SUBPART —Cotton Board Rules and Regulations (§1205.500 to §1205.541)
- 1205.500—Terms defined.
- 1205.505—Communication.
- 1205.510—Levy of assessments.
- 1205.511—Payment and collection.
- 1205.512—Collecting handlers and time of collection of $1 per bale assessment.
- 1205.513—Collecting handlers and time of collection of the supplemental assessment.
- 1205.514—Customs Service and the Collection of the $1 per bale assessment.
- 1205.515—Customs Service and the collection of the supplemental assessment.
- 1205.516—Reports and remittance to the Cotton Board.
- 1205.517—Failure to report and remit.
- 1205.518—Receipts for payment of assessments.
- 1205.519—Organic exemption.
- 1205.520—Procedure for obtaining reimbursement.
- 1205.525—Entry of gin code number.
- 1205.530—Gin reports and reporting schedule.
- 1205.531—Records.
- 1205.532—Retention period for reports and records.
- 1205.533—Availability of reports and records.
- 1205.540—Confidential books, records, and reports.
- 1205.541—OMB control numbers.