805.735-7—Outside activities of Members and employees.

(c) Employees are encouraged to engage in teaching, lecturing, and writing that is not prohibited by law, the Executive order, 5 CFR part 735, or the regulations in this part. However, an employee shall not, either for or without compensation, engage in teaching, lecturing, or writing, including teaching, lecturing, or writing for the purpose of the special preparation of a person or class of persons for an examination of the Civil Service Commission or Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service, that is dependent on information obtained as a result of his employment by the Board, except when that information has been made available to the general public or will be made available on request, or when the Chairman gives written authorization for the use of nonpublic information on the basis that the use is in the public interest.
(d) Board Members, as Presidential appointees covered by section 401(a) of the Executive order, are specifically precluded by 5 CFR 735.203(c) from receiving compensation or anything of monetary value for any consultation, lecture, discussion, writing, or appearance, the subject matter of which is devoted substantially to the responsibilities, programs, or operations of their agency, or which draws substantially on official data or ideas which have not become part of the body of public information.
[40 FR 30239, July 17, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 39758, Sept. 16, 1976]