665.816—American Samoa longline limited entry program.

(a) General. Under § 665.801(c), certain U.S. vessels are required to be registered for use under a valid American Samoa longline limited access permit. With the exception of reductions in permits in vessel size Class A under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, the maximum number of permits will be capped at the number of initial permits actually issued under paragraph (f) of this section.
(1) Any application for issuance of an initial permit must be submitted to PIRO no later than 120 days after the effective date of this final rule. The Regional Administrator shall publish a notice in the Federal Register, send notices to persons on the American Samoa pelagics mailing list, and use other means to notify prospective applicants of the availability of permits. Applications for initial permits must be made, and application fees paid, in accordance with §§ 665.13(c)(1), 665.13 (d), and 665.13 (f)(2). A complete application must include documented participation in the fishery in accordance with § 665.816(b)(1). If the applicant is any entity other than a sole owner, the application must be accompanied by a supplementary information sheet obtained from the Regional Administrator, containing the names and mailing addresses of all owners, partners, and corporate officers.
(2) Applications must be made, and application fees paid, in accordance with §§ 665.13(c)(1), 665.13(d), and 665.13(f)(2). If the applicant is any entity other than a sole owner, the application must be accompanied by a supplementary information sheet, obtained from the Regional Administrator, containing the names and mailing addresses of all owners, partners, and corporate officers that comprise ownership of the vessel for which the permit application is prepared.