
As used in this subpart, the following definitions apply:
Adverse event means an untoward, undesirable, and usually unanticipated event that causes death or serious injury or the risk thereof. As applied to OPOs, adverse events include but are not limited to transmission of disease from a donor to a recipient, avoidable loss of a medically suitable potential donor for whom consent for donation has been obtained, or delivery to a transplant center of the wrong organ or an organ whose blood type does not match the blood type of the intended recipient.
Agreement cycle refers to the time period of at least 4 years when an agreement is in effect between CMS and an OPO.
Certification means a CMS determination that an OPO meets the requirements for certification at § 486.303.
Death record review means an assessment of the medical chart of a deceased patient to evaluate potential for organ donation.
Decertification means a CMS determination that an OPO no longer meets the requirements for certification at § 486.303.
Designated requestor or effective requestor is an individual (generally employed by a hospital), who is trained to handle or participate in the donation consent process. The designated requestor may request consent for donation from the family of a potential donor or from the individual(s) responsible for making the donation decision in circumstances permitted under State law, provide information about donation to the family or decision-maker(s), or provide support to or collaborate with the OPO in the donation consent process.
Designation means CMS assignment of a geographic service area to an OPO. Once an OPO is certified and assigned a geographic service area, organ procurement costs of the OPO are eligible for Medicare and Medicaid payment under section 1138(b)(1)(F) of the Act.
Donation service area (DSA) means a geographical area of sufficient size to ensure maximum effectiveness in the procurement and equitable distribution of organs and that either includes an entire metropolitan statistical area or does not include any part of such an area and that meets the standards of this subpart.
Donor means a deceased individual from whom at least one vascularized organ (heart, liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, or intestine) is recovered for the purpose of transplantation.
Donor after cardiac death (DCD) means an individual who donates after his or her heart has irreversibly stopped beating. A donor after cardiac death may be termed a non-heartbeating or asystolic donor.
Donor document is any documented indication of an individual's choice in regard to donation that meets the requirements of the governing state law.
Eligible death for organ donation means the death of a patient 70 years old or younger, who ultimately is legally declared brain dead according to hospital policy independent of family decision regarding donation or availability of next-of-kin, independent of medical examiner or coroner involvement in the case, and independent of local acceptance criteria or transplant center practice, who exhibits none of the following:
(1) Active infections (specific diagnoses).
(i) Bacterial:
(A) Tuberculosis.
(B) Gangrenous bowel or perforated bowel and/or intra-abdominal sepsis.
(ii) Viral:
(A) HIV infection by serologic or molecular detection.
(B) Rabies.
(C) Reactive Hepatitis B Surface Antigen.
(D) Retroviral infections including HTLV I/II.
(E) Viral Encephalitis or Meningitis.
(F) Active Herpes simplex, varicella zoster, or cytomegalovirus viremia or pneumonia.
(G) Acute Epstein Barr Virus (mononucleosis).
(H) West Nile Virus infection.
(I) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
(iii) Fungal:
(A) Active infection with Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, Histoplasma, Coccidioides.
(B) Active candidemia or invasive yeast infection.
(iv) Parasites: active infection with Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas'), Leishmania, Strongyloides, or Malaria (Plasmodium sp.).
(v) Prion: Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease.
(2) General:
(i) Aplastic Anemia.
(ii) Agranulocytosis.
(iii) Extreme Immaturity (<500 grams or gestational age of <32 weeks).
(iv) Current malignant neoplasms except non-melanoma skin cancers such as basal cell and squamous cell cancer and primary CNS tumors without evident metastatic disease.
(v) Previous malignant neoplasms with current evident metastatic disease.
(vi) A history of melanoma.
(vii) Hematologic malignancies: Leukemia, Hodgkin's Disease, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma.
(viii) Multi-system organ failure (MSOF) due to overwhelming sepsis or MSOF without sepsis defined as 3 or more systems in simultaneous failure for a period of 24 hours or more without response to treatment or resuscitation.
(ix) Active Fungal, Parasitic, viral, or Bacterial Meningitis or encephalitis.
(3) The number of eligible deaths is the denominator for the donation rate outcome performance measure as described at § 486.318(a)(1).
Eligible donor means any donor that meets the eligible death criteria. The number of eligible donors is the numerator of the donation rate outcome performance measure.
Entire metropolitan statistical area means a metropolitan statistical area (MSA), a consolidated metropolitan statistical area (CMSA), or a primary metropolitan statistical area (PMSA) listed in the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. CMS does not recognize a CMSA as a metropolitan area for the purposes of establishing a geographical area for an OPO.
Expected donation rate means the donation rate expected for an OPO based on the national experience for OPOs serving similar hospitals and donation service areas. This rate is adjusted for the following hospital characteristics: Level I or Level II trauma center, Metropolitan Statistical Area size, MS Case Mix Index, total bed size, number of intensive care unit (ICU) beds, primary service, presence of a neurosurgery unit, and hospital control/ownership.
Observed donation rate is the number of donors meeting the eligibility criteria per 100 deaths.
Open area means an OPO service area for which CMS has notified the public that it is accepting applications for designation.
Organ means a human kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, or intestine (or multivisceral organs when transplanted at the same time as an intestine).
Organ procurement organization (OPO) means an organization that performs or coordinates the procurement, preservation, and transport of organs and maintains a system for locating prospective recipients for available organs.
Re-certification cycle means the 4-year cycle during which an OPO is certified.
Standard criteria donor (SCD) means a donor that meets the eligibility criteria for an eligible donor and does not meet the criteria to be a donor after cardiac death or expanded criteria donor.
Transplant hospital means a hospital that provides organ transplants and other medical and surgical specialty services required for the care of transplant patients. There may be one or more types of organ transplant centers operating within the same transplant hospital.
Urgent need occurs when an OPO's noncompliance with one or more conditions for coverage has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment, or death to a potential or actual donor or an organ recipient.