511.35—Testimony upon oral examination.

(a) When testimony may be taken. At any time after the answer is filed under § 511.12, upon leave of the Presiding Officer and under such terms and conditions as the Presiding Officer may prescribe, any party may take the testimony of any other party, including the agents, employees, consultants or prospective witnesses of that party at a place convenient to the witness. The attendance of witnesses and the production of documents and things at the examination may be compelled by subpoena as provided in § 511.38.
(2) Examination of a nonparty. A party desiring to examine a person who is not a party to the proceeding shall make application for a subpoena, in accordance with § 511.38, to compel the attendance, testimony and/or production of documents by such person who is not a party. The party desiring such examination shall serve written notice of the examination on all other parties to the proceeding, after issuance of the subpoena by the Presiding Officer or a designated alternate.
[45 FR 81578, Dec. 11, 1980, as amended at 53 FR 15783, May 3, 1988]