.

We agree with Castillo that the rationale in Smith is applicable to a defendant's decision regarding whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions. Several of the specific reasons mentioned in Smith for not requiring that a court set of recorda defendant's decision whether to testify appear to be applicable to a defendant's decision regarding a lesser-included-offense instruction. These include that the decision not be raised as an afterthought after conviction; that the court notinfluence a defendant's decision; that the court not improperly intrude on the attorney-client relationship; and that the courtnot interfere with defense strategy. See Smith, 176 Ill. 2d at 235. We therefore agree with Castillo and conclude that adefendant is not entitled to be admonished with respect to his decision regarding whether to submit lesser-included-offenseinstructions.

We are aware of a case that suggests that it is appropriate for a trial court to admonish a defendant with respect to hisdecision whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions. See People v. Sinnott, 226 Ill. App 3d 923, 931-32 (1992). However, as we read Sinnott, the admonishments suggested there are discretionary. Consequently, Sinnott does not requireus to change our conclusion that a court need not admonish a defendant regarding his decision whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions.

We are also aware that our supreme court has held that "under appropriate circumstances, a trial court possesses thediscretion to instruct a jury sua sponte on lesser-included offenses, even where the State does not request such instructionand the defendant objects." People v. Garcia, 188 Ill. 2d 265, 282 (1999). However, Garcia did not address the question ofadmonishments, and it is clear that Garcia regarded the trial court's authority to instruct a jury regarding lesser-includedoffenses as discretionary. Consequently, Garcia does not require us to change our conclusion that a court need notadmonish a defendant regarding his decision whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions.

In this case, the trial court properly exercised its discretion when it admonished defendant that he had the right to decidewhether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions. Defendant then conferred with his attorney and decided not tosubmit lesser-included-offense instructions. Defendant concurred in his attorney's statement that the decision was based ona review of the evidence and trial strategy. Because the trial court was not required to provide any admonishments todefendant regarding his decision, the court was certainly not required to provide any further admonishments to defendantregarding his decision. Therefore, defendant is not entitled to the reversal of his conviction on the ground that the trialcourt failed to properly admonish him regarding his decision whether to submit lesser-included-offense instructions.

Based on the foregoing, the judgment of the circuit court of Du Page County is affirmed.


GEIGER and RAPP, JJ., concur.