302-17.7—Procedures for determining the WTA in Year 1.

(a) General rules. The WTA is designed to cover only the employee's withholding tax obligation for Federal income taxes on income resulting from covered moving expense reimbursements. (See definition in § 302-17.5(c).) Other withholding tax obligations, if any, such as for social security taxes or for State and/or local income taxes on income resulting from moving expense reimbursements shall not be included in the calculation of the WTA payment. The amount of the WTA is equal to the Federal income tax withholding obligation incurred by the employee on covered moving expense reimbursements (which are not offset by deductible moving expenses) and on the WTA itself. Each time covered moving expense reimbursements are paid to or on behalf of the employee, the WTA shall be calculated, accounted for, and reported as provided in paragraphs (b) through (g) of this section.
(b) Determination of amount of reimbursement subject to withholding. Under IRS regulations, income resulting from reimbursements for nondeductible moving expenses is subject to withholding of Federal income taxes. (See IRS Publication 521, “Moving Expenses.”) There are some moving expenses which may be reimbursed but are not covered taxable reimbursements (see definition in § 302-17.5(d)) for purposes of the WTA and RIT allowance calculations, such as extended storage of household goods. (See exclusions in § 302-17.4.) Therefore, the actual amount of the covered taxable reimbursements may be different than the amount of nondeductible moving expenses subject to Federal income tax withholding. The difference in these amounts should not be substantial; therefore, the amount of nondeductible moving expenses subject to Federal income tax withholding, as determined by the agency pursuant to IRS regulations, may be used in calculating the WTA. (Note that the RIT calculation procedure in § 302-17.8 requires determination of covered taxable reimbursements.)
(c) Determination of Federal withholding tax rate (FWTR). Moving expense reimbursements constitute supplemental wages for Federal income tax purposes. Therefore, an agency must withhold at the withholding rate applicable to supplemental wages. Currently, the supplemental wages withholding rate is 28 percent. The supplemental wages withholding rate should be used in calculating the WTA unless under an agency's withholding procedures a different withholding rate is used pursuant to IRS tax regulations. In such cases, the applicable withholding rate shall be substituted for the supplemental wages withholding rate in the calculation shown in paragraph (d) of this section.
(d) Calculation of the WTA. The WTA is calculated by substituting the amounts determined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section into the following WTA gross-up formula:
X = FWTR (generally, 28 percent)
N = nondeductible moving expenses/covered taxable reimbursements
X = 28 percent
N = $20,000
Y = .3889 ($20,000)
Y = $7778.00
(e) WTA payment and employee agreement for repayment. (1) The WTA may be calculated several times within Year 1 if reimbursements for moving expenses are made on more than one travel voucher. Each time an employee is reimbursed for moving expenses which are subject to Federal tax withholding in accordance with the IRS regulations, the WTA will be calculated and paid unless the employee fails to comply with the requirements in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.
(2) The employee shall be required to agree in writing to repay any excess amount paid to him/her in Year 1 (see §§ 302-17.8(f)(5) and 302-17.9(b)(3) ), and submit the required certified tax information and claim for his/her RIT allowance within a reasonable length of time (as determined by the agency) after the close of Year 1. Failure of the employee to comply with this requirement will preclude the agency's payment of the WTA. The entire WTA will be considered an excess payment if the RIT allowance claim is not submitted in a timely manner to settle the RIT allowance account.
(f) Determination of employee's withholding tax on WTA. Since the amount of the WTA is considered income to the employee, it is subject to the same tax withholding requirements as all other moving expense reimbursements. (See Treasury Financial Manual, Section 4080, Moving Expense Reimbursements, for withholding requirements.)
(g) End of year reporting. At the end of the year, agencies generally are required to issue IRS Form(s) W-2 for each employee showing total gross compensation (including moving expense reimbursements) and the applicable amount of Federal taxes withheld. For tax reporting purposes, the WTA is to be treated as a moving expense reimbursement. The total amount of the employee's WTA's paid during the year as well as the amount of moving expense reimbursements should be included as income on the employee's Form W-2. The Federal tax withholding amount applicable to the moving expense reimbursements and the WTA should also be included on the employee's Form W-2. The amount of the WTA's also will be furnished to the employee along with the amount of moving expense reimbursements on IRS Form 4782 or another itemized listing provided for the employee's use in preparing his/her tax return (see IRS regulations for further guidance) and in claiming the RIT allowance as provided in § 302-17.8.