413.200—Payment of independent organ procurement organizations and histocompatibility laboratories.

(a) Principle. Covered services furnished after September 30, 1978 by organ procurement organizations (OPOs) and histocompatibility laboratories in connection with kidney acquisition and transplantation will be reimbursed under the principles for determining reasonable cost contained in this part. Services furnished by freestanding OPOs and histocompatibility laboratories, that have an agreement with the Secretary in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, will be reimbursed by making an interim payment to the transplant hospitals using these services and by making a retroactive adjustment, directly with the OPO or laboratory, based upon a cost report filed by the OPO or laboratory. (The reasonable costs of services furnished by hospital based OPOs or laboratories will be reimbursed in accordance with the principles contained in §§ 413.60 and 413.64.)
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
Freestanding refers to an OPO or a histocompatibility laboratory that is not—
(1) Subject to the control of the hospital with respect to the hiring, firing, training, and paying of employees; and
(2) Considered as a department of the hospital for insurance purposes (including malpractice insurance, general liability insurance, worker's compensation insurance, and employee retirement insurance).
Histocompatibility laboratory means a laboratory meeting the standards and providing the services for kidneys or other organs set forth in § 413.2171(d) of this chapter.
OPO means an organization defined in § 486.302 of this chapter.
(c) Agreements with independent OPOs and laboratories. (1) Any freestanding OPO or histocompatibility laboratory that wishes to have the cost of its pretransplant services reimbursed under the Medicare program must file an agreement with CMS under which the OPO or laboratory agrees—
(i) To file a cost report in accordance with § 413.24(f) within three months after the end of each fiscal year;
(ii) To permit CMS to designate an intermediary to determine the interim reimbursement rate payable to the transplant hospitals for services provided by the OPO or laboratory and to make a determination of reasonable cost based upon the cost report filed by the OPO or laboratory;
(iii) To provide such budget or cost projection information as may be required to establish an initial interim reimbursement rate;
(iv) To pay to CMS amounts that have been paid by CMS to transplant hospitals and that are determined to be in excess of the reasonable cost of the services provided by the OPO or laboratory; and
(v) Not to charge any individual for items or services for which that individual is entitled to have payment made under section 1861 of the Act.
(2) The initial cost report due from an OPO or laboratory is for its first fiscal year during any portion of which it had an agreement with the Secretary under paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of this section. The initial cost report covers only the period covered by the agreement.
(d) Interim reimbursement. (1) Hospitals eligible to receive Medicare reimbursement for renal transplantation will be paid for the pretransplantation services of a freestanding OPO or histocompatibility laboratory that has an agreement with the Secretary under paragraph (c) of this section, on the basis of an interim rate established by an intermediary for that OPO or laboratory.
(2) The interim rate will be based on the average cost per service incurred by an OPO or laboratory, during its previous fiscal year, associated with procuring a kidney for transplantation. This interim rate may be adjusted if necessary for anticipated cost changes. If there is not adequate cost data to determine the initial interim rate, it will be determined according to the OPO's or laboratory's estimate of its projected costs for the fiscal year.
(3) Payments made on the basis of the interim rate will be reconciled directly with the OPO or laboratory after the close of its fiscal year, in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section.
(4) Information on the interim rate for all freestanding OPOs and histocompatibility laboratories shall be disseminated to all transplant hospitals and intermediaries.
(e) Retroactive adjustment— (1) Cost reports. Information provided in cost reports by freestanding OPOs and histocompatibility laboratories must meet the requirements for cost data and cost finding specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of § 413.24. These cost reports must provide a complete accounting of the cost incurred by the agency or laboratory in providing covered services, the total number of Medicare beneficiaries who received those services, and any other data necessary to enable the intermediary to make a determination of the reasonable cost of covered services provided to Medicare beneficiaries.
(2) Audit and adjustment. A cost report submitted by a freestanding OPO or histocompatibility laboratory will be reviewed by the intermediary and a new interim reimbursement rate for the succeeding fiscal year will be established based upon this review. A retroactive adjustment in the amount paid under the interim rate will be made in accordance with § 413.64(f). If the determination of reasonable cost reveals an overpayment or underpayment resulting from the interim reimbursement rate paid to transplant hospitals, a lump sum adjustment will be made directly between that intermediary and the OPO or laboratory.
(f) For services furnished on or after April 1, 1988, no payment may be made for services furnished by an OPO that does not meet the requirements of part 486, subpart G of this chapter.
(g) Appeals. Any OPO or histocompatibility laboratory that disagrees with an intermediary's cost determination under this section is entitled to an intermediary hearing, in accordance with the procedures contained in §§ 405.1811 through 405.1833, if the amount in controversy is $1,000 or more.
[62 FR 43668, Aug. 15, 1997, as amended at 71 FR 31046, May 31, 2006]