950.102—Scope of the Combined Federal Campaign.

(a) The CFC is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations. A campaign may be conducted during a period, as determined by the LFCC, from September 1 through December 15 at every Federal agency in the campaign community in accordance with these regulations. Except as provided in this section, no other solicitation on behalf of charitable organizations may be conducted in the Federal workplace. Upon written request, the Director may grant permission for solicitations of Federal employees, outside the CFC, in support of victims in cases of emergencies and disasters. Emergencies and disasters are defined as any hurricane, tornado storm, flood, high water, wind-driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm, drought, fire, explosion, or other catastrophe in any part of the world. No such permissions will be granted for such solicitations during the period September 1 through December 15, except at the discretion of the Director upon a showing of extraordinary circumstances.
(b) These regulations do not apply to the collection of gifts-in-kind, such as food, clothing and toys, or to the solicitation of Federal employees outside of the Federal workplace as defined by the applicable Agency Head consistent with General Services Administration regulations and any other applicable laws or regulations.
(c) The Director exercises general supervision over all operations of the CFC, and takes all necessary steps to ensure the achievement of campaign objectives. Any disputes relating to the interpretation or implementation of this part may be submitted to the Director for resolution. The decisions of the Director are final for administrative purposes. OPM has the authority to audit, investigate, and report on the administration of any campaign, the organization that administers the campaign, and any national, international and local federation, federation member or independent organization that participates in the campaign for compliance with these regulations. The Director resolves any issues reported and determines sanctions or penalties, as warranted under § 950.603.
(d) Heads of departments or agencies may establish policies and procedures applicable to solicitations conducted by organizations composed of civilian employees or members of the uniformed services among their own members for organizational support or for the benefit of welfare funds for their members. Such solicitations are not subject to these regulations, and therefore do not require permission of the Director.

Code of Federal Regulations

[60 FR 57890, Nov. 24, 1995, as amended at 63 FR 65637, Nov. 30, 1998; 71 FR 67283, Nov. 20, 2006]