3015.102—Payment methods.
(a) Non-construction.
Letters of credit will be used to pay USDA recipients when all the following conditions exist:
There is or will be a continuing relationship between the recipient and the USDA awarding agency for at least a 12 month period and the total amount of advances to be received within that period from the awarding agency is $120,000 or more per year.
The recipient has established or demonstrated to the USDA awarding agency the willingness and ability to establish procedures that will minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the Treasury and their disbursement by the recipient.
The recipient's financial management system meets the standards for fund control and accountability prescribed in Subpart H of this part.
Advances by Treasury check will be used, in accordance with Treasury Circular No. 1075, when the recipient does not meet the requirements in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section but does meet the requirements in paragraphs (a)(1) (ii) and (iii) of this section.
Reimbursement by Treasury check shall be the preferred method when the recipient does not meet the requirements specified in either paragraph (a)(1)(ii) or paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section. This method may also be used when USDA financial assistance makes up only a minor portion of the program and where the major portion of the program is accomplished through private financing or Federal loans.
(b) Construction.
Reimbursement by Treasury check shall be the preferred method when the recipient does not meet the requirements specified in § 3015.102(a)(1) (ii) or (iii), and may be used for any USDA construction grant unless USDA has entered into an agreement with the recipient to use a letter of credit for all USDA grants, including construction grants.
When the reimbursement by Treasury check method is not used, § 3015.102(a) (1) and (2) shall apply to the construction grants. Implementing procedures under § 3015.102(a) (1) and (2) will be the same for construction grants as for nonconstruction grants awarded to the same recipient, insofar as possible.
USDA awarding agencies will not use the percentage-of-completion method to pay its construction grants. The recipient may use that method to pay its construction contractor, but if it does, USDA payments to the recipient will nevertheless be based on the recipient's actual rate of disbursements.