600.518—Fee schedule for foreign fishing.

(a) Permit application fees. Each vessel permit application submitted under § 600.501 must be accompanied by a fee. The amount of the fee will be determined in accordance with the procedures for determining administrative costs of each special product or service contained in the NOAA Finance Handbook, which is available upon request from the International Fisheries Division (see address at § 600.501(d)(1) ). The fee is specified with the application form. At the time the application is submitted, a check for the fees, drawn on a U.S. bank, payable to the order of “Department of Commerce, NOAA,” must be sent to the Assistant Administrator. The permit fee payment must be accompanied by a list of the vessels for which the payment is made. In the case of applications for permits authorizing activity code 10, the permit application fee will be waived if the applicant provides satisfactory documentary proof to the Assistant Administrator that the foreign nation under which the vessel is registered does not collect a fee from a vessel of the United States engaged in similar activities in the waters of such foreign nation. The documentation presented (e.g., copy of foreign fishing regulations applicable to vessels of the United States) must clearly exempt vessels of the United States from such a fee.
Table—Species and Poundage Fees
[Dollars per metric ton]
Species Poundage fees
Northwest Atlantic Ocean fisheries:
1. Butterfish 277.96
2. Herring, Atlantic 25.75
3. Herring, River 49.59
4. Mackerel, Atlantic 64.76
5. Other finfish 45.48
6. Squid, Illex 97.56
7. Squid, Loligo 321.68
(3) Assessment of poundage fees. Poundage fees will be assessed quarterly for the actual catch during January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. The appropriate Regional Administrator will reconcile catch figures with each country following the procedures of § 600.511(d). When the catch figures are agreed upon, NOAA will present a bill for collection as the documentary demand for payment to the confirming bank. If, after 45 days from the end of the quarter, catches have not been reconciled, the estimate of the Regional Administrator will stand and a bill will be issued for that amount. If necessary, the catch figures may be refined by the Regional Administrator during the next 60 days, and any modifications will be reflected in the next quarter's bill.
(c) Observer fees. The Assistant Administrator will notify the owners or operators of FFV's of the estimated annual costs of placing observers aboard their vessels. The owners or operators of any such vessel must provide for repayment of those costs by including one-fourth of the estimated annual observer fee as determined by the Assistant Administrator in a L/C as prescribed in § 600.518(b)(2). During the fiscal year, payment will be withdrawn from the L/C as required to cover anticipated observer coverage for the upcoming fishery. The Assistant Administrator will reconcile any differences between the estimated cost and actual costs of observer coverage within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year.
[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 7075, Feb. 12, 1998; 64 FR 39020, July 21, 1999; 66 FR 28132, May 22, 2001]