Search Results

Case name Citation Summary
Cort v. Ash 1975 election law, implied cause of action
Bigelow v. Virginia 1975 First Amendment and commercial speech
Blue Chip Stamps v. Manor Drug Stores 1975 private damages actions under Rule 10b-5 is confined to actual purchasers or sellers of securities
United States v. Park 1975 criminal liability of chief executive officer of a corporation for the misdeeds of the company
Dunlop v. Bachowski 1975 judicial power and judicial review
Stanton v. Stanton 1975 different ages of majority in the context of child support did not pass rational basis review regarding equal protection
Schlesinger v. Councilman 1975 scope and jurisdiction of courts martial
United States v. Feola 1975 mens rea requirement for conspiracy is no greater than that for the substantive crime
Lefkowitz v. Newsome 1975 guilty pleas in state court and federal habeas corpus proceeding
NLRB v. J. Weingarten, Inc. 1975 The Weingarten rights--rights of union members facing disciplinary proceedings
Goss v. Lopez 1974 Due process in suspending a student from school
Taylor v. Louisiana 1975 women cannot be excluded from a jury pool, overturning Hoyt v. Florida
Milliken v. Bradley 1974 segregation, busing
United States v. Nixon 1974 judicial review, executive privilege, separation of powers
Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. 1974 First Amendment and defamation—narrowing New York Times v. Sullivan
Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo 1974 freedom of speech
Jenkins v. Georgia 1974 obscenity; motion picture Carnal Knowledge
Commissioner v. Idaho Power Co. 1974 Income tax, capitalization of costs related to acquisition of capital assets
Morton v. Mancari 1974 hiring preferences given by Congress to Native Americans at the Bureau of Indian Affairs are not violative of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
Geduldig v. Aiello 1974 Denial of benefits for work loss resulting from normal pregnancy does not violate the Equal Protection Clause