105-60.103-1—Availability of records.

The policies of GSA with regard to the availability of records to the public are:
(a) GSA records are available to the greatest extent possible in keeping with the spirit and intent of the FOIA. GSA will disclose information in any existing GSA record, with noted exceptions, regardless of the form or format of the record. GSA will provide the record in the form or format requested if the record is reproducible by the agency in that form or format without significant expenditure of resources. GSA will make reasonable efforts to maintain its records in forms or formats that are reproducible for purposes of this section.
(b) The person making the request does not need to demonstrate an interest in the records or justify the request.
(c) The FOIA does not give the public the right to demand that GSA compile a record that does not already exist. For example, FOIA does not require GSA to collect and compile information from multiple sources to create a new record. GSA may compile records or perform minor reprogramming to extract records from a database or system when doing so will not significantly interfere with the operation of the automated system in question or involve a significant expenditure of resources.
(d) Similarly, FOIA does not require GSA to reconstruct records that have been destroyed in compliance with disposition schedules approved by the Archivist of the United States. However, GSA will not destroy records after a member of the public has requested access to them and will process the request even if destruction would otherwise be authorized.
(e) If the record requested is not complete at the time of the request, GSA may, at its discretion, inform the requester that the complete record will be provided when it is available, with no additional request required, if the record is not exempt from disclosure.
(f) Requests must be addressed to the office identified in § 105-60.402-1.
(g) Fees for locating and duplicating records are listed in § 105-60,305-10.