24.2—Definitions and acronyms.

(i) An alien present in the United States who has not been admitted or paroled into the United States pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.) and whose stay in the United States has not been authorized by the United States Attorney General; and,
(A) As a direct result of a written notice of intent to acquire (see § 24.203(d) ), the initiation of negotiations for, or the acquisition of, such real property in whole or in part for a project;
(A) A person who moves before the initiation of negotiations (see § 24.403(d) ), unless the Agency determines that the person was displaced as a direct result of the program or project;
(E) An owner-occupant who moves as a result of an acquisition of real property as described in §§ 24.101(a)(2) or 24.101(b)(1) or (2), or as a result of the rehabilitation or demolition of the real property. (However, the displacement of a tenant as a direct result of any acquisition, rehabilitation or demolition for a Federal or federally-assisted project is subject to this part.);
(G) A person who, after receiving a notice of relocation eligibility (described at § 24.203(b) ), is notified in writing that he or she will not be displaced for a project. Such written notification shall not be issued unless the person has not moved and the Agency agrees to reimburse the person for any expenses incurred to satisfy any binding contractual relocation obligations entered into after the effective date of the notice of relocation eligibility;
(H) An owner-occupant who conveys his or her property, as described in §§ 24.101(a)(2) or 24.101(b)(1) or (2), after being informed in writing that if a mutually satisfactory agreement on terms of the conveyance cannot be reached, the Agency will not acquire the property. In such cases, however, any resulting displacement of a tenant is subject to the regulations in this part;
(iv) In the case of permanent relocation of a tenant as a result of an acquisition of real property described in § 24.101(b)(1) through (5), the initiation of negotiations means the actions described in § 24.2(a)(15)(i) and (ii), except that such initiation of negotiations does not become effective, for purposes of establishing eligibility for relocation assistance for such tenants under this part, until there is a written agreement between the Agency and the owner to purchase the real property. (See appendix A, § 24.2(a)(15)(iv) ).