
In addition to the terms defined in § 300.2, in the Act, and in the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, done at Canberra, Australia, May 7, 1980 (Convention). Convention, the terms used in this subpart have the following meanings. If a term is defined differently in § 300.2, such Act, or such Convention, the definition in this section shall apply.
ACA means the Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978 (16 U.S.C. 2401 et seq. ).
Antarctic convergence means a line joining the following points along the parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude:
Lat. Long.
50° S. 0.
50° S. 30° E.
45° S. 30° E.
45° S. 80° E.
55° S. 80° E.
55° S. 150° E.
60° S. 150° E.
60° S. 50° W.
50° S. 50° W.
50° S. 0.
Antarctic finfishes include the following:
Scientific name Common name
Gobionotothen gibberifrons Humped rockcod.
Notothenia rossii Marbled rockcod.
Lepidorhirus squamifrons Grey rockcod.
Lepidonotothen kempi Striped-eyed rockcod.
Dissostichus eleginoides Patagonian toothfish.
Dissostichus mawsoni Antarctic toothfish.
Electrona carlsbergi Lanternfish.
Patagonothen brevicauda guntheri Patagonian rockcod.
Pleuragramma antarcticum Antarctic silverfish.
Trematomus spp. Antarctic cods.
Chaenocephalus aceratus Blackfin icefish.
Chaenodraco wilsoni Spiny icefish.
Champsocephalus gunnari Mackerel icefish.
Chionodraco rastrospinosus Ocellated icefish.
Pseudochaenichthys georgianus South Georgia icefish.
Antarctic marine living resources or AMLR(s) means:
Centralized Vessel Monitoring System (C-VMS) means a system that uses satellite-linked vessel monitoring devices to allow for the reporting of vessel positional data, either directly to the CCAMLR Secretariat or to the CCAMLR Secretariat through the relevant Flag State.
Commission means the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources established under Article VII of the Convention.
Convention waters means all waters south of the Antarctic Convergence.
Dealer means the person who first receives AMLRs from a harvesting vessel or transshipment vessel or who imports AMLRs into, or re-exports AMLRs from, the United States.
Directed fishing, with respect to any species or stock of fish, means any fishing that results in such fish comprising more than 1 percent by weight, at any time, of the catch on board the vessel.
Dissostichus catch document (DCD) means the uniquely numbered catch documentation form approved by the Commission and issued by a flag state to its vessels authorized to harvest Dissostichus species.
Dissostichus species means Patagonian toothfish and/or Antarctic toothfish and their parts or products.
Export as used in § 300.107(c) means any movement of a catch in its harvested or processed form from a territory under the control of the State or free trade zone of landing, or, where that State or free trade zone forms part of a customs union, any other Member State of that customs union.
Fish means finfish, mollusks, and crustaceans.
Fishery means:
Harvesting vessel means any vessel of the United States (this includes any boat, ship, or other craft), that is used for, equipped to be used for, or of a type that is normally used for harvesting.
Import as used in §§ 300.107(c) and 300.114 means the physical entering or bringing of a catch into any part of the geographical territory under the control of a State, except where the catch is landed or transshipped within the definitions of landing or transshipment.
Individual permit means an NSF permit issued under 45 CFR part 670; or an NSF award letter (demonstrating that the individual has received an award from NSF to do research in the Antarctic); or a marine mammal permit issued under § 216.31 of this chapter; or an endangered species permit issued under § 222.21 of this chapter.
Inspection vessel means a vessel carrying a CCAMLR inspector and displaying the pennant approved by the Commission to identify such vessel.
International observer means a scientific observer operating in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation and the terms of a bilateral arrangement concluded between the United States and a Member of CCAMLR for the placement of a U.S. national onboard a vessel flagged by a Member of CCAMLR or for the placement of the national of a Member of CCAMLR onboard a U.S. flagged vessel.
Land or Landing means to begin offloading any fish, to arrive in port with the intention of offloading any fish, or to cause any fish to be offloaded; except for purposes of catch documentation as provided for in § 300.107(c), land or landing means the initial transfer of catch in its harvested or processed form from a vessel to dockside or to another vessel in a port or free trade zone where the catch is certified by an authority of the Port State as landed.
Mobile transceiver unit means a vessel monitoring system or VMS device, as set forth at § 300.116, installed on board a vessel that is used for vessel monitoring and transmitting the vessel's position as required by this subpart.
National observer means a U.S. national placed and operating onboard a U.S. flagged vessel as a scientific observer or a foreign flagged vessel in accordance with § 300.113.
NSF means National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22230.
Office for Law Enforcement (OLE) refers to the National Marine Fisheries Service, Office for Law Enforcement, Northeast Division.
Port State means the State that has control over a particular port area or free trade zone for the purposes of landing, transshipment, importing, exporting and re-exporting and whose authority serves as the authority for landing or transshipment certification.
Port-to-port means from the time the vessel leaves port to the time that the vessel returns to port and at all points in between.
Real-time means as soon as possible, but at least every 4 hours with no more than a 4-hour delay.
Recreational fishing means fishing with hook and line for personal use and not for sale.
Re-export as used in §§ 300.107(c) and 300.114 means any movement of a catch in its harvested or processed form from a territory under the control of a State, free trade zone, or Member State of a customs union of import unless that State, free trade zone, or any Member State of that customs union of import is the first place of import, in which case the movement is an export within the definition of export.
Scientific research activity means any activity for which a person has a permit from NMFS under § 216.31 of this title or an award letter from NSF or a permit from the NSF under 45 CFR part 670. Scientific research activities may also include harvesting or other associated activities if such activities are designated as scientific research activities by the Assistant Administrator.
Seal excluder device means a barrier within the body of a trawl comprised of a metal frame, nylon mesh, or any material that results in an obstruction to seals between the mouth opening and the cod end of the trawl. The body of the trawl net forward of the barrier must include an escape opening through which seals entering the trawl can escape.
Specially Validated Dissostichus Catch Document (SVDCD) means a Dissostichus catch document that has been specially issued by a State to accompany seized or confiscated catch of Dissostichus spp. offered for sale or otherwise disposed of by the State.
Transship or transshipment means the transfer of fish or fish products from one vessel to another; Except for purposes of catch documentation as provided for in §§ 300.107(c) and 300.114, transship or transshipment means the transfer at sea of a catch in its harvested or processed form from a vessel to another vessel or means of transport and, where such transfer takes place within the territory under the control of a Port State, for the purposes of effecting its removal from that State. Temporarily placing a catch on land or on an artificial structure to facilitate such transfer does not prevent the transfer from being a transshipment where the catch is not landed with the definition of landing.
Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) means a system that uses a mobile transceiver unit on vessels that take AMLR, and that allows a Flag State, through the installation of satellite-tracking devices on board its fishing vessels, to receive automatic transmission of positional and other information, consistent with relevant CCAMLR conservation measures.
[61 FR 35550, July 5, 1996, as amended at 65 FR 30015, May 10, 2000; 68 FR 23227, May 1, 2003; 72 FR 48508, Aug. 23, 2007; 75 FR 18111, Apr. 9, 2010]