660.314—Groundfish observer program.

(2) Information identified by NMFS at 50 CFR 679.50(i)(2)(x)(C) regarding the observer candidate's health and physical fitness for the job;
(1) Successful completion of training by an observer applicant consists of meeting all attendance and conduct standards issued in writing at the start of training; meeting all performance standards issued in writing at the start of training for assignments, tests, and other evaluation tools; and completing all other training requirements established by the Observer Program.
(2) If a candidate fails training, he or she will be notified in writing on or before the last day of training. The notification will indicate: the reasons the candidate failed the training; whether the candidate can retake the training, and under what conditions, or whether, the candidate will not be allowed to retake the training. If a determination is made that the candidate may not pursue further training, notification will be in the form of an IAD denying certification, as specified under paragraph (f)(1)(iv)(A) of this section.
(1) Be a prior NMFS-certified observer in the groundfish fisheries off Alaska or the Pacific Coast, unless an individual with this qualification is not available;
(2) Receive an evaluation by NMFS for his or her most recent deployment (if any) that indicated that the observer's performance met Observer Program expectations for that deployment;
(3) Successfully complete a NMFS-approved observer training and/or whiting briefing as prescribed by the Observer Program; and
(4) Comply with all of the other requirements of this section.
(1) Must not have a direct financial interest, other than the provision of observer services, in a North Pacific fishery managed pursuant to an FMP for the waters off the coast of Alaska, or in a Pacific Coast fishery managed by either the state or Federal governments in waters off Washington, Oregon, or California, including but not limited to:
(i) Any ownership, mortgage holder, or other secured interest in a vessel, shore-based or floating stationary processor facility involved in the catching, taking, harvesting or processing of fish,
(ii) Any business involved with selling supplies or services to any vessel, shore-based or floating stationary processing facility; or
(iii) Any business involved with purchasing raw or processed products from any vessel, shore-based or floating stationary processing facilities.
(2) Must not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gratuity, gift, favor, entertainment, loan, or anything of monetary value from anyone who either conducts activities that are regulated by NMFS or has interests that may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of the observers' official duties.
(3) May not serve as observers on any vessel or at any shore-based or floating stationary processing facility owned or operated by a person who previously employed the observers.
(4) May not solicit or accept employment as a crew member or an employee of a vessel, shore-basedprocessor, or stationary floating processor while employed by an observer provider.
(1) Violating the drug and alcohol policy established by and available from the Observer Program;
(2) Engaging in the use, possession, or distribution of illegal drugs; or
(3) Engaging in physical sexual contact with personnel of the vessel or processing facility to which the observer is assigned, or with any vessel or processing plant personnel who may be substantially affected by the performance or non-performance of the observer's official duties.
(1) Failed to satisfactorily perform the duties of observers as specified in writing by the NMFS Observer Program; or
(2) Failed to abide by the standards of conduct for observers as prescribed under paragraph (f)(2) of this section;
(1) Commission of fraud or other violation in connection with obtaining or attempting to obtain certification, or in performing the duties as specified in writing by the NMFS Observer Program;
(2) Commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
(3) Commission of any other offense indicating a lack of integrity or honesty that seriously and directly affects the fitness of observers.
(vii) Observer sampling scale. The observer sample station must include a NMFS-approved platform scale (pursuant to requirements at 50 CFR 679.28(d)(5)) with a capacity of at least 50 kg located within 1 m of the observer's sampling table. The scale must be mounted so that the weighing surface is no more than 0.7 m above the floor.
[66 FR 20613, Apr. 24, 2001, as amended at 69 FR 31755, June 7, 2004. Redesignated and amended at 69 FR 42350, July 15, 2004; 69 FR 57881, Sept. 28, 2004; 71 FR 66139, Nov. 13, 2006; 71 FR 78654, Dec. 29, 2006; 74 FR 9887, Mar. 6, 2009]