Velarde v. Illinois Central R.R.

Case Date: 11/08/2004
Court: 1st District Appellate
Docket No: 1-02-1859 Rel

First Division
November 8, 2004





(Rafael Apulello and The Northern Trust Company, as Co-Guardians
of Lilia Apulello, a Disabled person, and Rafael Apulello, Individually,



ILLINOIS CENTRAL R.R. CO., d/b/a Canadian National/Illinois
Central R.R. Company, an Illinois Corporation, and CHICAGO


Appeal from
the Circuit Court
of Cook County

01 L 373
01 L 372

Leonard L. Levin,
Judge Presiding

JUSTICE McBRIDE delivered the opinion of the court:

This appeal involves a collision between a freight train and an automobile which occurredjust after noon on January 9, 2001, on Army Trail Road in Bloomingdale, Illinois. The owner andmaintainer of the tracks, defendant Illinois Central Railroad Company d/b/a Canadian National/Illinois Central Railroad Company (CNIC or railroad), knew that snow and road salt had causedthe intersection's warning gates and lights to malfunction and was using a stop-and-flag procedurethere until the signals were repaired. On this particular dry, sunny Tuesday afternoon, however, aCNIC dispatcher mistakenly advised a northwestbound train's engineer that the signal problemhad been fixed, and the train, consisting of three locomotives and 63 cars, proceeded through theintersection at 50 miles per hour. The passengers of the southbound automobile it struck,plaintiffs Fidel and Francisca Velarde, and the driver of the automobile, the Velardes' adultdaughter, Lilia Apulello, sustained primarily internal and closed head injuries when their 1998Ford Explorer was broadsided and then rolled several times. The Velardes filed a negligenceaction against CNIC and the owner and operator of the train, defendant Chicago Central &Pacific Railroad Company (CC&P). Lilia filed a separate action against the same two defendants,which was consolidated with her parents' suit. As a result of her head injuries, however, Lilia wassubsequently declared a disabled person, and her co-guardians, The Northern Trust Company andher husband, Rafael Apulello, became the plaintiffs to her claim (Lilia or the Apulellos). Rafaelalso added a claim of his own for loss of consortium. A jury awarded more than $54 million tothe occupants of the Ford Explorer and apportioned 60% liability to CNIC, 35% to CC&P, and5% to Lilia, resulting in a slight reduction of the monetary awards. The jury also awarded Rafael$3.5 million. The trial judge entered judgment on the awards and denied motions for judgmentnotwithstanding the verdict and a new trial. On appeal, CNIC and CC&P contend (1) the use of aday-in-the-life video about Lilia, (2) the slight allocation of negligence to Lilia, (3) the largeawards, and (4) improper closing arguments warrant a new trial on the issues of liability anddamages, or damages alone, or alternatively, remittitur by $38 million.

The focus of defendants' appeal is their contention they were "ambushed" by the Velardesand Apulellos on the first day of trial with a 22-minute day-in-the-life video about Lilia. Defendants state they were surprised by the video's existence, vehemently and repeatedly objectedto its presentation to the jury, and then suffered a predictable "bloodbath" in excessive damagesand badly misallocated fault when the video unfairly elicited sympathy for plaintiffs. Defendantscontend the case must be retried without the video.

The facts pertinent to this issue are as follows. In March 2001, defendants issued Rule 213interrogatories (177 Ill. 2d R. 213), which included a question as to whether any photographs,movies and/or videotapes had been taken of the accident scene or the vehicle or persons involved. In June 2001, Lilia answered this question, "None." Trial was scheduled for Monday, January 28,2002. Fact and opinion discovery closed in mid-November 2001. The video was recorded onJanuary 8 and 12, or on January 8 and 16, 2002 -- the earlier dates appear in the transcripts andbriefs, and the latter are marked on the copy of the video used during the trial. The Apulellos'attorney finished editing the raw video footage on Friday, January 25, 2002.

On Monday, January 28, 2002, the Apulellos' attorney told defense counsel that he had thevideo and intended to use it at trial. The video was discussed for the first time on the record thatday, during the presentation of numerous motions in limine. At that point, neither the judge nordefendants had viewed the recording, and the judge deferred ruling on its admissibility.

The video was next addressed immediately after jury selection, on Tuesday, January 29,2002. The Apulellos' attorney again raised the subject, describing the film as "demonstrative"rather than substantive evidence of the nature and extent of Lilia's injuries and indicating theparties were still exchanging demonstrative exhibits. The defense attorney acknowledged thedefense was still working on a diagram, but said he was objecting to plaintiffs' use of the videobecause it was "way past any discovery disclosure time" and contained "testimonial" audio andunnecessary scenes. The Apulellos' attorney then offered to use the video without the audiotrack, said he would take out scenes showing Lilia's sister and nephew cleaning the house, andsuggested the attorneys could meet that evening to reach an agreement about what else to "takeout." The trial judge said "Okay," and then proceeded to address other aspects of the trial. Theattorneys met that evening. According to a sworn statement from the Apulellos' attorney, heedited scenes from the video immediately after the attorneys met, in "strict accordance" withdefense counsel's requests, and this version of the video was used at trial. The record shows theApulellos' attorney played a few minutes of the video without the audio track during his openingstatements, without objection from defendants. There was also no objection when Lilia's sisterand Rafael narrated portions of the silenced recording while they described Lilia's weekday andweekend activities.

However, at the end of the week, on Friday, February 1, 2002, defense counsel broachedthe topic with the judge, stating:

"[DEFENDANTS' COUNSEL]: [The Apulellos' attorney] and Imet [Tuesday night] at my office. I said, Look, I'll withdraw myobjection if A, you take the audio out, B, some other parts and theother thing I said is I want the outtakes, I wanted unedited tapes,that was my deal.

I haven't gotten them, and my indication here today is I'mnot going to get those unedited tapes. If that's the case then I'mgoing to renew my objection."

The Apulellos' counsel responded that according to the supreme court's opinion in Cisarikv. Palos Community Hospital, 144 Ill. 2d 339, 579 N.E.2d 873 (1991), the Apulellos' outtakesfrom the original footage were privileged attorney work product, but that he had been willing togive the defense the edited version of the film which the Apulellos had intended to use at trial andthe scenes defense counsel edited from that version when the attorneys met to review theprepared exhibit. The defense attorney countered:

[DEFENDANTS' COUNSEL]: Judge, *** I don't have ithere because this issue just came up, [but] there is actually some[case law] that [indicates] *** I'm even entitled to be there at thetime these [scenes] are filmed. This is essentially no matter howyou cut it, whether there is voice on it or no voice on it, a day in thelife is a testimonial presentation. I can't cross examine the film.

The only thing I can do is see what was pulled out. Whatwas pulled out is in essence a way that I could cross examine ***.*** I'm renewing my objection if I don't get those outtakes."

The Apulellos' attorney responded that Cisarik was case law directly on point and that itshielded the Apulellos' outtakes from discovery. He questioned whether he would be expected tobring in all the drafts of any other trial exhibit. The defense attorney admitted that he wasunfamiliar with Cisarik, but stated, "I was withdrawing an objection *** to the video becausethey agreed, A, to take out the audio, B, because they agreed to take out pieces of it, and I saidC, I want the outtakes." The trial judge reassured defense counsel that he would receive plaintiffs'outtakes if the defense was legally entitled to them. However, after the defense attorney reviewedCisarik during a break in the proceedings, he stated:

"[DEFENDANTS' COUNSEL]: Judge, for the record, Iam not going to disagree with what [the Apulellos' counsel] saidCisarik says. It does.

I just want to make clear on the record my objectionbecause, on the record, I disagree with Cisarik. I think it is wrong.

My objection is A, that in my view it should have beenproduced during discovery so I am renewing that objection.

B, I believe the outtakes are not work product, and that'sit."

Nevertheless, in their combined posttrial motion for a new trial and judgmentnotwithstanding the verdict, defendants argued in part that the video should have been barredbecause defendants were wrongfully denied plaintiffs' outtakes. The Apulellos responded that theversion used at trial was in fact "defense-approved." They summarized the proceedings quotedabove and tendered the affidavit referenced above in which plaintiffs' counsel described hisinteraction with the defense attorney. Defendants moved to strike the attorney's affidavit, arguingthat it contradicted an on-the-record statement of facts, and the trial judge denied the motionwithout comment.

Defendants' first specific contention about the video is that it contained fact and opiniontestimony and was therefore "substantive evidence" which should have been barred from the trialbecause it was not timely disclosed in response to defendants' Rule 213 interrogatories. 177 Ill.2d Rs. 213(a), (d). Rule 213(i) imposes a continuing duty on a party to "seasonably supplementor amend any prior answer or response whenever new or additional information subsequentlybecomes known to that party." 177 Ill. 2d R. 213(j). In addition to citing the various paragraphsof Rule 213 and a host of related cases, defendants cite Wiker v. Pieprzyca-Berkes, 314 Ill. App.3d 421, 430, 732 N.E.2d 92, 99 (2000), and Warrender v. Millsop, 304 Ill. App. 3d 260, 264,710 N.E.2d 512, 519 (1999), for the proposition that the video was untimely disclosed orimproperly withheld evidence. The Apulellos respond that the video was properly admitted asdemonstrative evidence, pursuant to Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d 339, 579 N.E.2d 873. Additionally,defendants' concerns about the video were accommodated when their attorney previewed andedited out certain footage, and the audio track was silenced while trial witnesses, whose testimonywas subject to objection and cross-examination, provided narration. The Velardes add that theydid not make, introduce, or use the video, and that defendants have cited no authority for theproposition that the Velardes had a duty to produce someone else's demonstrative evidence.

The admission of a film into evidence is within the sound discretion of the trial court(Carney v. Smith, 240 Ill. App. 3d 650, 656, 608 N.E.2d 379, 383 (1992)), and an abuse ofdiscretion occurs only where no reasonable person would agree with the trial court's conclusion. Schwartz v. Cortelloni, 177 Ill. 2d 166, 685 N.E.2d 871 (1997).

Defendants' assertion that the day-in-the-life video was substantive evidence is refuted bythe opinion which the Apulellos repeatedly cited at trial and defendants now almost ignore,Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d 339, 579 N.E.2d 873. That case involved a brain-damaged infant andallegations of medical negligence. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 340, 579 N.E.2d at 874. The pertinentdetails are disclosed by opinions issued by the appellate and supreme courts. Cisarik v. PalosCommunity Hospital, 193 Ill. App. 3d 41, 549 N.E.2d 840 (1989), aff'd in part & rev'd in part,144 Ill. 2d 339, 579 N.E.2d 873 (1991). The plaintiff's attorney decided to make a film depictinga typical day for the infant, in order to give the jury a grasp of the full extent of her disabilities. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 341, 579 N.E.2d at 874. The defense persuaded the trial judge to issue aprotective order permitting each party to have one lawyer present during the filming, a copy ofthe finished film as well as all edited-out and unused footage, and the right to depose anyauthenticating witnesses. Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 43-45, 549 N.E.2d at 841-42. The judgereasoned that a day-in-the-life film was like an evidence deposition, and therefore it was subject tosimilar treatment. Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 45, 549 N.E.2d at 842. The plaintiff, however, didnot want the defense present during filming and took an appeal.

The appellate court disagreed only slightly with the trial judge's approach and found thatbecause the film's preparation itself was not evidence, the plaintiff's attorney could make the filmwithout opposing counsel in attendance. Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 45, 549 N.E.2d at 842. Theappellate court modified the protective order accordingly. Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 45, 549N.E.2d at 842. Notably, it did not disturb, and in fact it expressly reiterated the portions of theorder requiring (a) that all the film, whether or not it was used in the plaintiff's final edited version,be preserved for the defendants' viewing and use at trial as their own evidence, and (b) that theplaintiff's authenticating witnesses were subject to deposition. Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 45, 549N.E.2d at 842.

On further appeal to the supreme court, however, the entire protective order was vacated. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 343, 579 N.E.2d at 875. The supreme court determined that when viewedin its "proper light," a day-in-the-life film is "merely a type of demonstrative evidence,"comparable to a still photograph, a drawing, a model, or even a chart, that it "has no probativevalue in itself," and that it serves only as a "visual aid to the jury in comprehending the verbaltestimony." Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 341, 579 N.E.2d at 874. In addition, the "preparation of suchevidence" is properly deemed "the work product of the lawyer who is directing and overseeing itspreparation" (Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 341, 579 N.E.2d at 874), and "opposing counsel has no rightto intrude into the production of this demonstrative evidence" (Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 342, 579N.E.2d at 875). The supreme court was not swayed by the defendants' argument that day-in-the-life films are a "parade of horribles" which should be subject to more stringent discoveryguidelines than other types of evidence. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 342, 579 N.E.2d at 874. Instead,the court found that the standard two-prong test for admissibility of evidence such as stillphotographs, when and if the plaintiff offered the film into evidence at trial, would adequatelyprotect the defendants. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 342, 579 N.E.2d at 874. Under the first prong, afoundation would have to be laid that the film was an accurate portrayal of what it purportedlyshowed, and under the second prong, the film's probative value could not substantially outweighthe danger of unfair prejudice. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 342, 579 N.E.2d at 874.

Cisarik makes clear that that day-in-life-films are considered demonstrative evidencewhich helps jurors understand witness testimony, rather than additional substantive evidence. Furthermore, it appears defendants' "substantive evidence" arguments more or less repeatCisarik's dissent. For example, the dissent emphasized that pretrial discovery promotes fair,efficient, and expeditious proceedings leading to the truth, rather than "trial as a battle of wits"(Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 345-46, 579 N.E.2d at 876 (Miller, J., dissenting, joined by Freeman, J.)),and defendants here remark that the objectives of pretrial discovery include "enhanc[ing] thetruth-seeking process," and "stop[ping] last minute trickery." The dissent stated that comparing aday-in-the-life film to other types of demonstrative evidence, such as a chart or graph, "overlooksthe special nature" and "powerful and distinctive nature" of a day-in-the-life film (Cisarik, 144 Ill.2d at 346, 579 N.E.2d at 876 (Miller, J., dissenting, joined by Freeman, J.)), and defendants echothat a day-in-the-life video "is virtually unique in its probative impact," and "able to inform andpromote a better understanding *** as no other evidence can do" (emphasis in original). Basedon these principles about discovery and the power of film, the dissent expressed concern that theopinion was "eliminating [the] defendants' discovery rights on the ground that the proposed filmmust ultimately satisfy tests for admissibility at trial" (Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 345, 579 N.E.2d at876 (Miller, J., dissenting, joined by Freeman, J.)) and "revert[ing] to the kind of trial by ambushthat can result when discovery rights are ignored" (Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 346, 579 N.E.2d at 876(Miller, J., dissenting, joined by Freeman, J.)). Similarly, defendants now contend they were"ambushed" by the video and "in the age of full disclosure, the proceedings below are hard tofathom." Defendants' arguments do not persuade us to contravene Cisarik and conclude that theApulellos' video should have been treated as additional testimony or substantive evidence, becauseit is not within our authority to overrule the supreme court or modify its decisions. Walton v.Norphlett, 56 Ill. App. 3d 4, 5, 371 N.E.2d 978, 979 (1977); Belden Manufacturing Co. v.Chicago Threaded Fastners, Inc., 84 Ill. App. 2d 336, 340, 228 N.E.2d 532, 534 (1967).

As for Wiker, it concerned a surveillance video that was never used at trial; therefore, itwas only dictum when the court indicated a surveillance video must be disclosed before it can beused at a trial even for cross-examination. Wiker, 314 Ill. App. 3d at 430, 732 N.E.2d at 99. Wealso point out that the court gave no indication when such disclosure must occur. Wiker, 314 Ill.App. 3d at 430, 732 N.E.2d at 99. Therefore, Wiker's value here is nominal, at best. Indefendants' other case, Warrender, the court found that a discovery violation occurred when thedefendant kept a surveillance video of the plaintiff for two months before turning it over. Warrender, 304 Ill. App. 3d at 270, 710 N.E.2d at 519. However, nothing comparable occurredhere. The Apulellos' video was disclosed and tendered at the first opportunity. Filming beganabout three weeks before trial and took about one week to complete. The raw footage was thenreviewed and edited by the Apulellos' attorney during the week preceding trial, and was finalizedon a Friday. The Apulellos' attorney disclosed and tendered the video on the following Monday, supplementing the prior interrogatory answer that there was no video of the accident victims.Defendants' additional contention that the video should have been barred outright because theApulellos delayed in creating it and did not disclose it at least 60 days before trial pursuant toSupreme Court Rule 218(c)) (166 Ill. 2d R. 218(c)) is unpersuasive, given that the recordsuggests the court modified the discovery deadline. Defendants do not deny the Apulellos'assertion that depositions were being taken by both sides until a week before trial. Moreover,since the purpose of the video was to illustrate the evidence regarding Lilia's life at the time oftrial, it would make little sense to record her activities months in advance.

Thus, we are not persuaded by defendants' arguments that a retrial is warranted becausethe day-in-the-life video was disclosed and tendered too late in the proceedings.

Defendants' second main contention about the video is that they were entitled to discoverthe plaintiffs' outtakes but the trial judge erroneously read Cisarik as an indication that outtakesare protected by the attorney work product privilege and plaintiffs' counsel reneged on anagreement to surrender them. Defendants argue Cisarik's "true holding" does not support thejudge's ruling, and urge this court to consider that the Cisarik briefs filed in the supreme court andnow appended to defendants' reply brief did not ask the court to conclude that outtakes areprivileged. Defendants also argue the trial judge should have stricken the affidavit of theApulellos' attorney in which he described his interaction with defense counsel, because theaffidavit contradicted an on-the-record statement that there was an agreement to tender all theouttakes. Defendants contend that the prejudice which resulted from their inability to use theouttakes entitles them to a new trial without the film.

The Apulellos respond that defendants already conceded on the record that Cisarikshielded the Apulellos' outtakes from discovery, and, therefore, the argument is waived on appeal. Further, the concession was correct; the trial judge's application of the case was also correct; andthis intermediate court of appeal has no authority to contradict a higher court's opinion. In amotion ordered taken with the case, the Apulellos contend the Cisarik briefs are not properlybefore this court and should be stricken from defendants' reply brief. As for the accuracy of theirattorney's affidavit regarding the extent of his agreement with defense counsel, according to theApulellos, the record discloses they consistently refused to produce their own outtakes based onCisarik and its indications about outtakes and the attorney work product doctrine. The Velardesadd the record shows they were not involved in the dispute about the outtakes.

We find defendants waived any contention they were prejudiced by their lack of access tothe Apulellos' outtakes, because defendants failed to object when the edited video was first shownto the jury during the Apulellos' opening statements and when it was used to illustrate witnesstestimony. Chubb/Home Insurance Cos. v. Outboard Marine Corp., 238 Ill. App. 3d 558, 573,606 N.E.2d 423, 573 (1992) (failure to timely object waives question for purposes of review).

An additional reason for finding waiver is that defendants conceded on the record onFebruary 1, 2002, that they were not entitled to the Apulellos' outtakes, based on Cisarik and theattorney work product doctrine. The transcript quoted earlier indicates defense counsel"disagree[d] with Cisarik" and thought the supreme court's determination was "wrong," but thathe conceded the decision supported the Apulellos' position.

Furthermore, the concession about access to the outtakes was correct, because Cisarikplainly states that "opposing counsel has no right to intrude into the production of [a day-in-the-life film]." Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 342-43, 579 N.E.2d at 875. We disagree with defendants' newassertion that this means only that opposing counsel has no right to attend filming. If this werethe case, the supreme court would have left intact some portion of the protective order itcontemplated, instead of "revers[ing] both the trial court and the appellate court as to theappropriateness of the protective order." Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 343, 579 N.E.2d at 875. Asalready summarized above, the protective order entered by the trial court in Cisarik provided forthe defense to be present when plaintiff filmed the infant and for the defense to receive a copy ofevery single frame recorded (Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 341, 579 N.E.2d at 874), and the appellatecourt reversed the requirement that defense counsel be present during filming but reiterated thatthe defendants were "entitled to view all of the film taken" and "may use any film taken and notused by the plaintiff." Cisarik, 193 Ill. App. 3d at 45, 549 N.E.2d at 842. However, none ofthese provisions survived the supreme court's reversal. Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 343, 144 Ill. 2d at875. We also point out that the dissent - in a paragraph which defendants have chosen not toecho here - expressed concern that Cisarik's plaintiff was challenging only whether the defensehad a right to be present during filming, yet the court was reversing all the lower courts' discoveryguidelines (including the requirement that the defense receive footage edited-out and unused bythe plaintiff's counsel). Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 345, 579 N.E.2d at 875 (Miller, J., dissenting,joined by Freeman, J.). Because of the dissent, there is no question that Cisarik intentionallyexcluded the plaintiff's outtakes from discovery by the defense. Accordingly, we have no reasonto contemplate the Cisarik briefs attached to defendants' reply brief and will not consider theApulellos' motion to strike the attachment as improper.

We are also unpersuaded that the trial judge erred by denying, without comment,defendants' motion to strike the sworn statement of the Apulellos' attorney regarding his meetingwith defense counsel about use of the video at trial. See Hartgraves v. Don Cartage Co., 63 Ill.2d 425, 428, 348 N.E.2d 457, 459 (1976) (an affidavit is insufficient to amend or correct therecord). The transcripts, including irrelevant portions not summarized above, do not supportdefendants' assertion that the Apulellos' attorney expressly acknowledged in open court that hehad agreed to relinquish his own outtakes, or implicitly acknowledged an agreement to that effectby failing to contradict defense counsel's on-the-record statements. The transcript of February 1,2002, in particular indicates that the Apulellos' counsel (a) immediately countered the assertionthat defendants were entitled to the original, unedited footage, and (b) even referenced specificlegal authority, Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d 339, 579 N.E.2d 873, in support of his position that plaintiffs'outtakes were privileged under the attorney work product doctrine. Furthermore, theproceedings suggest that defense counsel initially believed he was legally entitled to plaintiffs'outtakes and, thus, no agreement to that effect was necessary. At first he characterized the film asa "testimonial presentation," contradicting Cisarik's clear indication that a day-in-the-life film ismerely "demonstrative evidence." Cisarik, 144 Ill. 2d at 341, 579 N.E.2d at 874. He also statedthat he was entitled by law to be present during filming, demonstrating his lack of familiarity withCisarik's facts. Then he admitted, after he supposedly negotiated release of plaintiffs' outtakes,that he was unfamiliar with Cisarik, which is a case directly on point. Accordingly, afterreviewing Cisarik during a break in the proceedings, he conceded that he was mistaken about adefendant's right to a plaintiff's unused footage. The fact that only the Apulellos' counsel wasfamiliar with pertinent case law when the attorneys met about the contents of the video makes itimprobable that the supposed agreement to relinquish the Apulellos' outtakes ever occurred. Inaddition, it is arguable that the February 1, 2002, transcript includes a concession that the defensemerely asked for the outtakes. The defense attorney "clarif[ied]" two things during theproceedings. First, that he had withdrawn his objection to the Apulellos' use of the video becausethe Apulellos' counsel agreed to "take out" the audio and certain scenes. Second, that he hadstated, "I want the outtakes." For all these reasons, we reject defendants' assertion that the trialjudge should have stricken the affidavit as an improper amendment or correction of thetranscripts.

Defendants' next major contention about the video is that any probative value of the videowas outweighed by the danger of prejudice to defendants. The Apulellos respond that the videocannot be characterized as unfairly prejudicial when it was approved by defense counsel, raised noobjection, and is actually bland and innocuous. The Velardes suggest that any further responsefrom them would be superfluous.

We have watched the exhibit at issue. It shows Lilia engaging in ordinary activities,including waking up, eating meals with her family, taking oral medication, dressing, brushing herhair, stripping linens from her bed, loading the clothes washer and dryer, putting on an overcoat,getting into the passenger's seat of a sport utility vehicle, and visiting her mother's house and agrocery market. We note that in many scenes, a family member prompts Lilia or helps Lilia insome other way to complete the activity, such as when she is encouraged to take the oralmedication or do the laundry. Noteworthy exceptions to this pattern are at her mother's house,where Lilia rearranges the pillows on the living room sofa so that she can nap, and at the marketwhere she strays away while her sister fills the shopping cart. Throughout the film, Lilia appearsanxious and easily confused and she is frequently tearful. In our opinion, however, the film doesnot dwell on her discomfort. Additionally, the film seems to illustrate the impact of head traumaand possibly resulting medication on Lilia's life, consistent with witness testimony indicating, asexamples, that Lilia took medication prescribed by her neurologist, had difficulty sustainingattention, needed someone to "cue her in" and give reminders, could not think flexibly or findsolutions to problems, could not manage utensils, and was frustrated, fearful, anxious andextremely depressed. Testimony to that effect would have been given even if the illustrating videowas never presented to the jury. Furthermore, the testimony regarding Lilia's life after thecollision was not closely balanced and we cannot conclude that the video tipped the verdict inplaintiffs' favor. In addition, although defendants contend that some of the scenes were irrelevantand that the probative value of other scenes was destroyed because they were cut short, thesecontentions are unpersuasive, given that the video was edited to the satisfaction of defensecounsel before it was used during opening statements. We also reject defendants' unsubstantiatedsuggestion that the video may have included exaggerated and self-serving behaviors. Defendantsdo not cite any portion of the record indicating they objected to use of the video on this basis attrial; thus, they cannot now complain of error. Thomas v. Industrial Comm'n, 78 Ill. 2d 327, 336,399 N.E.2d 1322, 1326 (1980). Furthermore, defendants chose not to have their own medicalexpert examine Lilia and never called upon Lilia to testify, giving up opportunities to discredit thestaged evidence, if in fact, it was staged. Defendants now protest that calling Lilia herself wouldhave made defendants "look cruel and heartless," actually lending credibility to a video in whichLilia appears to this court to be confused and easily upset. In addition, the silenced video wasnarrated by trial witnesses whose testimony was subject to additional objection, cross-examination, and curative instruction, if warranted, and defendants are not arguing that the trialjudge improperly rejected defendants' attempts to limit the impact of the video through thesemeans. We conclude it is most improbable that the jury was unduly influenced by a film whichshows Lilia engaging in commonplace activities in a manner that conformed with trial testimonyabout her injuries and disabilities. It was not an abuse of discretion to allow the jury to see thevideo.

In summary, we are not persuaded by any of defendants' arguments regarding theApulellos' use of the day-in-the-life video at trial.

Defendants' fourth main contention on appeal concerns the jury's allocation of negligence,60%, 35%, and 5% to CNIC, CC&P, and Lilia, respectively. Defendants argue none of theresponsibility should have been assigned to CC&P, since it operated the train with "due care," andthat at least half of the responsibility should have been attributed to Lilia. In a negligence action,the plaintiff must establish that the defendant owed a duty of care, that the defendant breachedthat duty, and that the plaintiff incurred injuries proximately caused by the breach. Espinoza v.Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Ry Co., 165 Ill. 2d 107, 114, 649 N.E.2d 1323, 1326 (1995). Theexistence of a duty is a question of law for the court to decide, while the issues of breach andproximate cause are factual matters for the jury to decide, provided there is a genuine issue ofmaterial fact regarding those issues. Espinoza, 165 Ill. 2d at 114, 649 N.E.2d at 1326. Defendants assert that if fault is properly reallocated, Lilia will be statutorily barred fromrecovering damages from either defendant because her own contributory fault was more than 50%of the proximate cause of her injuries (See 735 ILCS 5/2-1116 (West 1994)), or at least CC&Pwill be apportioned less than 25% of the liability and therefore rendered only severally liable forLilia's nonmedical damages (See 735 ILCS 5/2-1117 (West 1994)). The Apulellos and theVelardes respond that the evidence supported the jury's verdict and allocation of fault.

The defendants unsuccessfully presented their allocation of negligence arguments to thetrial judge in a single motion seeking judgment notwithstanding the verdict for CC&P or a newtrial for defendants. CC&P's motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict (judgment n.o.v.)should have been granted if all the evidence, viewed mostly favorably to Lilia, so overwhelminglyfavored CC&P that no contrary verdict based on that evidence could ever stand. Maple v.Gustafson, 151 Ill. 2d 445, 453, 603 N.E.2d 508, 512 (1992). "This is clearly a very difficultstandard to meet, limiting the power of the circuit court to reverse a jury verdict to extremesituations only." People ex rel. Department of Transportation v. Smith, 258 Ill. App. 3d 710,714, 631 N.E.2d 266, 269 (1994) (Smith). "Unquestionably, it is the province of the jury toresolve conflicts in the evidence, to pass upon the credibility of the witnesses, and to decide whatweight should be given to the witnesses' testimony." Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 452, 603 N.E.2d at511-12. "A trial court cannot reweigh the evidence and set aside a verdict merely because thejury could have drawn different inferences or conclusions, or because the court feels that otherresults are more reasonable." Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 452, 603 N.E.2d at 512. "The court has noright to enter a [judgment n.o.v.] if there is any evidence, together with reasonable inferences tobe drawn therefrom, demonstrating a substantial factual dispute, or where the assessment ofcredibility of the witnesses or the determination regarding conflicting evidence is decisive to theoutcome." Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 454, 603 N.E.2d at 512. This court reviews de novo a trialjudge's decision to grant or deny a motion for judgment n.o.v., but like the trial judge, must becareful not to usurp the function of the jury and substitute its own assessment. Jones v. ChicagoOsteopathic Hospital, 316 Ill. App. 3d 1121, 1125, 738 N.E.2d 542, 547 (2000).

On the other hand, when presented with CC&P and CNIC's motion for a new trial, thetrial judge was expected to weigh the evidence. Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 454, 603 N.E.2d at 512. However, a new trial should not be granted merely because some evidence is conflicting. Villa v.Crown Cork & Seal Co., 202 Ill. App. 3d 1082, 1089, 560 N.E.2d 969, 973 (1990). Rather, thetrial judge should set aside the jury's verdict if it was contrary to the manifest weight of theevidence, which occurs " ' where the opposite conclusion is clearly evident or where the findingsof the jury are unreasonable, arbitrary and not based upon any of the evidence.' " Maple, 151 Ill.2d at 454, 603 N.E.2d at 512-13, quoting Villa, 202 Ill. App. 3d at 1089, 560 N.E.2d at 973. This type of motion is reviewed for an abuse of discretion (Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 455, 603 N.E.2dat 513), as is a motion seeking reallocation of fault (Usselmann v. Jansen, 257 Ill. App. 3d 978,982, 629 N.E.2d 193, 196 (1994)). A reviewing court should be mindful that when ruling on amotion for a new trial, the trial judge " ' has the benefit of *** [previously observing] theappearance of the witnesses, their manner in testifying, and the circumstances aiding in thedetermination of credibility.' " Maple, 151 Ill. 2d at 456, 603 N.E.2d. at 513, quoting Buer v.Hamilton, 48 Ill. App. 2d 171, 173-74, 199 N.E.2d 256, 257 (1964).

Defendants now summarize only certain evidence and related legal principles. This is notan effective means of establishing that all the evidence, viewed most favorably to Lilia,overwhelmingly favored CC&P, or that the manifest weight of the evidence favored CC&P andCNIC. For example, CC&P contends the evidence shows CC&P acted reasonably and that Liliadid not prove that CC&P negligently failed to keep an adequate lookout and negligently failed todecrease speed when the train crew saw vehicles continue to go over the track crossing. CC&Passerts the evidence showed the train's engineer, Dallas Harken, and conductor, John Snapp, werelooking ahead for vehicles, while traveling at a lawful rate of speed. Further, engineer Harkensaw vehicles continuing to cross when the train was still "a pretty far distance away," andconductor Snapp saw them when the train was about 600 feet from the crossing and stated it wasnot uncommon for cars to cross when a train was approaching. CC&P cites Robertson v. NewYork Central R.R. Co., 388 Ill. 580, 585, 58 N.E.2d 527, 529 (1944), and Brennan v. WisconsinCentral, Ltd., 227 Ill. App. 3d 1070, 1084, 591 N.E.2d 494, 504 (1992), for the proposition thatunder these circumstances Lilia was under a duty to stop and that CC&P was under no duty tostop. Further, Harken saw another vehicle cross when the train was within 100 feet of thecrossing, and then another, which was "not unusual" to see. A witness placed Lilia in the nextlane and immediately behind this car. Snapp did not have sufficient time prior to the collision withLilia to order Harken to stop, and Harken applied the emergency brake on impact. We conclude,however, that although this evidence indicates the train crew was looking for vehicles anddecreased speed at impact, it does not indicate that it was necessarily reasonable for the train tocontinue at full speed to this particular intersection. Furthermore, the Robertson case thatdefendants rely upon indicates that a train stop is required when it is apparent that a motorist hasnot heard or will not heed a train's signal (Robertson, 388 Ill. at 584, 58 N.E.2d at 529; see alsoEspinoza, 165 Ill. 2d at 115, 649 N.E.2d at 1327), yet defendants fail to address Snapp'sadmission that when he observed cars going over the crossing when the train was still 600 feetaway, even he thought there might be something wrong ahead and that either he or Harkenquestioned, "Are those cars going to stop or not[?]" Defendants contend Lilia was under a dutyto stop, but they fail to address the admitted fact that the intersection's warning gates and lightswere not functioning properly. There was also evidence suggesting that the approaching trainwas all but invisible to Lilia because the tracks bisected Army Trail Road at such an angle that shecould not have seen the rapidly approaching train unless she severely turned her head to the left,and that even if she had turned, her view would have been obstructed by bordering trees andbushes. Although defendants contend Lilia was under a heightened duty to proceed cautiouslybecause her view was obstructed (see Duffy v. Cortesi, 2 Ill. 2d 511, 518, 119 N.E.2d 241(1954)), evidence of negligence can be rebutted by proof that the person acted reasonably underthe circumstances. Lindquist v. Chicago & Northwestern Transportation Co., 309 Ill. App. 3d275, 283, 772 N.E.2d 270, 276 (1999). In addition, whether a person acted reasonably under thecircumstances is a question of fact, unless the facts are undisputed and reasonable minds could notdisagree. Lindquist, 309 Ill. App. 3d at 283, 722 N.E.2d at 276.

Defendants engage in a similarly incomplete and ineffective analysis of some of theevidence presented to the jury in support of plaintiffs' allegations that CC&P failed to obey anapplicable operating rule and failed to sufficiently sound the train's horn.

When considering all the evidence in a light most favorable to Lilia, we cannot say that itso overwhelmingly favored judgment for CC&P on plaintiffs' claims that the verdict against thetrain operator cannot stand. Nor can we say that the negligence verdict or the 60%, 30%, and 5%apportionment of fault amongst the various parties involved in the collision was against themanifest weight of the evidence. The record does not indicate that the opposite conclusions wereclearly evident or that the jury's findings were unreasonable, arbitrary, or not based on any of theevidence. The jury's verdict was supported by the evidence and there was no apparent basis forthe trial court to disturb it. Accordingly, the trial court's ruling as to CC&P's motion for judgmentn.o.v. and defendants' motion for a new trial is affirmed.

We next address defendants' fifth main contention on appeal: the jury's noneconomicdamage awards were excessive as a matter of law and should be subjected to a new trial orremitted. According to defendants, Fidel's $15.5 million award for pain and suffering anddisability should be reduced by $11.5 million, and his wife Francisca's $5.5 million award for painand suffering and disability should be reduced by $4 million. Also, Lilia's $28 million award forpain and suffering and disability should be reduced by $21 million, and her husband Rafael's $3.5million award for loss of consortium should be reduced by $1.5 million. The Apulellos andVelardes respond that the damage awards were fair and reasonable in light of the permanent andcatastrophic injuries that occurred.

The amount of a verdict is generally at the discretion of the jury. Dahan v. UHS ofBethesda, Inc., 295 Ill. App. 3d 770, 692 N.E.2d 1303 (1998). A damage award is not subject toscientific computation. Schaffner v. Chicago & North Western Transportation Co., 161 Ill. App.3d 742, 759, 515 N.E.2d 298, 308 (1987). A question of damages is to be determined by the trierof fact, and "a reviewing court will not lightly substitute its opinion for the judgment rendered inthe trial court." Richardson v. Chapman, 175 Ill. 2d 98, 112-114, 676 N.E.2d 621, 627-29(1997); Epping v. Commonwealth Edison Co., 315 Ill. App. 3d 1069, 734 N.E.2d 916 (2000). However, a court will order a remittitur, or, if the plaintiff does not consent, a new trial, if averdict is excessive. Best v. Taylor Machine Works, 179 Ill. 2d 367, 412-13, 689 N.E.2d 1057,1079-80 (1997). In Richardson, the supreme court indicated that an award may be viewed asexcessive if it (1) exceeds the range of fair and reasonable compensation, (2) is the result ofpassion or prejudice, or (3) is so large that it shocks the judicial conscience. Richardson, 175 Ill.2d at 113, 676 N.E.2d at 628. But remittitur will not be ordered when an award " 'falls within theflexible range of conclusions which can reasonably be supported by the facts.' " Best, 179 Ill. 2d at412, 689 N.E.2d at 1079, quoting Lee v. Chicago Transit Authority, 152 Ill. 2d 432, 470, 605N.E.2d 493, 510 (1992). The opinion also indicates that when reviewing an award ofcompensatory damages for nonfatal injuries, a court may consider, among other things, "thepermanency of the plaintiff's condition, the possibility of future deterioration, the extent of theplaintiff's medical expenses, and the restrictions imposed on the plaintiff by the injuries." Richardson, 175 Ill. 2d at 114, 676 N.E.2d at 628.
Defendants assert that the verdicts meet not just one but all three of the standards forconstruing the verdicts as "way out of line."

Defendants cite Richardson, 175 Ill. 2d at 113, 676 N.E.2d at 628, in particular, for theproposition that the jury's awards "fall[] outside the range of fair and reasonable" compensation. They argue an appropriate range may be determined by reviewing (a) reports of approximately 65jury verdicts rendered in Cook County, and (b) published opinions from Illinois and other states,such as Louisiana, New York, and Texas, which supposedly involve injuries "similar to thosesuffered here." Defendants' reliance on Richardson, however, is not well placed. AlthoughRichardson stated that an award may be deemed excessive if it falls outside a fair and reasonablerange (Richardson, 175 Ill. 2d at 113, 676 N.E.2d at 628), the court actually refused to engage ina comparison for a plaintiff who "suffered devastating, disabling injuries" in a two-car collisionand indicated that Illinois courts have traditionally declined to make comparisons whendetermining whether a particular award is excessive. Richardson, 175 Ill. 2d at 114, 676 N.E.2dat 628, citing Tierney v. Community Memorial General Hospital, 268 Ill. App. 3d 1050, 1065,645 N.E.2d 284 (1994); Northern Trust Co. v. County of Cook, 135 Ill. App. 3d 329, 481 N.E.2d957 (1985). See also Carlson v. Dorsey Trailers, Inc., 50 Ill. App. 3d 748, 365 N.E.2d 1065(1977) (indicating that reference to other awards is of doubtful relevance); Lawson v. Belt Ry. Co.of Chicago, 34 Ill. App. 3d 7, 27-28, 339 N.E.2d 381, 398 (1975) ("One wrongfully injured byanother should be permitted to secure a recovery based upon the evidence of his own particularloss, rather than by consultation of a schedule of previous awards").

One of the cases Richardson relied upon, Tierney, was a medical malpractice case inwhich the plaintiff suffered "substantial" injuries and "unique" suffering after having a stroke, andwas expected to have a "particularly difficult time adjusting to his new disabilities." Tierney, 268Ill. App. 3d at 1064, 645 N.E.2d at 294. The court refused to consider other jury verdicts,stating:

"With regard to defendants' arguments that the jury's verdictshould be compared to other similar awards and thereby found tobe excessive, this is simply not the law in Illinois. [Citations.] It isnot within our purview to establish a new standard of review forsuch cases when the clear weight of Illinois authority has been toreject the 'comparison' concept." Tierney, 268 Ill. App. 3d at 1065,645 N.E.2d at 294.

Defendants cite two other cases for the proposition that we should examine prior verdictsto establish a comparative range. However, the court's "comparison" in Johnson v. May, 223 Ill.App. 3d 477, 488, 585 N.E.2d 224, 231-32 (1992), was only a passing reference in support of thecourt's conclusion that judgment for the defendants was "contrary to the weight of the evidence." The court summarized extensive medical and psychiatric testimony which "overwhelmingly"supported plaintiff's acute-posttraumatic-stress-disorder claim (Johnson, 223 Ill. App. 3d at 485,585 N.E.2d at 230) and discredited the defendant's only medical expert (Johnson, 223 Ill. App. 3dat 486, 585 N.E.2d at 230). The court also pointed out various problems with other evidencewhich purportedly showed the plaintiff was only faking injury. Johnson, 223 Ill. App. 3d at 487,585 N.E.2d at 231. After engaging in this extensive factual analysis, the court also commented:

"The reported case law shows that persons afflicted withposttraumatic stress disorder arising from accidents comparable inseverity to [the plaintiff's] have received as much as a half a milliondollars in noneconomic damages from the negligent party. Whilethe magnitude of that award is scarcely controlling in other cases,we think that it is at least some indicia of just how far off the markthe jury's verdict [of $20,609.60 for noneconomic damages] was inthis case." Johnson, 223 Ill. App. 3d at 488, 585 N.E.2d at 231.

We do not read Johnson to mean that a bare comparison of dollar figures is an appropriate basisfor deeming an award excessive.

Defendants' other case, House v. Stocker, 34 Ill. App. 3d 740, 340 N.E.2d 563 (1975), isalso only somewhat helpful. In that case, the plaintiff sustained relatively limited injuries toligaments in his lower back and left knee which could be easily compared with the lower back andrelated injuries sustained by other plaintiffs. In fact, the court rejected certain cases cited by theappellee, as too factually dissimilar, because none of them "solely involve[d] soft tissuecontusions, spasms, sprains and abrasion with possible cartilage tear in a knee." House, 34 Ill.App. 3d at 746-48, 340 N.E.2d at 568-69. Based in part on its comparison with the injuries andverdicts disclosed in other cases, the court reduced the jury's award by about a third. In contrastto the limited injuries described in House, however, the Velardes and Apulellos sustained what areaptly characterized as "substantial" and "devastating" physical and psychological injuries andconsequences that will be long-term, if not permanent, even with medical intervention. Theevidence established, for example, that Lilia suffers from organic brain damage, post-concussionsyndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, severe and permanent depression, and "ahedonia," whichis the inability to experience pleasure. In her early 40s, she has been declared incompetent and isno longer capable of undertaking her former responsibilities, such as managing the family financesand working as an assembly line supervisor. Her long-term prospects are poor. Her husband Rafael, who is about the same age, used to have "a wife, [a] best friend and [a] lover," but nolonger has "any of that" and interacts with Lilia as if she is young child. Her father Fidel, who wasfound in the rear cargo area of the wrecked Ford Explorer, also suffers from permanent braininjury, resulting in depression and permanent memory problems, diminished attention span,decreased right side coordination, and an abnormal gait. Before the accident he was a retiredlandscaper who maintained a well-manicured yard, but he now needs ongoing physical,occupational, and speech therapy, and requires supervision because he poses a risk to his ownsafety. Francisca's permanent brain injury is more severe than her husband's, and she also suffersfrom severe depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Although in her early 70s, she workedabout 50 hours a week on an assembly line and was considered an exceptional and dependableemployee. She was unable to return to work after the accident. Accordingly, we decline todepart from "the clear weight of Illinois authority [which] *** reject[s] the 'comparison' concept." Tierney, 268 Ill. App. 3d at 1065, 645 N.E.2d at 294.

Defendants' additional contentions that the awards are so large they must have been theresult of passion or prejudice on the part of the jury, and they shock the judicial conscience areadequately supported with citation to Richardson. Richardson, 175 Ill. 2d at 112-14, 676 N.E.2dat 627-29. Nevertheless, defendants' contentions are not persuasive. Although the awards aresubstantial, we cannot say they are unsupported by the record on appeal. Furthermore, thefigures were returned by a jury that heard all of defendants' evidence and arguments beforeadjourning for deliberations. The trial judge, who also heard all of defendants' evidence andarguments, was not persuaded by defendants' post-trial arguments that the awards were excessive. We also point out that there is no explanation as to why defendants chose the specific figures theysuggest would be appropriately awarded to these plaintiffs. For instance, they contend CookCounty juries generally return "awards in the mid-six figure range" on loss of consortium claims,yet they recommend that Rafael receive $2 million after remitittur. We decline to second-guessthe jury and reduce the awards to figures that appear to have been randomly chosen bydefendants.

Defendants' final contention is that despite defendants' failure to object, even in a sidebar,portions of the Apulellos' and Velardes' separate closing arguments were prejudicial to such anextent that a new trial is necessary. Defendants also remark upon some of the Apulellos' openingstatements but have waived this contention by failing to support it with citation to any authority. Avery v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., 321 Ill. App. 3d 269, 277, 746 N.E.2d1242, 1250 (2001). The Apulellos and Velardes respond that there is no merit to this finalargument.

The scope of closing arguments is within the trial judge's sound discretion, and anargument must be prejudicial before a reviewing court will reverse on this basis. Lewis v. CottonBelt Route-St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co., 217 Ill. App. 3d 94, 110-11, 576 N.E.2d 918, 932(1991). Further, attorneys are allowed broad latitude in drawing reasonable inferences andconclusions from the evidence (Lewis, 217 Ill. App. 3d at 111, 576 N.E.2d at 932), and anopponent's failure to object to allegedly prejudicial remarks during closing arguments generallywaives the issue for review (Simmons v. University of Chicago Hospitals & Clinics, 162 Ill. 2d 1,13, 642 N.E.2d 107, 113 (1994).

A court of review should "strictly apply the waiver doctrine unless the prejudicial errorinvolves flagrant misconduct or behavior so inflammatory that the jury verdict is a product ofbiased passion, rather than an impartial consideration of the evidence." Gillespie v. ChryslerMotors Corp., 135 Ill. 2d 363, 375-76, 553 N.E.2d 291, 297 (1990). If arguments were soegregious that they deprived a litigant of a fair trial and substantially impaired the integrity of thejudicial process itself, they may be reviewed even though no objection was made. Gillespie, 135Ill. 2d at 375-77, 553 N.E.2d at 297-98. This standard has been applied in cases involving"blatant mischaracterizations of fact, character assassination, or base appeals to emotion andprejudice." Gillespie, 135 Ill. 2d at 377, 553 N.E.2d at 298. A leading opinion on the standard isBelfield v. Coop, 8 Ill. 2d 293, 134 N.E.2d 249 (1956).

Belfield was a will contest involving allegations and evidence that only one of the variousdefendants exerted undue influence over the testator, yet the plaintiffs' attorneys referred to all ofthe defendants as "thieves," "usurpers," and "defrauders." Belfield, 8 Ill. 2d at 312, 134 N.E.2d at259. The plaintiffs' attorneys also belittled one of the defense attorneys, Samuel Saxon, byrepeatedly referring to him as "Sammy," and implied that he was a disreputable lawyer. Belfield,8 Ill. 2d at 312, 134 N.E.2d at 259. At the same time, the plaintiffs' attorneys praised their ownhigh ethics and conduct and injected the fact that one of them was a county judge from aneighboring county who had extensive experience with wills and was duty-bound to uphold wills,suggesting there was something wrong with the will at issue, otherwise the judge would not be inthe circuit court representing the plaintiffs. Belfield, 8 Ill. 2d at 312, 134 N.E.2d at 259. Onreview, the court concluded that so much of this closing argument was prejudicial andunwarranted that the trial judge should have halted the proceedings, despite the lack of objection,to insure that the litigants received a fair trial. Belfield, 8 Ill. 2d at 312-13, 134 N.E.2d at 259.

The Belfield standard was also discussed in an appeal from a medical malpracticejudgment, Simmons, 162 Ill. 2d at 12-13, 642 N.E.2d at 112, after the plaintiffs' attorney drewattention to the defendants' failure to call as witnesses other physicians and hospital employeeswho were on duty at the time of the alleged medical error. The plaintiffs' attorney remarked atlength about the hospital staff's failure to rally to the accused physician's defense, referred to theirabsence as the " 'most glaring evidence of [the physician's] negligence,' " and concluded, " 'Whenyour own people won't stand behind you and testify in your behalf, then you know you're

wrong.' " Simmons, 162 Ill. 2d at 11-12, 642 N.E.2d at 112. The court determined that theplaintiffs' closing arguments did not deny the defendants a fair trial or result in a deterioration ofthe judicial process, and it remarked upon the defendants' failure to raise an objection or seek acurative instruction, even through a sidebar. Simmons, 162 Ill. 2d at 12-13, 642 N.E.2d at 113. It stated, "Because defendants failed to do these things, the issue has been waived. Defendantsshould not benefit by their failure to object or request a sidebar and wait for a jury verdict, only toraise this issue in a post-trial motion and on appeal in hopes of a new trial." Simmons, 162 Ill. 2dat 13, 642 N.E.2d at 113.

We reach the same conclusions about the closing arguments which defendants now objectto for the first time on appeal. The issue has been waived.

For instance, the jury was told that Lilia needed the supervision and guidance given to aneight- or nine-year-old, that her sister helped her use the washroom, bathe, and perform otherhygiene, that Lilia could not return to her former occupation and was incapable of independentlycompleting ordinary tasks such doing the household laundry, that she preferred to use her handsinstead of a fork at meal time, and that she no longer engaged in meaningful conversations withher sister. Defendants now object, however, that the following statement to the jury was amischaracterization of the facts:

"[THE APULELLOS' COUNSEL]: Disability. Is shedisabled? Can she do anything? Go to the bathroom? Eat food? She can't talk to anybody. She doesn't have any kind of life. Can'twork anymore. She can't enjoy life. *** She's not able to doanything without the assistance of others and she is a danger toherself. She needs somebody to watch her all the time. That's howdisabled she is."

Contrary to defendants' assertion, we find these remarks were merely permissible inferences orconclusions based on the evidence about Lilia's disabilities.

The jury was also told that Lilia's ability to report earlier memories began deteriorating,that she was no longer fluent in two languages, her intellectual functioning was blunted, and shehad difficulty writing and remembering words and made mistakes copying from one sheet of paperto another. The jury was also told that Lilia's long-term prospects are poor. Nevertheless,defendants now object that the Apulellos' counsel mischaracterized the facts by making statementssuch as Lilia "will not get her brain back," she has a "broken brain, missing memories, [is] theshadow of a human being, a woman who, according to Dr. Fajardo is basically now heading for avegetative state." We reject defendants' assessment of these remarks.

We are similarly unpersuaded that it was prejudicial for the Apulellos' counsel to say thatbecause defendants "blame[ed] the driver" by eliciting testimony from accident witnesses whowere not struck by the train, defendants' admission of responsibility was actually a "half truth." The "half truth" remark is an even milder characterization than the one made during the Simmonstrial which did not warrant retrial: " 'When your own people won't stand behind you and testify inyour behalf, then you know you're wrong.' " Simmons, 162 Ill. 2d at 12, 642 N.E.2d at 112. Defendants highlight other, even less significant characterizations, which do not warrantdiscussion.

Defendants also contend the Apulellos improperly appealed to the jury's emotions byreferring to other family members during closing arguments. Defendants cite LeMaster v.Chicago Rock Island & Pacific R.R. Co., 35 Ill. App. 3d 1001, 1014, 343 N.E.2d 65, 76 (1976),for the proposition that referring to nonparty family members during closing arguments isprejudicial. The jury in LeMaster was told the plaintiff had a wife and two young children, eventhough his action was limited to damages for work-related injuries and did not include a claim forfamily support or loss of consortium. LeMaster, 35 Ill. App. 3d at 1013-14, 343 N.E.2d at 76. The plaintiff testified that he was no longer able to go ice skating with his wife and youngchildren, or go dancing with his wife, and that he needed her assistance to bathe, and then some ofthis testimony was emphasized during counsel's closing arguments. LeMaster, 35 Ill. App. 3d at1013-14, 343 N.E.2d at 76. The trial judge overruled the defendant's objections to both thetestimony and closing arguments, and was affirmed on appeal, because no undue emphasis wasplaced on the plaintiff's family circumstances and the facts were relevant to the issue of the extentof his injuries. LeMaster, 35 Ill. App. 3d at 1014, 343 N.E.2d at 77. Although the presentdefendants did not make an objection before the trial judge, they now take issue with a remark bythe Apulellos' counsel that Lilia's sister, a nonparty, "would not get her sister back." We wereunable to find this remark in the portion of the record cited by defendants, but did locate a similarreference, 64 pages earlier in the transcript of closing arguments. The Apulellos' counsel beganclosing arguments by stating, "Lil[ia] Apulello will not get her life back. Lil[ia] Apulello will notget her brain back. Her husband will not get his wife back. Her sister won't get her sister back." We point out that Lilia's sister was a prominent trial witness; thus, the jury was already well awareof her existence and was not abruptly burdened with an irrelevant or prejudicial fact. Further, incontext, the reference is clearly a permissible description of the extent and permanent nature ofLilia's injuries and disabilities, rather than a prejudicial plea for damages on her sister's behalf. Defendants contend that the following final words to the jury were impermissible references tonon-party family members:

"[THE APULELLOS' COUNSEL]: You know, they'resupposed to stop and protect this crossing. If they had stopped andprotected it, of course, none of this would have happened, so what[Lilia] did or didn't do has nothing to do with what caused theaccident. They set it all in motion. They did, the railroads.

The stop and protect that really is at issue today is that youhave to stop; you have to protect; you have to protect this family."

In light of the fact that all of the plaintiffs were indisputably "family" -- husband Fidel, wifeFrancisca, daughter Lilia, and son-in-law Rafael -- we construe this concluding remark as apermissible, non-prejudicial reference to parties before the jury, rather than to nonparty familymembers.

Finally, defendants address two aspects of the Velardes' closing arguments. Althoughdefendants did not object in the trial court, they now argue "The Velarde[s'] counsel comparedplaintiffs' losses to property damage -- a $50 million Monet -- effectively forcing the jury to awardmore out of sheer guilt [record citation]. The guilt trip was compounded by an incorrectstatement that the law required a large award [record citation]." The following portion of theproceedings is pertinent:

[THE VELARDES' COUNSEL]: Now, if this were aneasier case and we weren't dealing with these types of injuries andthis was a case of property damage, and if that train had comebarreling through that crossing at 50 miles per hour and had hit atruck and that truck was carrying a painting, a Monet painting, animpressionistic painting, and it destroyed it, and there was a lawsuitthat was ensued and every expert in the world testified this was oneof the great paintings in the world, this Mr. Monet, who's beendeceased for a lot of years, who was truly one of the great painters,and every expert testified that that painting had a value of $50million and one of the jurors went back and said, you know, I don'tlike impressionistic paintings, I just don't appreciate it, I can't award$50 million, I could maybe award $25 million. Well, that wouldn'tbe full justice. It wouldn't be fair justice. It would be half justice.

And wouldn't it be a shame in this case if this case weredecided for any reason other than the law and the facts.

Let's not confuse the two cases, a property damage case anda case like this, a case applicable to catastrophic, devastatinginjuries to Fidel and Francisca, which by necessity under the lawhave to be large.

I want to talk a little bit about the elements of damages theJudge is going to instruct you on ***."

We fail to comprehend defendants' argument regarding the analogy to a Monet painting. We do not see how referring to a skillful painter or expensive artwork could in any way causejurors to feel "guilt" over injuries they had no hand in causing. Further, because none of the citedcases discuss a "guilt trip" standard, we construe defendants' argument as an assertion that theMonet analogy was, in some way, an appeal to emotion or prejudice. See Gillespie, 135 Ill. 2d at377, 553 N.E.2d at 298. Nevertheless, we read the quoted remarks as indications that the jurorsshould rely on the "expert [witness] testi[mony]" regarding the "value" of plaintiffs' losses andaward the "full" and "fair" amount justified by "the law and facts" of the case, regardless ofwhether the jurors "like[d]" or "appreciate[d]" the plaintiffs personally. Accordingly, we do notconsider the Monet analogy to be inappropriate or prejudicial. Additionally, it is less than clearwhat the Velardes' counsel intended to convey by the sentence regarding "a case applicable tocatastrophic damages to Fidel and Francisca, which by necessity under the law have to be large." The jumbled statement did not elicit an objection and is potentially only a mistranscription of whatwas actually said. Even if we construe it as an inaccurate suggestion that the jurors were requiredby law to return large verdicts for the Velardes, we do not consider it prejudicial. It was only avague, passing remark, which was not clarified or emphasized by subsequent argument. Furthermore, defendants participated in a jury instruction conference and are not contending thatthe trial judge followed the closing arguments with erroneous instructions about the applicablelaw. In addition, before the Velardes' counsel began closing arguments, the trial judge cautionedthe jurors, twice, to remember that the attorneys' final arguments were "merely what they thinkthe evidence has shown." In light of all these facts, we reject defendants' assertion that theVelardes' remark about damages warrants a new trial.

We conclude that the Apulellos' and Velardes' closing arguments did not deny defendantsa fair trial or result in a deterioration of the judicial process. We also note that trial counsel, whoheard the remarks firsthand and was able to observe their impact on the jurors, did not considerthem worthy of contemporaneous objection, even through a sidebar, or necessitating a curativeinstruction.

Affirmed; plaintiffs' motion taken with the case not considered.

GORDON and McNULTY, JJ., concur.