SUBPART B—Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program (§4280.101 to §4280.200)
- 4280.101—Purpose.
- 4280.102—General.
- 4280.103—Definitions.
- 4280.104—Exception authority.
- 4280.105—Appeals.
- 4280.106—Conflict of interest.
- 4280.107—Applicant eligibility.
- 4280.108—Project eligibility.
- 4280.109—Qualification for simplified applications.
- 4280.110—Grant funding.
- 4280.111—Application and documentation.
- 4280.112—Evaluation of grant applications.
- 4280.113—Insurance requirements.
- 4280.114—Laws that contain other compliance requirements.
- 4280.115—Construction planning and performing development.
- 4280.116—Grantee requirements.
- 4280.117—Servicing grants.
- 4280.121—Borrower eligibility.
- 4280.122—Project eligibility.
- 4280.123—Guaranteed loan funding.
- 4280.124—Interest rates.
- 4280.125—Terms of loan.
- 4280.126—Guarantee/annual renewal fee percentages.
- 4280.128—Application and documentation.
- 4280.129—Evaluation of guaranteed loan applications.
- 4280.130—Eligible lenders.
- 4280.131—Lender's functions and responsibilities.
- 4280.132—Access to records.
- 4280.133—Conditions of guarantee.
- 4280.134—Sale or assignment of guaranteed loan.
- 4280.135—Participation.
- 4280.136—Minimum retention.
- 4280.137—Repurchase from holder.
- 4280.138—Replacement of document.
- 4280.139—Credit quality.
- 4280.140—Financial statements.
- 4280.141—Appraisals.
- 4280.142—Personal and corporate guarantees.
- 4280.143—Loan approval and obligation of funds.
- 4280.144—Transfer of lenders.
- 4280.145—Changes in borrower.
- 4280.146—Conditions precedent to issuance of Loan Note Guarantee.
- 4280.147—Issuance of the guarantee.
- 4280.148—Refusal to execute Loan Note Guarantee.
- 4280.149—Requirements after project construction.
- 4280.150—Insurance requirements.
- 4280.151—Laws that contain other compliance requirements.
- 4280.152—Servicing guaranteed loans.
- 4280.153—Substitution of lender.
- 4280.154—Default by borrower.
- 4280.155—Protective advances.
- 4280.156—Liquidation.
- 4280.157—Determination of loss and payment.
- 4280.158—Future recovery.
- 4280.159—Bankruptcy.
- 4280.160—Termination of guarantee.
- 4280.161—Direct Loan Process.
- 4280.193—Combined funding.
- 4280.200—OMB control number.