3015.82—Financial status report.

(a) Form. Recipients shall use Standard Form 269, Financial Status Report, to report the status of funds for all nonconstruction projects or programs.
(b) Accounting basis. Unless specified in the provisions of the grant or subgrant each recipient shall report program outlays and program income on the same accounting basis, i.e., cash or accrual, which it uses in its accounting system.
(c) Frequency. The awarding agency may prescribe the frequency of the report for each project or program. However, the report shall not be required more frequently than quarterly except as provided in §§ 3015.4, 3015.81(e), or by statute. If the awarding agency does not specify the frequency of the report, it shall be submitted annually. Upon expiration or termination of the grant or cooperative agreement, if a period of time remains not covered by a periodic report (i.e., a quarterly, semi-annual or annual report), a final report shall be required.
(d) Due date. When reports are required on a quarterly or semiannual basis, they shall be due 30 days after the reporting period. When required on an annual basis, they shall be due 90 days after the end of the grant or agreement period. In addition, final reports as defined in § 3015.82(c) shall be due 90 days after the expiration or termination of grant or agreement support, except in those instances where an extension has been granted.
(e) Final reports. (1) Final reports (i.e., the last report submitted) must not show any unpaid obligations.
(2) If the recipient will still have unpaid obligations when the final report is due, the recipient shall submit a provisional final report (showing the unpaid obligations) by the due date, and a true final report when all obligations have been paid. When submitting a provisional final report, the recipient shall tell the awarding agency when it expects to submit a true final report.
(3) As provided in § 3015.81(f), awarding agencies may waive provisional final reports.