100.27—Subsistence taking of fish.

(2) You may take fish for subsistence uses at any time by any method unless you are restricted by the subsistence fishing regulations found in this section. The harvest limit specified in this section for a subsistence season for a species and the State harvest limit set for a State season for the same species are not cumulative, except as modified by regulations in §100.27(i). This means that if you have taken the harvest limit for a particular species under a subsistence season specified in this section, you may not, after that, take any additional fish of that species under any other harvest limit specified for a State season.
(1) You may use a fyke net and lead only with a permit issued by the Federal in-season manager.
(2) All fyke nets and leads must be attended at all times while in use.
(3) All materials used to construct the fyke net and lead must be made of wood and be removed from the water when the fyke net and lead is no longer in use.