302-17.6—Procedures in general.

(a) This regulation sets forth procedures for the computation and payment of the RIT allowance and defines agency and employee responsibilities. This part does not require changes to those internal fiscal procedures established by the individual agencies pursuant to IRS regulations, or the Treasury Financial Manual, provided that the intent of the statute authorizing the RIT allowance and this part are not disturbed.
(b) The total amount reimbursed or paid to the employee, or on his/her behalf, for travel, transportation, and other relocation expenses and allowances is includable in the employee's gross income pursuant to the IRC and certain State or local government tax codes. Some moving expenses for which reimbursements are received may be deducted from income by the employee as moving expense deductions, subject to certain limitations prescribed by the IRS or pertinent State or local tax authorities. Reimbursements for nondeductible moving expenses are subject to income tax. (See IRS Publication 521 entitled “Moving Expenses” and the appropriate State and local tax codes for detailed information.)
(c) Usually, if the employee is reimbursed for nondeductible moving expenses, the amount of these reimbursements is subject to withholding of Federal income tax in accordance with IRS regulations at the time of reimbursement. Under existing fiscal procedures, the amount of the employee's withholding obligation is usually deducted either from reimbursements for the moving expenses at the time of reimbursement or from the employee's salary. (See Treasury Financial Manual.)
(d) Payment of a WTA established herein will offset deductions for the Federal income tax withholding on moving expense reimbursements, and on the WTA itself, from the employee's moving expense reimbursements or from salary.
(e) The total amount of the RIT allowance can be computed after the end of Year 1 as soon as the earned income level, income tax filing status, total covered taxable reimbursements, and the applicable marginal tax rates can be determined. Employee claims for the RIT allowance should be submitted in accordance with this part and the employing agency's procedures.
(f) Procedures are prescribed in §§ 302-17.7 and 302-17.8 for computation and payment of the WTA and the RIT allowance. These procedures are built on existing fiscal procedures and IRS regulations regarding reporting of employee income from reimbursements and withholding of taxes on supplemental wages.