250.59—Storage and inventory management of donated foods.

(a) General requirements. Distributing agencies, subdistributing agencies, and school food authorities must meet the requirements for storage and inventory of donated foods in § 250.14, in addition to the requirements in this section.
(b) Storage at distributing agency level. The distributing or subdistributing agency, or storage facilities with which they have contracts, must store donated foods in a manner that permits them to be distinguished from commercially purchased foods or other foods, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements for the distribution and control of donated foods in this part.
(c) Storage by school food authorities. The school food authority may store and inventory donated foods together with commercially purchased foods and other foods, under a single inventory management system, as defined in this part, unless the distributing agency requires donated foods to be distinguished from commercially purchased foods in storage and inventoried separately.
(d) Storage by storage facilities under contract with school food authorities. A storage facility under contract with a school food authority may store and inventory donated foods together with commercially purchased foods it is storing for the school food authority, unless its contract with the school food authority prohibits this. However, the storage facility may not commingle foods it is storing for a school food authority with foods it is storing for a commercial enterprise or other entity.