679.30—General CDQ regulations.

(4) Request for CDQ and PSQ allocations. A list of the percentage of each CDQ reserve and PSQ reserve, as described at § 679.31 that is being requested. The request for allocations of CDQ and PSQ must identify percentage allocations requested for CDQ fisheries identified by the primary target species of the fishery as defined by the qualified applicant and the gear types of the vessels that will be used to harvest the catch.
(e) Transfers— (1) Transfer of annual CDQ and PSQ. CDQ groups may request that NMFS transfer CDQ or PSQ from one group to another group by each group submitting a completed transfer request as described in § 679.5(n)(1). NMFS will approve the transfer request if the CDQ group transferring quota to another CDQ group has sufficient quota available for transfer. If NMFS approves the request, NMFS will make the requested transfer(s) by decreasing the account balance of the CDQ group from which the CDQ or PSQ species is transferred and by increasing the account balance of the CDQ group receiving the transferred CDQ or PSQ species. NMFS will not approve transfers to cover overages of CDQ or PSQ. The CDQ or PSQ will be transferred as of the date NMFS approves the transfer request and is effective only for the remainder of the calendar year in which the transfer occurs.
(2) Transfer of CDQ and PSQ allocation. CDQ groups may request that some or all of one group's CDQ or PSQ allocation, as defined at § 679.2, be transferred by NMFS to another group by each group filing an amendment to its respective CDP through the CDP substantial amendment process set forth at paragraph (g)(4) of this section. The CDQ or PSQ allocation will be transferred as of January 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year NMFS approves the amendments of both groups and is effective for the duration of the CDPs. Transfers of CDQ and PSQ allocations must be in whole integer percentages.
[63 FR 30403, June 4, 1998, as amended at 64 FR 3882, Jan. 26, 1999; 64 FR 20214, Apr. 26, 1999; 65 FR 45318, July 21, 2000; 67 FR 4148, Jan. 28, 2002; 70 FR 15013, Mar. 24, 2005; 74 FR 62508, Nov. 30, 2009]