American Family Mutual Insurance Co. v. Savickas modified May 25, 1999

Case Date: 10/20/1998
Court: 1st District Appellate
Docket No: 1-96-4428

American Family Mutual Insurance Co. v. Savickas, Nos. 1-96-4428, 1-97-0026, Cons.

1st District, October 20, 1998





MICHAEL SAVICKAS and ELIZABETH VINICKY,Adm'r of the Estate of Thomas S.Vinicky, Deceased,


Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County

Honorable Dorothy Kinnaird, Judge Presiding

JUSTICE McNULTY delivered the opinion of the court:

American Family Mutual Insurance Company sued for a judgment declaring that it had no duty to defend or indemnify itsinsured, Michael Savickas, in a lawsuit Elizabeth Vinicky brought against him. The trial court granted summary judgmentfor American Family. Savickas appeals in docket number 1-97-0026 and Vinicky appeals in docket number 1-96-4428. Weconsolidated the appeals.

After a jury found Savickas guilty of the murder of Thomas Vinicky, Elizabeth Vinicky, administrator of Thomas' estate,sued Savickas for wrongfully causing the death. Savickas tendered defense to American Family. Due to a conflict ofinterests, American Family refused to defend, but it agreed to reimburse Savickas for defense costs. American Family thenbrought this suit for a declaratory judgment. Its policy excluded coverage for any bodily injury "which is expected orintended" by the insured.

American Family supported its motion for summary judgment with Vinicky's complaint against Savickas and excerpts fromSavickas' testimony in the criminal trial. In the first two counts of her complaint, Vinicky alleged that Savickasintentionally shot and killed Thomas Vinicky. But in the last two counts she alleged that Savickas "[n]egligently shot"Thomas, and Savickas "[n]egligently assessed a need for self defense." In granting summary judgment, the trial court reliedprimarily on Savickas' testimony and the appellate court's decision affirming the criminal conviction. See People v.Savickas, 230 Ill. App. 3d 322, 594 N.E.2d 1233 (1992).

Our supreme court restated the principles for determining an insurer's duty to defend in Maryland Casualty Co. v. Peppers,64 Ill. 2d 187, 355 N.E.2d 24 (1976), and Thornton v. Paul, 74 Ill. 2d 132, 384 N.E.2d 335 (1978). In Peppers, Mims suedPeppers, alleging that Peppers shot him intentionally or negligently. Peppers' insurer sued for a judgment declaring that ithad no duty to defend or indemnify Peppers. In support the insurer presented undisputed evidence that Peppers intentionallyshot at Mims to protect his property from burglary. The trial court found a duty to defend based on the allegations of thecomplaint, but no duty to indemnify. Our supreme court agreed that the insurer had a duty to defend (Peppers, 64 Ill. 2d at194), and vacated the judgment regarding indemnity because

"the finding in the declaratory judgment action that the injury was intentionally inflicted could possibly establish theallegations of the assault count in the complaint and might preclude Mims' right to recover under the other theoriesalleged. [Citations.] In a case quite similar to ours the appellate court held that the ruling and judgment of the trialcourt in a declaratory judgment action under such circumstances were 'premature' and should be reversed. [Citation.]We agree with that holding. The finding of the trial court in our case that the injury was intentional was not proper inthis declaratory judgment action." Peppers, 64 Ill. 2d at 197.

In Thornton, after a court found Paul guilty of criminal battery on Thornton, Thornton filed a civil suit alleging that Paulnegligently struck him in the head. Paul's insurer expressly excluded battery from coverage. The court held:

"As a general rule, the duty of an insurer to defend an action brought against the insured is to be determined solelyfrom the allegations of the complaint. If the complaint alleges facts within or potentially within policy coverage, theinsurer is obliged to defend even if the allegations are groundless, false, or fraudulent. [Citations.] In addition, inIllinois the duty is not annulled by the knowledge of the insurer that the allegations are untrue.
* * *
*** With the exception of the amended complaint, all the facts, depositions and pleadings in the present case clearlyindicate that the claim was based on an intentional battery by Ben Paul, not on negligence. It is equally clear that theplaintiff's attorney was well aware that the defendant's act was a battery and that he filed the amended complaintcharging negligence solely for the purpose of bringing the action within potential insurance coverage, therebyintending to obligate the insurer to defend after the insurance company had investigated, learned that the conduct wasa battery, and refused. There is no explanation for the procedures followed other than the desire of plaintiff's counselto maneuver the insurer into a position where it would be obligated to pay the judgment and estopped from raising thedefense of noncoverage." Thornton, 74 Ill. 2d at 144-46.

Based on the unsupported allegation of negligence in the amended complaint, and in the face of the uncontested evidence ofintentional battery, the court held that the insurer "was obligated to provide a defense of the amended complaint to theinsureds and that this obligation must be satisfied by reimbursing the insureds for the costs thereof." Thornton, 74 Ill. 2d at162. The court explained that, due to their conflicting interests, "the insurer should not be *** permitted to participate in thedefense of the case. Its obligation to provide a defense should be satisfied by reimbursing the insured for the costs of thedefense." Thornton, 74 Ill. 2d at 152. In the suit to determine the duty to indemnify, to begin after conclusion of theunderlying civil suit, the criminal conviction would constitute prima facie evidence that Paul committed a battery.

Here, as in Thornton, the court had reason to believe that Vinicky alleged negligence solely to bring her suit within theambit of Savickas' insurance coverage. Here, too, the defendant had a criminal conviction and all depositions and othertestimony showed he expected injury to result from his intentional acts. Under Thornton, these facts cannot relieve theinsurer of the duty to defend. As the court said in Management Support Associates v. Union Indemnity Insurance Co., 129Ill. App. 3d 1089, 1096, 473 N.E.2d 405 (1984), "the insurer can safely and justifiably refuse to defend only when theallegations clearly show on their face that the claim is beyond policy coverage." The allegation of negligence in Vinicky'scomplaint, like the allegation in Thornton, triggered the duty to defend, and the complaint on its face does not here allegeconflicting facts sufficient to relieve the insurer of that duty. Under Peppers, the court should not yet decide the duty toindemnify.

The trial court relied on Allstate Insurance Co. v. Carioto, 194 Ill. App. 3d 767, 551 N.E.2d 382 (1990), in finding no dutyto defend or indemnify. In that case the court said that Peppers and Thornton "recognize that in instances where bona fidecontroversies arise over the issue of negligence versus intentional conduct, declaratory judgment actions are generallyinappropriate." Carioto, 194 Ill. App. 3d at 774. The court then found that all of the evidence, including depositions and acriminal conviction, showed that the insured acted intentionally, and only the complaint against the insured allegednegligence. Because the court found no bona fide controversy concerning intent, it affirmed the trial court's decision togrant Allstate a judgment declaring it had no duty to defend its insured.

Our supreme court did not limit the application of Thornton to cases involving bona fide controversies over issues neededto determine coverage. In Thornton itself the court recognized the parties had no bona fide dispute, and the plaintiff allegednegligence solely to bring the cause of action within the insurance coverage. The court stressed that all of the evidence,including depositions and the criminal conviction, showed the insured acted intentionally; against that evidence, theunderlying complaint alleged negligence. That allegation required the insurer to defend.

We cannot reconcile Carioto with Thornton. In Carioto the court effectively sought to overrule Thornton, as the limitationto bona fide controversies would have required a result on the facts of Thornton contrary to the result our supreme courtreached. Under Thornton, the issue of the pleader's good faith, like all other issues in the underlying suit, must be resolvedin that suit and not in the ancillary declaratory judgment proceedings.

"[O]nce the supreme court has declared the law on any point, we may not refuse to follow it, no matter what our personalviews might be, because the supreme court alone has the power to overrule or modify its decisions." Clark Oil & RefiningCorp. v. Johnson, 154 Ill. App. 3d 773, 780, 506 N.E.2d 1362 (1987). The court exceeded its authority when it sought tomodify, and effectively overrule, Thornton. Accordingly, we decline to follow Carioto.

In Carioto this division emphasized the rare facts of that case. There, the insured judicially admitted, in the context of thepersonal injury suit, that he acted intentionally, and he specifically repeated the admission after an attorney expresslywarned that the admission would negate his insurance coverage. Here, by contrast, we have no similar admissions in thecontext of the personal injury suit. If our supreme court should fashion a modification of Thornton to accommodate theresult in Carioto, we still would need to reverse the trial court's decision here. Unless our supreme court overrulesThornton, American Family has the duty to pay for Savickas' defense of Vinicky's lawsuit.

American Family argues that our supreme court has already implicitly overruled Thornton, at least on the issue of theestoppel effect of a criminal conviction, in Talarico v. Dunlap, 177 Ill. 2d 185, 685 N.E.2d 325 (1997), and In re Scott, 98Ill. 2d 9, 455 N.E.2d 81 (1983). In Scott, an attorney faced suspension from practice following a conviction for filing falsetax returns. The attorney conceded that the conviction constituted conclusive evidence, and not merely prima facieevidence, of his guilt, for purposes of the disciplinary proceedings. Scott, 98 Ill. 2d at 13. Thus, our supreme court did notneed to decide whether the conviction collaterally estopped the attorney from relitigating the issues that arose in thecriminal case. Moreover, the court had given criminal convictions conclusive effect for disciplinary proceedings long beforeit decided Thornton. See In re Teitelbaum, 13 Ill. 2d 586, 588, 150 N.E.2d 873 (1958). Scott does not overrule Thorntonany more than Thornton overruled Teitelbaum. Although criminal convictions are conclusive evidence of guilt for attorneydisciplinary proceedings, they constitute only prima facie evidence for personal injury suits like the one Thornton broughtagainst Paul and the one Vinicky brought against Savickas.

In Talarico the plaintiff sued his doctor for prescribing drugs that caused him to commit a crime. The doctor sought to usethe criminal conviction of the plaintiff defensively, to collaterally estop the plaintiff from litigating any issue he could haveraised in the criminal case concerning the effect of the drugs on his actions. The court recited minimal standards for theapplication of defensive collateral estoppel and found even those minimal requirements were not met. Therefore, the courtheld that the criminal conviction did not estop the plaintiff from litigating the effect of the drugs. Talarico, 177 Ill. 2d at198.

Although the court allowed that criminal convictions might have conclusive effect in some civil actions, and the courtdiscussed some minimal criteria for defensive estoppel, the court did not purport to establish any standards that wouldrequire application of collateral estoppel. The court did not mention Thornton or the conclusion it reached there that aninsurer may not use a criminal conviction of its insured offensively to collaterally estop the insured from relitigating, in asubsequent civil action, issues that may have arisen in the criminal trial. As Talarico involved only defensive collateralestoppel, and the court has emphasized the need for greater care in applying offensive collateral estoppel (see Van Milliganv. Board of Fire & Police Commissioners, 158 Ill. 2d 85, 95, 630 N.E.2d 830 (1994)), we do not find that the decision inTalarico effectively overruled Thornton. If our supreme court chooses to overrule Thornton, it will need to do so moreclearly.

American Family asserts that Thornton applies only to cases in which the declaratory judgment would determine an issuethat will be crucial to determination of the underlying case. But here the trial court's declaratory judgment established thatSavickas shot Thomas Vinicky, and when he did so he expected to injure him. These issues may affect proof of whetherSavickas proximately caused the death. See Stojkovich v. Monadnock Building, 281 Ill. App. 3d 733, 738, 666 N.E.2d 704(1996).

The evidence apart from the complaint here shows no real dispute over the issue of proximate cause, but the evidence apartfrom the complaint in Thornton also showed no real dispute over Paul's intent. Such evidence does not alter the duty todefend. "A court may look beyond the allegations in the complaint only if the coverage issue involves such ancillarymatters as whether the insured paid the premiums or whether he is the proper insured under the policy." BituminousCasualty Corp. v. Fulkerson, 212 Ill. App. 3d 556, 562, 571 N.E.2d 256 (1991). This case does not involve such issuesunrelated to civil liability. See Peppers, 64 Ill. 2d at 193.

American Family, like the insurer in Thornton, seeks to avoid paying for the defense of a lawsuit where the evidenceindicates that the plaintiff raised a negligence claim solely to bring the cause of action within the insurance coverage.American Family seeks dismissal of the negligence counts from Vinicky's suit against Savickas, or at least preclusion oflitigation concerning Savickas' intentions or expectations. In effect American Family seeks rulings by which "the order andburden of proof would be oriented to and dictated by the declaratory judgment action and not by the primary litigation, thepersonal injury suit." Thornton, 74 Ill. 2d at 159. Our supreme court in Thornton precluded such reorientation of theproceedings in the personal injury suit to meet the insurer's needs. Where, in a lawsuit against an insured, the insurer'sinterests conflict with the interests of the insured, the insured must retain control over the lawsuit. Peppers, 64 Ill. 2d at 199.

Finally, American Family contends that the allegation that Savickas "[n]egligently shot" Thomas Vinicky is not sufficientlyfactual to support a duty to defend. American Family did not raise this argument in the trial court. At most, the argumentpresents grounds for a remand so that Vinicky can make more definite the factual allegations of her complaint. See Conwayv. Conners, 101 Ill. App. 3d 121, 130, 427 N.E.2d 1015 (1981). This belated contention cannot support the trial court'sdecision here.

Moreover, American Family raises no objection to the allegation that Savickas "[n]egligently assessed a need for selfdefense." That allegation creates a duty to defend because the fact that Savickas negligently assessed the need for selfdefense does not entail a finding that he expected his acts to harm Thomas. In West American Insurance Co. v. Vago, 197Ill. App. 3d 131, 137, 553 N.E.2d 1181 (1990), and State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. v. Hatherley, 250 Ill. App. 3d 333,337-38, 622 N.E.2d 139 (1993), the court emphasized that the complaints alleged facts that proved the insurance coveragedid not apply. Here, the complaint lacks such allegations. From the face of the complaint we can draw no conclusions aboutSavickas' expectations. Therefore, American Family has a duty to pay for Savickas' defense of the lawsuit. See Cowan v.Insurance Co. of North America, 22 Ill. App. 3d 883, 896-97, 318 N.E.2d 315 (1974).

We note that by objecting to the factual insufficiency of the allegations, American Family would require Vinicky to makeher complaint against Savickas more specific. This, too, appears to be an effort to control an aspect of Savickas' defense, forwhich American Family is paying, to minimize American Family's costs. If the court could find no duty to defend becausethe underlying complaint lacked sufficient factual specificity, the duty to defend would "hinge exclusively on thedraftsmanship skills or whims of the plaintiff in the underlying action." Western Casualty & Surety Co. v. Adams County,179 Ill. App. 3d 752, 756, 534 N.E.2d 1066 (1989). Illinois courts have held that the duty to defend should not depend onsuch chances. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. v. Wilkin Insulation Co., 193 Ill. App. 3d 1087, 1092, 550 N.E.2d1032 (1989), aff'd 144 Ill. 2d 64, 578 N.E.2d 926 (1991).

We see no meaningful distinction between this case and Thornton. Accordingly, we find that American Family has a duty topay for defense of Savickas, and the trial court should consider the duty to indemnify only after resolution of the caseVinicky brought against Savickas. The judgment of the trial court is reversed and the cause is remanded for proceedings inaccord with this opinion.

Reversed and remanded.

TULLY, J., concurs.

RAKOWSKI, J., specially concurs.


Because the facts of this case show as a matter of law that Savickas expected bodily injury to occur, the trial court properlygranted summary judgment in favor of American Family and against Savickas and the estate of Vinicky.

Savickas and several friends were drinking at the New Gold Coast Tavern. An argument ensued between Savickas andanother member of the group. The bar owner, Robert Walensky, asked Savickas to leave and escorted him to the door.Savickas initially left, but came back and began to bang on the window of the tavern. Walensky then grabbed a baseball batkept behind the bar and ran out the front door. He watched as Savickas walked away. The decedent, Thomas Vinicky, whooccasionally cleaned and stocked the tavern for Walensky, got up from his barstool and said "I'm getting the hell out ofhere." Vinicky was not part of Savickas' group, nor did he attempt to assist Walensky in expelling Savickas from the bar.Only two people testified as to what happened next.

Walensky watched from the front door of the tavern and could see Savickas and Vinicky facing each other. Vinicky askedSavickas "What's the matter? Why are you doing all this?" Savickas then pulled a gun from his pocket and shot Vinicky inhis chest as he was stepping backward.

Savickas testified that, after banging on the window a second time, he was walking away when he saw Vinicky. Accordingto Savickas, Vinicky called him an obscenity, threatened him, and appeared to go for a gun. Savickas panicked, grabbed hisgun, and shot Vinicky. The criminal trial transcript reflects the following:

"Q. Did [the gun] go off accidentally?
A. No sir.
Q. You pulled the trigger, didn't you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And put a bullet through his heart, didn't it?
A. Yes, sir. ***
Q. You say you know the gun was loaded at the time, is that right?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did it work?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. When you pulled the trigger, after aiming the gun at Tom Vinicky, it went off, didn't it?
A. Yes, sir.
* * *
Q. Why did you fire the weapon at Mr. Vinicky?
A. I was afraid he was going to kill me.
Q. At that time, what did you do?
A. I panicked. I reached inside, grabbed my gun and shot at him.
Q. You wanted to shoot him to prevent him from killing you, isn't that right?
A. Sure.
Q. You were very afraid, so afraid you killed a man, is that correct?
A. I shot him in self-defense, yes."

After the shooting, Savickas ran from the scene. Walensky and other people from the tavern immediately ran to Vinicky.No gun was found in the area or on Vinicky's person. The jury found Savickas guilty of first degree murder. 720 ILCS 5/9-1(a)(1), (a)(2) (West 1996). Savickas's conviction was affirmed on appeal. People v. Savickas, 230 Ill. App. 3d 322 (1992).Subsequently, the trial court denied Savickas' postconviction petition, which was affirmed by this court. People v. Savickas,No. 1-94-2240 (1995) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23).

A wrongful death and survival action was filed on behalf of the estate of Vinicky naming Savickas as defendant. Theamended wrongful death complaint contained four counts. Counts I and II, survival and wrongful death, alleged anintentional tort. Counts III and IV, wrongful death and survival, alleged that Savickas "negligently shot" Vinicky and"negligently assessed a need for self-defense." American Family elected to defend the action under a reservation of rightsand then filed the instant complaint for declaratory judgment praying for a declaration that it owes no duty to defend orindemnify Savickas in the underlying tort action. The policy at issue contains the following exclusion:

"Coverage D - Personal Liability and Coverage E - Medical Expense do not apply to bodily injury or propertydamage:
a. which is expected or intended by any insured[.]"

In finding in favor of American Family, the trial judge carefully noted the difference between what Savickas may haveintended as compared to what he may have expected. She specifically stated that she could not decide the question of intentbecause that would impact the underlying tort action because it is a crucial issue to that action. She noted, however, thatwhat was expected would not be an an issue in the underlying tort case. She then went on to conclude that whether Savickaswas acting in self-defense or not, he had to expect that there was going to be bodily injury as a consequence of his aimingand firing a loaded gun at Vinicky. For the reasons that follow, I respectfully submit that the trial court was correct.

Initially, I respectfully find the law as recited by the majority to be somewhat confusing. I will therefore state what I believethe law to be and then apply the law to the facts of this case.

At the initial stage of the proceedings--where only the underlying complaint is on file--an insurer's duty to defend isdetermined by the allegations of that underlying complaint. However, if an insurer opts to file a declaratory judgmentaction, it may properly challenge the existence of such duty and offer evidence to prove that the insured's conduct fellwithin the limitations of a policy exclusion. Fidelity & Casualty Co. v. Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., 122 Ill. App. 3d 301,304 (1983). "To require the trial court to look solely to the complaint in the underlying action to determine coverage wouldmake the declaratory proceeding little more than a useless exercise possessing no attendant benefit and would greatlydiminish a declaratory action's purpose of settling and fixing the rights of the parties." Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., 122 Ill.App. 3d at 305; Charles H. Eichelkraut & Sons, Inc. v. Bituminous Casualty Corp., 166 Ill. App. 3d 550, 556 (1988)."Though the action is for declaratory judgment, a court need not wear blinders and be limited to the allegations of thecomplaint." Travelers Insurance Cos. v. P.C. Quote, Inc., 211 Ill. App. 3d 719, 724 (1991).

The only time such evidence is not permitted is where it tends to determine an issue crucial to the determination of theunderlying tort action. Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., 122 Ill. App. 3d at 304-05.

"Both Peppers and Thornton are instructive as to what matters cannot be determined in a declaratory judgmentproceeding prior to the completion of the underlying action. Peppers states that an ultimate fact upon which recoveryis predicated in the underlying case may not be addressed. The court's language suggests that an ultimate fact is onewhich would estop the plaintiff in the underlying case from pursuing one of his theories of recovery. Thorntonimplies that an ultimate fact is one which 'an issue crucial to the insured's liability' in the underlying case isdetermined. Apparently only then would the inequities surface in regard to alignment of the parties and the order andburden of proof, because those matters necessarily arise in any declaratory judgment proceeding brought beforecompletion of the underlying lawsuit." Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., 122 Ill. App. 3d at 307.

However, if a crucial issue is not determined, there is simply no reason why the parties seeking a declaration of rightsshould not have the prerogative to present evidence that is generally accorded to a party to a motion for summary judgmentin a declaratory proceeding. Envirodyne Engineers, Inc., 122 Ill. App. 3d at 305. See also Murphy v. Urso, 88 Ill. 2d 444,455 91981); Fremont Compensation Insurance Co. v. Ace-Chicago Great Dane Corp., No. 1-98-2403, slip op. at 13-14(March 13, 1999); State Farm Fire & Casualty Co. v. Hatherley, 250 Ill. App. 3d 333, 336 (1993); Millers MutualInsurance Ass'n v. Ainsworth Seed Co.; 194 Ill. App. 3d 888, 891 (1989); Charles H. Eichelkraut & Sons, Inc., 166 Ill. App.3d at 556; Travelers Insurance Cos. v. Penda Corp., 974 F.2d 823, 828 (7th Cir. 1992).

In the instant case, the court found that Savickas "expected" bodily injury to occur. Unlike what Savickas "intended," whathe "expected" is neither an ultimate fact nor a crucial issue in the underlying tort action.

In Bay State Insurance Co. v. Wilson, 96 Ill. 2d 487 (1983), our supreme court found that the term "expected" was notincluded in the insurance policy to serve as synonymous surplusage to the term "intended" but that it served a separatepurpose. Bay State Insurance Co., 96 Ill. 2d at 494. The court observed:

"The appellate court has previously interpreted exclusionary clauses identical to the one in the instant case. The terms'intended' or 'expected' included in such clauses have not been treated as synonymous. Otherwise, no purpose wouldbe served by including them within the clause. A greater degree of proof is required to establish intent than toestablish expectation. [Citation.] Injuries which are of such a nature that they should have been reasonably anticipatedby the insured are 'expected' injuries. [Citation.]" Bay State Insurance Co., 96 Ill. 2d at 494.

It is clear from the above that an issuer may challenge its duty to defend in an action by declaratory judgment. In doing so,it may look beyond the four corners of the complaint and submit extrinsic evidence to prove that the insured's conduct fellwithin the policy exclusions. The only time such evidence may not be presented is where it bears upon an ultimate factupon which recovery is predicated in the underlying case. Furthermore, our supreme court has concluded that when oneaims and fires a loaded gun at another, self-defense notwithstanding, the shooter is consciously aware that injuries are likelyto be caused by his conduct and, therefore, he reasonably anticipates or expects the resulting injuries. Bay State InsuranceCo., 96 Ill. 2d at 487. As such, the only remaining issue in the instant case is whether what Savickas expected is an ultimatefact upon which recovery is predicated in the underlying action. Although neither the parties nor my research has revealedany authority on this issue, I submit that it is not.

Initially, I note that the estate of Vinicky does not address this issue in its opening brief. Only in his reply brief doesSavickas address the issue, stating:

"Clearly then, when our trial court in the Declaratory Judgment action found 'conclusive proof' on the basis solely ofextrinsic evidence that the injury was 'expected,' *** it resolved at a minimum the issue of proximate cause in theunderlying tort suit, i.e., that Savickas 'reasonably anticipated' an injury would result from his alleged conduct."

The majority opinion disposes of this issue by simply stating that the issue "may affect proof of whether Savickasproximately caused the death." I respectfully submit that the contention is without merit.

To say that the estate of Vinicky's underlying tort complaint is succinct is an understatement. The factual allegations of theintentional tort count state only that Vinicky was shot and killed by Savickas; the negligence count states that Savickasnegligently shot Vinicky and negligently assessed a need for self-defense. With respect to the negligence counts, the factsonly support one theory--a negligent assessment of the need for self-defense. Importantly, the complaint does not allegethat the gun went off accidently or that Vinicky was accidently shot.

For a successful cause of action in negligence, the plaintiff must establish a causal connection between the defendant'sconduct and the injury. Although the Illinois pattern Jury Instructions refer to the requisite causation as "proximate cause,"causation is actually comprised of two components. 1 M. Polelle & B. Ottley, Illinois Tort Law