300.114—Dealer permits and preapproval.

(2) An AMLR may be imported into the United States if its harvest has been authorized by a U.S.-issued individual permit issued under § 300.112(a)(1) or its importation has been authorized by a NMFS-issued dealer permit and preapproval issued under § 300.114(a)(1). AMLRs may not be released for entry into the United States unless accompanied by the harvesting permit or the individual permit or dealer permit and, in the case of frozen Dissostichus species, the preapproval certification granted by NMFS to allow import. NMFS will only accept electronic catch documents for toothfish imports.
[68 FR 23228, May 1, 2003. Redesignated and amended at 72 FR 48510, 48511, Aug. 23, 2007; 75 FR 18112, Apr. 9, 2010]