950.103—Establishing a local campaign.

(a) The Director establishes and maintains the official list of local campaigns and the geographical area each covers. There is no prerequisite regarding the Federal employee population needed to establish or maintain a CFC. However, rather than establishing or maintaining small campaigns, OPM encourages mergers and expansions of campaigns to promote efficiency and economy.
(b) The Director establishes an LFCC to govern the conduct of the local CFC. The LFCC will, whenever possible, be comprised of members of local Federal inter-agency organizations, such as Federal Executive Boards, Federal Executive Associations, Federal Business Associations or, in the absence of such organizations, self-organized associations of local Federal officials. These groups will include local Federal agency heads or their representatives. It may also include representatives of employee unions and other employee groups. Rotation of the LFCC Chair position among the LFCC members is encouraged. For continuity, each LFCC should appoint a Vice Chair who would be expected to serve at the conclusion of the Chair's term.
(c) The agency head at each Federal installation within a campaign area shall:
(1) Become familiar with all CFC regulations,
(2) Cooperate with the representatives of the LFCC and PCFO in organizing and conducting the campaign,
(3) Initiate official campaigns within their offices or installations and provide support for the campaign, and
(4) Assure the campaign is conducted in accordance with these regulations.
(d) Once a campaign has been established, agency heads may not discontinue solicitation of Federal employees within their organization without the written approval of the Director.
(e) Any change in the geographical boundaries of local campaigns may be made only upon the express written permission of the Director.
(f) Each year the LFCC must establish the time period during which CFC solicitation may take place. The solicitation may not begin before September 1 and in no event will it extend beyond December 15 of each year.
(g) Current Federal civilian and active duty military employees may be solicited for contributions using payroll deduction, checks, money orders, or cash, or by electronic means, including credit cards, as approved by the Director. Contractor personnel, credit union employees and other persons present on Federal premises, as well as retired Federal employees, may make single contributions to the CFC through checks, money orders, or cash, or by electronic means, including credit cards, as approved by the Director. These non-Federal personnel may not be solicited, but donations offered by such persons must be accepted by the local campaigns.
(h) A Federal employee whose official duty station is outside the geographic boundaries of an established CFC may not be solicited in that CFC. A Federal employee may participate in a particular CFC only if that employee's official duty station is located within the geographic boundaries of that CFC. This restriction may be discontinued upon implementation of appropriate electronic technology that allows removal of the need for geographic restrictions on giving as determined by the Director. Upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances, as determined in the sole discretion of the Director, Federal employees may contribute in support of victims in cases of emergencies and disasters defined in § 950.102(a) outside the geographic boundaries of their participating CFC. Such contributions can be check, money order, or cash or by electronic means, including credit cards, as approved by the Director, but shall not be made through payroll deduction.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 57890, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 71 FR 67284, Nov. 20, 2006]