1.721—Format and content of complaints.

(a) Subject to paragraph (e) of this section governing supplemental complaints filed pursuant to § 1.722, and paragraph (f) of this section governing Accelerated Docket proceedings, a formal complaint shall contain:
(1) The name of each complainant and defendant;
(2) The occupation, address and telephone number of each complainant and, to the extent known, each defendant;
(3) The name, address, and telephone number of complainant's attorney, if represented by counsel;
(4) Citation to the section of the Communications Act and/or order and/or regulation of the Commission alleged to have been violated.
(5) A complete statement of facts which, if proven true, would constitute such a violation. All material facts must be supported, pursuant to the requirements of § 1.720(c) and paragraph (a)(11) of this section, by relevant affidavits and documentation, including copies of relevant written agreements, offers, counter-offers, denials, or other related correspondence. The statement of facts shall include a detailed explanation of the manner and time period in which a defendant has allegedly violated the Act, Commission order, or Commission rule in question, including a full identification or description of the communications, transmissions, services, or other carrier conduct complained of and the nature of any injury allegedly sustained by the complainant. Assertions based on information and belief are expressly prohibited unless made in good faith and accompanied by an affidavit explaining the basis for the plaintiff's belief and why the complainant could not reasonably ascertain the facts from the defendant or any other source;
(6) Proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and legal analysis relevant to the claims and arguments set forth in the complaint;
(7) The relief sought, including recovery of damages and the amount of damages claimed, if known;
(8) Certification that the complainant has, in good faith, discussed or attempted to discuss the possibility of settlement with each defendant prior to the filing of the formal complaint. Such certification shall include a statement that, prior to the filing of the complaint, the complainant mailed a certified letter outlining the allegations that form the basis of the complaint it anticipated filing with the Commission to the defendant carrier or one of the defendant's registered agents for service of process that invited a response within a reasonable period of time and a brief summary of all additional steps taken to resolve the dispute prior to the filing of the formal complaint. If no additional steps were taken, such certificate shall state the reason(s) why the complainant believed such steps would be fruitless;
(9) Whether a separate action has been filed with the Commission, any court, or other government agency that is based on the same claim or same set of facts, in whole or in part, or whether the complaint seeks prospective relief identical to the relief proposed or at issue in a notice-and-comment proceeding that is concurrently before the Commission;
(10) An information designation containing:
(i) The name, address, and position of each individual believed to have firsthand knowledge of the facts alleged with particularity in the complaint, along with a description of the facts within any such individual's knowledge;
(ii) A description of all documents, data compilations and tangible things in the complainant's possession, custody, or control, that are relevant to the facts alleged with particularity in the complaint. Such description shall include for each document:
(A) The date it was prepared, mailed, transmitted, or otherwise disseminated;
(B) The author, preparer, or other source;
(C) The recipient(s) or intended recipient(s);
(D) Its physical location; and
(E) A description of its relevance to the matters contained in the complaint; and
(iii) A complete description of the manner in which the complainant identified all persons with information and designated all documents, data compilations and tangible things as being relevant to the dispute, including, but not limited to, identifying the individual(s) that conducted the information search and the criteria used to identify such persons, documents, data compilations, tangible things, and information;
(11) Copies of all affidavits, documents, data compilations and tangible things in the complainant's possession, custody, or control, upon which the complainant relies or intends to rely to support the facts alleged and legal arguments made in the complaint;
(12) A completed Formal Complaint Intake Form;
(13) A declaration, under penalty of perjury, by the complainant or complainant's counsel describing the amount, method, and date of the complainant's payment of the filing fee required under § 1.1106 and the complainant's 10-digit FCC Registration Number, if any;
(14) A certificate of service; and
(15) A FCC Registration Number is required under Part 1, Subpart W. Submission of a complaint without the FCC Registration Number as required by Part 1, subpart W will result in dismissal of the complaint.
(b) The following format may be used in cases to which it is applicable, with such modifications as the circumstances may render necessary:
Before the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554
In the matter of
File No. (To be inserted by the Enforcement Bureau)
To: The Commission.
The complainant (here insert full name of each complainant and, if a corporation, the corporate title of such complainant) shows that:
1. (Here state occupation, post office address, and telephone number of each complainant).
2. (Here insert the name, occupation and, to the extent known, address and telephone number of defendants).
3. (Here insert fully and clearly the specific act or thing complained of, together with such facts as are necessary to give a full understanding of the matter, including relevant legal and documentary support).
Wherefore, complainant asks (here state specifically the relief desired).
(Name of each complainant)
(Name, address, and telephone number of attorney, if any)
(c) Where the complaint is filed pursuant to § 47 U.S.C. § 271(d)(6)(B), the complainant shall clearly indicate whether or not it is willing to waive the ninety-day resolution deadline contained within 47 U.S.C. 271(d)(6)(B), in accordance with the requirements of § 1.736.
(d) The complainant may petition the staff, pursuant to § 1.3, for a waiver of any of the requirements of this section. Such waiver may be granted for good cause shown.
(e) Supplemental complaints. (1) Supplemental complaints filed pursuant to § 1.722 shall conform to the requirements set out in this section and § 1.720, except that the requirements in §§ 1.720(b), 1.721(a)(4), (a) (5), (a)(8), (9), (a)(12), and (a)(13) shall not apply to such supplemental complaints;
(2) In addition, supplemental complaints filed pursuant to § 1.722 shall contain a complete statement of facts which, if proven true, would support complainant's calculation of damages for each category of damages for which recovery is sought. All material facts must be supported, pursuant to the requirements of § 1.720(c) and paragraph (a)(11) of this section, by relevant affidavits and other documentation. The statement of facts shall include a detailed explanation of the matters relied upon, including a full identification or description of the communications, transmissions, services, or other matters relevant to the calculation of damages and the nature of any injury allegedly sustained by the complainant. Assertions based on information and belief are expressly prohibited unless made in good faith and accompanied by an affidavit explaining the basis for the complainant's belief and why the complainant could not reasonably ascertain the facts from the defendant or any other source;
(3) Supplemental complaints filed pursuant to § 1.722 shall contain a certification that the complainant has, in good faith, discussed or attempted to discuss the possibility of settlement with respect to damages for which recovery is sought with each defendant prior to the filing of the supplemental complaint. Such certification shall include a statement that, no later than 30 days after the release of the liability order, the complainant mailed a certified letter to the primary individual who represented the defendant carrier during the initial complaint proceeding outlining the allegations that form the basis of the supplemental complaint it anticipates filing with the Commission and inviting a response from the carrier within a reasonable period of time. The certification shall also contain a brief summary of all additional steps taken to resolve the dispute prior to the filing of the supplemental complaint. If no additional steps were taken, such certification shall state the reason(s) why the complainant believed such steps would be fruitless.
(f) Complaints on the Accelerated Docket. For the purpose of this paragraph (e), the term document also shall include data compilations and tangible things.
(1) Formal complaints that have been accepted onto the Accelerated Docket shall conform to the requirements set out in this section with the following listed exceptions:
(i) The requirement in § 1.720(c) and paragraphs (a)(5) and (a)(11) of this section that factual assertions be supported by affidavit shall not apply to complaints on the Accelerated Docket. Nevertheless, allegations of material fact, whether based on personal knowledge or information and belief, that cannot be supported by documentation remain subject to the provisions of § 1.52.
(ii) Complaints on the Accelerated Docket are not required to include proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and legal analysis relevant to the claims and arguments set forth in the complaint, as required in paragraph (a)(6) of this section. Nevertheless, complaints on the Accelerated Docket shall fully set out the facts and legal theories on which the complainant premises its claims.
(iii) In light of the requirement for staff-supervised settlement negotiations in § 1.730(b), complaints on the Accelerated Docket are not required to include a certification that the complainant has discussed or attempted to discuss the possibility of settlement with each defendant, as required in paragraph (a)(8) of this section.
(iv) In light of the automatic document production required in § 1.729(i)(1), complaints on the Accelerated Docket are not required to include a description of all relevant documents in the complainant's possession, custody or control, as required in paragraph (a)(10)(ii) of this section.
(v) Complaints on the Accelerated Docket are not required to provide the description, required in paragraph (a)(10)(iii) of this section, of the manner in which the complainant identified persons with knowledge of, and documents relevant to, the dispute.
(2) Formal complaints that have been accepted onto the Accelerated Docket will comply with the following requirements in addition to those requirements generally applicable in formal complaint proceedings:
(i) As required in § 1.729(i)(1), complaints on the Accelerated Docket shall be accompanied, when served on defendants, by copies of documents, within the complainant's possession, custody or control, that are likely to bear significantly on the issues raised in the complaint. Unless otherwise directed, these documents shall not be filed with the Commission.
(ii) Complaints on the Accelerated Docket will bear the following notation in bold typeface above the normal caption on the first page: “Accelerated Docket Proceeding: Answer Due Within Ten Days of Service Date.”
[53 FR 11853, Apr. 11, 1988, as amended at 63 FR 1035, Jan. 7, 1998; 63 FR 41446, Aug. 4, 1998; 64 FR 60725, Nov. 8, 1999; 66 FR 16616, Mar. 27, 2001; 66 FR 47895, Sept. 14, 2001; 69 FR 41130, July 7, 2004]