SUBPART D—Management Measures for the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (§648.50 to §648.63)
- 648.50—Shell-height standard.
- 648.51—Gear and crew restrictions.
- 648.52—Possession and landing limits.
- 648.53—Target total allowable catch, DAS allocations, and individual fishing quotas.
- 648.54—State waters exemption.
- 648.55—Framework adjustments to management measures.
- 648.56—Scallop research.
- 648.57—Sea scallop area rotation program.
- 648.58—Rotational Closed Areas.
- 648.59—Sea Scallop Access Areas.
- 648.60—Sea scallop area access program requirements.
- 648.61—EFH closed areas.
- 648.62—Northern Gulf of Maine (NGOM) scallop management area.
- 648.63—General category Sectors and harvesting cooperatives.