People v. Clark

Case Date: 06/24/2004
Court: 1st District Appellate
Docket No: 1-03-0472 Rel

JUNE 24, 2004








Appeal from the
Circuit Court of
Cook County.

Rickey Jones,
Judge Presiding.

JUSTICE HARTMAN delivered the opinion of the court:

Following a bench trial, defendant Michael Clark was convictedof possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver andsentenced to a Class X term of six years in prison based on hiscriminal history. Codefendant Leonard White was convicted of thesame offense and was also sentenced to six years in prison. Onappeal, defendant contends that the State failed to prove beyond areasonable doubt that he intended to deliver a controlledsubstance.(1)

Chicago Police Officer Todd Olsen testified that about 4:40a.m. on June 13, 2002, he and his partner were conducting narcoticssurveillance in the area of 3649 West Douglas Boulevard, an area ofsignificant narcotics dealing. From a distance of 60 feet and withthe aid of binoculars and street lamps in the area, Officer Olsenclearly observed defendant and codefendant talking to each other ina parkway area with benches. On two occasions during a period of20 minutes, Officer Olsen observed a man approach defendant, engagein a short conversation, and tender money to defendant. On eachoccasion, codefendant then walked about 10 feet, removed a "littleshiny, metallic" item from a crumpled piece of brown paper at thebase of a large tree, returned and gave the item to the person whohad given defendant the money. Defendant stood in close proximityseveral feet away. Defendant was the only person who accepted themoney, and codefendant was the only person who handled the crumpledbrown paper. The alleged buyers were not apprehended. OfficerOlsen testified that he had been a police officer for seven years,had made previous narcotics arrests in the area, and, based on theobserved exchanges, believed defendant and codefendant were sellingnarcotics.

Officer Olsen and his partner got into their unmarked squadcar, drove up to the parkway, and detained defendant andcodefendant. Officer Olsen directed the backup officers to thebase of the tree and shined his flashlight on the brown piece ofpaper. He observed Officer Hernandez recover the brown piece ofpaper and indicate it contained four tinfoil packets of suspectedheroin. Officer Hernandez gave him the brown paper and the fourpackets, which Officer Olsen described as "four tinfoil packets ofheroin and heat sealed in cellophane tape." The four packetscontained a white powder, suspect heroin. Officer Olsen kept theitems in his constant care and control until he inventoried them atthe police station under number 2722066. Thirty-five dollars inUnited States' currency was recovered from defendant.

The parties stipulated that Arthur Weathers, qualified totestify as an expert in the area of forensic chemistry, receivedthe items inventoried under number 2722066 in a sealed conditionand that the chain of custody remained intact at all times. Heperformed tests commonly accepted in the scientific community forascertaining the presence of a controlled substance and determinedthe contents to be positive for heroin in the amount of less than.1 gram.

After the circuit court denied defense counsel's motion for afinding, defendant testified and denied that he had sold any drugson the date in question. Defendant testified on cross-examinationthat he had gone to the area to purchase some heroin and had justpurchased heroin when the police arrived. He said that whensomeone told him to "throw it down" because the police were coming,he put the four bags of heroin in a torn piece of a brown bag andput it under a piece of charcoal by a tree. Defendant denied thathe accepted money from two individuals.

In rebuttal, the State sought to introduce certified copies ofdefendant's prior convictions for attempted armed robbery (91 CR14368), possession of a controlled substance (98 CR 4681), andpossession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver (99 CR0959). The circuit court allowed only the 1999 conviction to beadmitted.

The circuit court found that the evidence showed beyond areasonable doubt that defendant was guilty of possession of acontrolled substance with intent to deliver.

On review, a conviction will not be set aside on grounds ofinsufficient evidence unless the proof is so improbable orunsatisfactory that there remains a reasonable doubt as todefendant's guilt. People v. Perez, 189 Ill. 2d 254, 725 N.E.2d1258 (2000). The relevant inquiry is whether, after viewing theevidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, anyrational trier of fact could have found the essential elements ofthe crime beyond a reasonable doubt. People v. Pollock, 202 Ill.2d 189, 780 N.E.2d 669 (2002). It is the sole province of thetrier of fact to determine the credibility of witnesses and toresolve any conflicts in the evidence. People v. Moreno, 334 Ill.App. 3d 329, 778 N.E.2d 180 (2002) (Moreno).

To sustain defendant's conviction, the State was required toshow that defendant had knowledge of the presence of the controlledsubstance, that the controlled substance was within defendant'simmediate control or possession, and that defendant had the intentto deliver the controlled substance. People v. Burks, 343 Ill.App. 3d 765, 799 N.E.2d 745 (2003) (Burks).

On appeal, defendant contends the State failed to prove theelement of intent to deliver. The mental state of intent todeliver a controlled substance is most often inferred fromcircumstantial evidence. People v. Bell, 343 Ill. App. 3d 110, 796N.E.2d 1114 (2003). Whether an inference of intent is raisedsufficiently is a determination that must be made on a case-by-casebasis pursuant to a careful review of the circumstances surroundingdefendant's arrest. People v. Little, 322 Ill. App. 3d 607, 750N.E.2d 745 (2001) (Little). The amount of drugs recovered, even ifinsignificant, is not dispositive of the issue. Little, 322 Ill.App. 3d at 615-16.

In this case, Officer Olsen testified he had a clear, constantview of defendant and codefendant during the surveillance. OfficerOlsen saw defendant and codefendant talking to each other in theparkway area. Then on two occasions during a 20 minute period, aman approached, engaged in a short conversation with defendant andgave him money. Each time, after defendant received the money,codefendant walked to a tree about 10 feet away, removed a small,metallic item from a crumpled piece of brown paper and gave theitem to the man who had tendered the money. The officers recoveredthe brown piece of paper, which contained four tinfoil packets, thecontents of which tested positive for less than .1 gram of heroin.

This evidence was sufficient, just as similar evidence hasbeen held sufficient by this court, to prove defendant intended todeliver the controlled substance. See Bell, 343 Ill. App. 3d at119-21 (finding the evidence sufficient where the defendantaccepted money from several individuals and handed them smallitems); accord Burks, 343 Ill. App. 3d at 770-73 (evidencesufficient where transferred objects were removed from same bag inwhich cocaine was found in individual packets, at least twotransactions occurred, and money was exchanged immediately beforetransfer of the retrieved object); People v. Williams, 331 Ill.App. 3d 662, 771 N.E.2d 1095 (2002) (sufficient evidence on whichto infer intent to deliver where "the officer identified the bag asthe one whose contents he sent to the chemist, who found the itemsin the bag contained cocaine"); Little, 322 Ill. App. 3d at 617-20(circumstances supported a "reasonable inference that the unknownobjects passed by defendant to the two individuals were cocaine"). Although defendant testified that he did not accept any money fromindividuals or sell any drugs, the circuit court properly decidedthe issues of credibility and resolved the conflicting version ofevents in favor of the State. People v. Marcotte, 337 Ill. App. 3d798, 787 N.E.2d 369 (2003); see also Moreno, 334 Ill. App. 3d at343 (we need not accept the evidence that constitutes thedefendant's innocent explanation); People v. Dean, 207 Ill. App. 3d640, 566 N.E.2d 340 (1990) (the trier of fact is not required toaccept defendant's exculpatory testimony).

The case on which defendant primarily relies, People v.Cooper, 337 Ill. App. 3d 106, 785 N.E.2d 86 (2003) (Cooper), whereone division of this court refused to assume that the untesteditems allegedly sold to four unknown buyers were contraband andthus found insufficient proof of intent to deliver, is unpersuasiveand has not been followed by other divisions of the First District. The court in Bell specifically declined to follow Cooper, findingthe majority opinion to be unpersuasive and noting that the dissentin Cooper effectively distinguishes the cases on which the majorityrelied. Bell, 343 Ill. App. 3d at 120. Similarly, the court inBurks stated, "we do not believe that Cooper accurately reflectsthe law, and we decline to follow it." Burks, 343 Ill. App. 3d at771. We find Bell and Burks to be well reasoned and persuasive. Therefore, we reject defendant's argument that we should follow"the sound principles of law set forth in Cooper."

Furthermore, defendant's reliance on the absence of factorsprobative of intent to deliver, which were outlined in People v.Robinson, 167 Ill. 2d 397, 657 N.E.2d 1020 (1995) (Robinson), suchas possession of weapons, large amounts of cash, beepers or drugparaphernalia, is unpersuasive in this case. Unlike in Robinson,in the present case, the officer testified that he actuallyobserved, on two occasions, defendant accept money and codefendantdeliver a small metallic item from a brown, crumpled piece of paperin exchange. Tinfoil packets containing heroin were recovered fromthe brown paper. See Bell, 343 Ill. App. 3d at 121 (distinguishingRobinson). It was reasonable for the circuit court to infercircumstantially that the objects delivered to the two individualsalso contained heroin. Burks, 343 Ill. App. 3d at 773.

Accordingly, the judgment of the circuit court of Cook Countyis affirmed.


QUINN, P.J., and THEIS, J., concur.



1. Codefendant's conviction was affirmed on appeal. SeePeople v. White, 1-03-1487 (2004) (unpublished order underSupreme Court Rule 23).