
(e) Service of a subpoena. A subpoena may be served in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, as provided in § 511.16(b). Service shall be made by delivery of the signed “duplicate” copy to the person named therein.
(h) Consequences of failure to comply. In the event of failure to comply with a subpoena, the Presiding Officer may take any of the actions enumerated in § 511.37 or may order any other appropriate relief to compensate for the withheld testimony, documents, or other materials. If in the opinon of the Presiding Officer such relief is insufficient, the Presiding Officer shall certify to the Administrator a request for judicial enforcement of the subpoena.
[45 FR 81578, Dec. 11, 1980, as amended at 53 FR 26261, July 12, 1988]