90.35—Industrial/Business Pool.

(a) Eligibility. Persons primarily engaged in any of the following activities are eligible to hold authorizations in the Industrial/Business Pool to provide commercial mobile radio service as defined in part 20 of this chapter or to operate stations for transmission of communications necessary to such activities of the licensee:
(1) The operation of a commercial activity;
(2) The operation of educational, philanthropic, or ecclesiastical institutions;
(3) Clergy activities; or
(4) The operation of hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
(5) Public Safety Pool eligibles are eligible for Industrial/Business Pool spectrum only to The extent that they are engaged in activities listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section. Industrial/Business Pool spectrum many not be utilized for the purposes set forth in § 90.20(a).
(b) Industrial/Business Pool frequencies. (1) The following table indicates frequencies available for assignment to Industrial/Business Pool stations, together with the class of station(s) to which they are normally assigned, the specific assignment limitations which are explained in paragraph (b) of this section, and the certified frequency coordinator for each frequency:
(2) Unless otherwise specified, coordination of frequencies in the Industrial/Business pool must be done in accordance with the following:
(i) Unless specified elsewhere in this part, frequencies without any coordinator specified in the Coordinator column of paragraph (b)(3) of this section may be coordinated by any frequency coordinator certified in the Industrial/Business Pool.
(ii) A letter symbol in the Coordinator column of the frequency table in paragraph (b)(3) of this section designates the mandatory certified frequency coordinator for the associated frequency in the table. However, any coordinator certified in the Industrial/Business Pool may coordinate applications on such frequencies provided the prior written consent of the designated coordinator is obtained. Frequencies for which two coordinators are listed may be coordinated by either of the listed coordinators.
(iii) For frequencies above 150 MHz, applications for new or modified facilities on frequencies shared prior to radio service consolidation by the former Manufacturers Radio Service, the Forest Products Radio Service, the Power Radio Service, the Petroleum Radio Service, the Motor Carrier Radio Service, the Railroad Radio Service, the Telephone Maintenance Radio Service and the Automobile Emergency Radio Service may be coordinated by any certified Industrial/Business Pool coordinator. However, in the event that the interference contour of a proposed station would overlap the service contour of an existing station licensed on one of these previously shared frequencies, the written concurrence of the coordinator associated with the industry for which the existing station license was issued, or the written concurrence of the licensee of the existing station, shall be obtained. For the purposes of this § 90.35, the service contour for UHF stations is the 39 dBu contour; and the interference contour for UHF stations is the 21 dBu contour; the service contour for VHF stations is the 37 dBu contour; and the interference contour for VHF stations is the 19 dBu contour.
(iv) The letter symbols listed in the Coordinator column of the frequency table in paragraph (b)(3) of this section refer to specific frequency coordinators as follows:
IP—Petroleum Coordinator
IW—Power Coordinator
LR—Railroad Coordinator
LA—Automobile Emergency Coordinator
(3) Frequencies.
Industrial/Business Pool Frequency Table
Frequency or band Class of station(s) Limitations Coordinator
2000 to 25,000 Fixed, base or mobile 1, 90
2292 Base or mobile 4, 5, 7.
2398 ......do 5, 7.
4637.5 ......do 5, 7.
25.02 ......do 3, 4 IP
25.04 ......do 8 IP
25.06 ......do 3, 4 IP
25.08 ......do 8, 9 IP
25.10 ......do 3, 4, 9 IP
25.12 ......do 9 IP
25.14 ......do 3, 4, 9 IP
25.16 ......do 9 IP
25.18 ......do 3, 4, 9 IP
25.20 ......do 9 IP
25.22 ......do 4, 7 IP
25.24 ......do IP
25.26 ......do 4, 7 IP
25.28 ......do IP
25.30 ......do 4, 7 IP
25.32 ......do IP
27.43 ......do.
27.45 ......do.
27.47 ......do.
27.49 ......do 10.
27.51 Mobile 11.
27.53 ......do 11.
27.555 Base or mobile 89
27.615 ......do 89
27.635 ......do 89
27.655 ......do 89
27.765 ......do 89
27.86 Base or mobile 89
29.71 ......do
29.73 ......do.
29.75 ......do.
29.77 ......do.
29.79 ......do.
30.58 ......do.
30.60 ......do.
30.62 ......do.
30.64 ......do.
30.66 ......do 4, 7.
30.68 ......do.
30.70 ......do 4, 7 IP
30.72 ......do.
30.74 ......do 4, 7.
30.76 ......do.
30.78 ......do 4, 7 IP
30.80 ......do.
30.82 ......do 4, 7.
30.84 Mobile 11, 12.
30.86 Base or mobile 13
30.88 ......do.
30.90 ......do 13.
30.92 ......do.
30.94 ......do 13.
30.96 ......do.
30.98 ......do 13.
31.00 ......do.
31.02 ......do 13.
31.04 ......do.
31.06 ......do 13.
31.08 ......do.
31.10 ......do 13.
31.12 ......do.
31.14 ......do 13.
31.16 ......do.
31.20 ......do.
31.24 ......do.
31.28 ......do.
31.32 ......do.
31.36 ......do.
31.40 ......do.
Code of Federal Regulations 280
31.44 ......do.
31.48 ......do.
31.52 ......do.
31.56 ......do.
31.60 ......do.
31.64 ......do.
31.68 ......do.
31.72 ......do.
31.76 ......do.
31.80 ......do.
31.84 ......do.
31.88 ......do.
31.92 ......do.
31.96 ......do.
33.12 Mobile 11
33.14 Mobile 11, 12.
33.16 Base or mobile
33.18 ......do IP
33.20 ......do IP
33.22 ......do IP
33.24 ......do IP
33.26 ......do IP
33.28 ......do IP
33.30 ......do IP
33.32 ......do IP
33.34 ......do IP
33.36 ......do IP
33.38 ......do IP
33.40 Mobile 12, 14.
35.02 ......do 11, 12, 13.
35.04 Base or Mobile 10.
35.06 ......do.
35.08 ......do.
35.10 ......do.
35.12 ......do.
35.14 ......do.
35.16 ......do.
35.18 ......do.
35.28 ......do.
35.32 ......do.
35.36 ......do.
35.40 ......do.
35.44 ......do
35.48 ......do
35.52 ......do
35.70 ......do.
35.72 ......do.
35.74 ......do.
35.76 ......do.
35.78 ......do.
35.80 ......do.
35.82 ......do.
35.84 ......do.
35.86 ......do.
35.88 ......do.
35.90 ......do.
35.92 ......do.
35.94 ......do.
35.96 ......do.
35.98 ......do.
36.25 ......do 15 IP
37.44 ......do.
37.46 ......do IW
37.48 ......do IW
37.50 ......do IW
37.52 ......do IW
37.54 ......do IW
37.56 ......do IW
37.58 ......do IW
37.60 Base, mobile, or operational fixed 16 IW
37.62 Base or mobile IW
37.64 ......do IW
37.66 ......do IW
37.68 ......do IW
37.70 ......do IW
37.72 ......do IW
37.74 ......do IW
37.76 ......do IW
37.78 ......do IW
37.80 ......do IW
37.82 ......do IW
37.84 Base, mobile, or operational fixed 16 IW
37.86 Base or mobile IW
37.88 ......do.
41.71 ......do 15 IP
42.96 ......do.
42.98 Mobile 11, 12.
43.00 Base or mobile
43.02 ......do.
43.04 ......do 17.
43.06 ......do.
43.08 ......do.
43.10 ......do.
43.12 ......do.
43.14 ......do.
43.16 Mobile.
43.18 Base or mobile.
43.28 ......do.
43.32 ......do.
43.36 ......do.
43.40 ......do.
43.44 ......do.
43.48 ......do.
43.52 ......do.
43.70 ......do.
43.72 ......do 18.
43.74 ......do 18.
43.76 ......do.
43.78 ......do.
43.80 ......do.
43.82 ......do 18.
43.84 ......do 18.
43.86 ......do 19.
43.88 ......do 19.
43.90 ......do 19.
43.92 ......do 18, 19.
43.94 ......do 19.
43.96 ......do 18.
43.98 ......do.
44.00 ......do.
44.02 ......do.
44.04 ......do.
44.06 ......do.
44.08 ......do.
44.10 ......do 20.
44.12 ......do 18.
44.14 ......do.
44.16 ......do 18.
44.18 ......do 18.
44.20 ......do 18, 21.
44.22 ......do.
44.24 ......do.
44.26 ......do.
44.28 ......do.
44.30 ......do.
44.32 ......do 18.
Code of Federal Regulations 281
44.34 ......do.
44.36 ......do 18, 19.
44.38 ......do 19.
44.40 ......do 18, 19.
44.42 ......do 19.
44.44 ......do 19.
44.46 ......do 18.
44.48 ......do 18.
44.50 ......do.
44.52 ......do.
44.54 ......do.
44.56 ......do.
44.58 ......do.
44.60 ......do.
47.44 ......do.
47.48 ......do.
47.52 ......do.
47.56 ......do.
47.60 ......do.
47.64 ......do.
47.68 ......do.
47.70 ......do IW
47.72 ......do IW
47.74 ......do IW
47.76 ......do IW
47.78 ......do IW
47.80 ......do IW
47.82 ......do IW
47.84 ......do IW
47.86 ......do IW
47.88 ......do IW
47.90 ......do IW
47.92 ......do IW
47.94 ......do IW
47.96 ......do IW
47.98 ......do IW
48.00 ......do IW
48.02 ......do IW
48.04 ......do IW
48.06 ......do IW
48.08 ......do IW
48.10 ......do IW
48.12 ......do IW
48.14 ......do IW
48.16 ......do IW
48.18 ......do IW
48.20 ......do IW
48.22 ......do IW
48.24 ......do IW
48.26 ......do IW
48.28 ......do IW
48.30 ......do IW
48.32 ......do IW
48.34 ......do IW
48.36 ......do IW
48.38 ......do IW
48.40 ......do IW
48.42 ......do IW
48.44 ......do IW
48.46 ......do IW
48.48 ......do IW
48.50 ......do IW
48.52 ......do IW
48.54 ......do IW
48.56 ......do.
48.58 ......do.
48.60 ......do.
48.62 ......do.
48.64 ......do.
48.66 ......do.
48.68 ......do.
48.70 ......do.
48.72 ......do.
48.74 ......do.
48.76 ......do 18.
48.78 ......do.
48.80 ......do.
48.82 ......do.
48.84 ......do 18.
48.86 ......do 18.
48.88 ......do.
48.90 ......do.
48.92 ......do 18.
48.94 ......do.
48.96 ......do.
48.98 ......do.
49.00 ......do.
49.02 ......do 18.
49.04 ......do.
49.06 ......do.
49.08 ......do 18.
49.10 ......do 18.
49.12 ......do.
49.14 ......do.
49.16 ......do 18.
49.18 ......do.
49.20 ......do 18.
49.22 ......do.
49.24 ......do 18.
49.26 ......do 18.
49.28 ......do 18.
49.30 ......do.
49.32 ......do.
49.34 ......do.
49.36 ......do 18.
49.38 ......do.
49.40 ......do 18.
49.42 ......do.
49.44 ......do.
49.46 ......do 18.
49.48 ......do.
49.50 ......do 18.
49.52 ......do.
49.54 ......do.
49.56 ......do.
49.58 ......do.
72 to 76 Operational fixed 22.
72.02 Mobile 23, 24.
72.04 ......do 23, 24.
72.06 ......do 23, 24.
72.08 ......do 23, 24, 25.
72.10 ......do 23, 24.
72.12 ......do 23, 24.
72.14 ......do 23, 24.
72.16 ......do 23, 24, 25.
72.18 ......do 23, 24.
72.20 ......do 23, 24.
72.22 ......do 23, 24.
72.24 ......do 23, 24, 25.
72.26 ......do 23, 24.
72.28 ......do 23, 24.
72.30 ......do